Solstice Enterprise Manager 4.1 Customizing Guide Doc Set ContentsPreviousNextIndex

Chapter 12

Configuring Communication With CMIP Agents

This chapter provides detailed instructions for installation and configuration of the components required to manage Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) agents.

This chapter describes the following topics:

12.1 Tasks for Setting Up Your System to Manage CMIP Agents

The following list summarizes the activities that you must complete before your system can manage a CMIP Agent. These procedures must be performed as root.


To Prepare Your System to Manage a CMIP Agent

1. Prepare your system for CMIP configuration.

    1. Define the distribution model.
    2. Install all the required products and patches.
    3. Gather the configuration information that you will use later.

2. Load the CMIP Agent Object Classes into the MIS.

The MIS needs to understand the kinds of objects that your CMIP Agent supports. Many standard object classes are delivered with Solstice Enterprise Manager (Solstice EM). For those not shipped with Solstice EM, you must compile the definitions and load them into the MIS.

3. Start up and configure SunLink OSI 8.1 /9.0.

SunLink OSI provides access to the lower layers of the OSI stack. This handles the data transportation and presentation aspects of communication with a CMIP Agent. This is required if you are using LLC or CONS/X.25.

4. Start up and configure SunLink CMIP 9.0.

Sunlink CMIP provides the upper layers of the OSI stack and uses the services provided by SunLink OSI to communicate with a CMIP Agent.

5. Start up and configure the Solstice EM CMIP MPA.

The Solstice EM CMIP MPA translates CMIP requests and responses to and from Solstice EM. It uses the services provided by SunLink CMIP. Before Solstice EM can access the objects in the CMIP Agent, the CMIP agent must be configured in the MIS. You can use the Solstice EM Object Properties/Create Object to configure CMIP objects. Refer to Managing Your Network for detailed instructions on OCT.

Note – Perform all procedures in this chapter as root. All commands assume a PATH environment variable that includes /opt/SUNWconn/cmip/sbin and /opt/SUNWconn/sbin/ See Chapter 4 in Installation Guide for instructions on setting your PATH environment variable.

The following figure illustrates the configuration procedure.

FIGURE 12-1   Configuring Solstice EM for Communication with CMIP Agents

The following sections provide detailed instructions to configure Solstice EM for CMIP Agent communication.

12.2 Preparing the System for CMIP Configuration

Before you begin, there are several steps you must undertake before you can configure the system for communication with CMIP agents.


To Prepare Your System for Configuration

1. Determine the distribution model.

See Chapter 11 for complete instructions. Before you begin, you must determine the distribution model you will use for CMIP communications.

2. Install the required SunLink products.

See Chapter 12 for instructions. Install the following products, as required for your environment:
  1. SunLink CMIP 9.0 RT or SunLink CMIP 9.0 SDE
  2. SunLink OSI 8.1/9.0 (optional)
  3. SunLink X25 9.0 or above (optional)

    Note – You can also use CMIP 8.1.2 and CMIP 8.2.2.

3. Gather your configuration information.

See Chapter 12 for instructions. Before proceeding, you should gather all the information that you will need to complete the configuration process.

12.2.1 Determining the Distribution Model

Before you begin, you must determine the overall distribution model you are to use for CMIP communications. For this you must be aware of which MPAs and MISs will be communicating, how many there are, and how they are configured. You will need the following information:

12.2.2 Installing the Required SunLink Products

You can use one of the following configurations of SunLink products for CMIP communications, depending on your target environment:

You should have the appropriate patches for your installation before proceeding. Patches can be obtained from your normal source or Sun point of contact. Refer to your installation documentation for these products for patch information.


To install the lowest layer of the protocol stack

1. SunLink OSI 9.0 (Optional)

First, install SunLink OSI 9.0. See the provided documentation for details on installation. A typical installation for OSI 9.0 will include the following product packages:

2. SunLink CMIP 9.0 (Required)

Install either SunLink CMIP 9.0 RT or SunLink CMIP 9.0 SDE. See the provided documentation for details on installation. A typical installation for SunLink CMIP 9.0 RT will include the following product packages:
The License Installation Tool package, SUNWlit, must be installed even though you have already installed a version for SunLink OSI 9.0.

3. SunLink X.25 9.0. (Optional)

You will be required to install SunLink X.25 if you are communicating with a CMIP Agent over X.25. See the provided documentation for details on installation. Once you have installed SunLink X.25 you should also install any required SunLink X.25 9.x patches.

12.2.3 Gathering Your Configuration Information

You will need the following information to configure Solstice EM for communication with CMIP agents:

12.3 Compile and Load CMIP Agent Object Types into MIS

The MIS must understand the kinds of objects that your CMIP Agent supports before it can access the objects maintained in the CMIP Agent. Many standard object types are delivered with Solstice EM. For those of which the MIS is unaware, you must compile and load the appropriate CMIP Agent ASN.1 and GDMO definitions into the Solstice EM MIS. You can do this by using the compilers em_asn1 and em_gdmo, supplied with Solstice EM. Refer to the Management Information Server (MIS) Guide for instructions on using these compilers.

12.4 Starting and Configuring SunLink OSI

To configure SunLink OSI 9.0 to communicate with CMIP agents, do the following.

Note – If you will be using RFC1006, you need not set up the Network Layer Address.


To Configure SunLink OSI 9.0 to Communicate with CMIP Agents

1. Halt the CMIP MPA.

Halt the Solstice EM CMIP MPA by entering the following command:

host# /etc/rc2.d/S98cmipmpa stop

2. Halt the CMIP stack.

Halt the CMIP stack by entering the following command:

host# osistop osimcs

3. Start the SunLink OSI stack.

If SunLink OSI is not running, start the SunLink OSI stack by entering the following command:

host# /etc/rc2.d/S90osinet start

4. Run ositool

Your distribution of SunLink OSI 9.0 provides a tool for configuring SunLink OSI, called ositool. Use this tool to configure the Network Layer Address, OSI routing, and Application Selectors to successfully communicate with the Agent.
You can run ositool by entering the following command:

host# ositool &

For detailed instructions on using this tool, consult the SunLink OSI 9.0 Communication Platform Administrator's Guide.

5. Restart osinetd

After you have entered all of your configuration information, use ositool to restart osinetd.

12.5 Access Control

Access control for associations, requests, and notifications processed by the CMIP MPA is enforced by using a username that is made available at start-up. If a username is specified at the command line, it is used as a fallback value.

12.6 Starting and Configuring SunLink CMIP 9.0

To configure SunLink CMIP 9.0 to communicate with CMIP agents, do the following.


To Configure SunLink CMIP 9.0 to Communicate with CMIP Agents

1. Ensure the OSI stack and CMIP stack are running.

If the OSI stack and CMIP are not running, start them.

2. Run cmiptool

host# cmiptool &

Issue the cmiptool command at the operating system prompt:
The cmiptool main screen displays.

3. Enter the type of Subnetwork.

Go to the section entitled "Default XMP Address." Select the subnetwork that you are using. Depending on the protocol used to communicate with the CMIP Agents, click one of the buttons as follows:

4. Enter the value for the Request Timer (optional).

The Request Timer in the CMIP/MCS Parameters section specifies the maximum time allowed for requests to extract information from agents. By default, SunLink CMIP has a timeout parameter value of 5. The parameter value is then multiplied times 10 to calculate the actual length of the timeout in seconds. The SunLink CMIP timeout is 50 seconds.
If you intend to issue requests to CMIP Agents, which require a longer timeout, you should increase the value of this parameter. The maximum allowable Timeout value is 127, which equals 1270 seconds.
If you do not want to see the communication alarm, you can set the inactivity timer on the cmiptool to 0 on the agent side. In this case, the agent does not issue CMI-RELEASE-Rq if it idles for a specified time.
When the communication between manager and agent idles for an amount of time, which is specified on the inactivity timer from cmiptool on the agent side, the CMIP stack of the agent will issue CMI-RELEASE_Rq to the CMIP MPA. When the CMIP MPA receives this request, it sends MCS-RELT-Rs response to the request to the agent and at the same time the CMIP MPA needs to notify the user that the association is down between manager and agent. That's why the CMIP MPA reports a communication alarm.

5. Select Apply.

6. Exit cmiptool

12.7 Starting and Configuring the CMIP MPA

A CMIP MPA is a Solstice EM component that provides access to CMIP Agents and Managers. The CMIP MPA receives management directives from the MIS and translates the directives into proper CMIP messages. The CMIP MPA is the CMIP Proxy Agent for the MIS. The CMIP MPA can also act as a CMIP Agent allowing the objects in the MIS to be managed by a CMIP Manager.

When a CMIP MPA is started, a unique transient CMIP MPA object (containing the CMIP MPA runtime parameters) is created in the Auxiliary Server Container. The object is named by the auxServerId attribute. The value of the name is a concatenation of the MIS host and the CMIP MPA port number.


/systemId=name:"<hostname>"/auxServerTyp e="cmip_mpa"/auxServerId="<host-name>":<port-number& gt;

Note – When the CMIP MPA is externally terminated, it does not delete its objects and terminate its connections as it usually does when it terminates in an orderly manner. If you restart the CMIP MPA after an external termination and reconfigure it to start at a different port, a new CMIP MPA object is created in the Auxiliary Server Container. This action invalidates (but does not delete) the older object that was created when the CMIP MPA was first started. In this case, if you perform a scoped get request operation that includes the container's objects, the get request returns two objects rather than one.

The Solstice EM CMIP MPA performs association management. You can choose what Solstice EM will do when a previously established association goes down. The two choices are the default CMIP MPA association recovery algorithm and an agent silent recovery-free algorithm.

In both cases, if a communicationsAlarm is sent to the MIS, it is cleared by the MPA when the connection is re-established.

To choose the agent silent recovery-free management algorithm, set the EM_CMIP_MPA_SEND_ALARM_EARLY variable to YES in the shell from which the CMIP MPA daemon will be started.


A CMIP MPA must be configured prior to attempting to access managed objects over CMIP. A CMIP MPA can be located on the same machine where the MIS is located (the default) or on a remote machine.


To Configure a CMIP MPA for Communication Over CMIP

1. Start the CMIP MPA by entering the following command at the operating system prompt:

host# /etc/rc2.d/S98cmipmpa start

2. Start the Object Properties/Create Object (em_oct) by typing the following command at the command line:

hostname% em_oct -cmip [options] &

The Object Properties/Create Object enables you to configure objects managed under Solstice EM. For detailed instructions on using OCT, refer to Managing Your Network.

3. Enter the appropriate information into the appropriate fields (see the following table).

TABLE 12-1   Object Properties/Create Object Fields
Entity Name
Specify the name of the remote agent with which you want to communicate. The value can be a string, object identifier (OID), or distinguished name (DN). Click the down arrow to see a list of known agents. To delete an agent, click Delete, select an agent from the resulting list, then click OK. After specifying an agent, all the other fields in this window for which information exists in the agent are filled.
Agents DNs
This field displays the list of distinguished names (DN) of objects that the agent manages. When configuring a CMIP agent for a particular topology node, you must select an Agent DN (from the list) by which that topology node is managed.
Specify the DN (top-most node) of the MIT to be managed by the remote agent. For example, if the remote agent is located on a machine called poignant, enter /systemId=name:"poignant" in the MO DN field and click Add./systemId=name:"poignant" will appear in the Agents DNs field. To delete a DN, select the one you want to delete and click Delete.
MPA Addresses
Select the Default toggle button to apply the default values for the MPA Host and MPA Port. The default host is <localhost>, and the default port number is 5557. To customize these values, select the Custom toggle button and enter the MPA host and port number.
Presentation Address
You must enter the appropriate Presentation Selector, Session Selector, Transport Selector, and Network SAP for the agent you are configuring. Click Apply to create the object, or click OK to create the object and dismiss the CMIP Configuration window.

Following are sample Presentation Address values when using CLNS(LLC1)/CONS(X.25):

Presentation Selector: 4444
Session Selector: 3333
Transport Selector: 3007
Network SAP: 4700040006000108002011e7f001

Following are sample Presentation Address values when using TCP-IP (RFC1006):

Presentation Selector: dflt
Session Selector: Prs
Transport Selector:CMIP
Network SAP: 81924b94

Note that the Network SAP in this case is the value of the IP address of the CMIP Agent represented in hexadecimal.

12.8 Runtime Parameters

Access control for associations, requests, and notification processed by the CMIP MPA is enforced by using a username that is made available at start-up. If a username is specified at the command line, it is used as a fallback value.

12.8.1 Auxiliary Server Container

The Auxiliary Server Container is a persistent object created with cmip_mpa as its naming attribute value. It enables you to access the CMIP MPA runtime parameters programmatically.

The containment of the Auxiliary Server defined under its name binding is as follows:

/systemId=name:"<hostname>"/auxServerTyp e="cmip_mpa"

Every time a CMIP MPA is started, a unique CMIP MPA object is created in the Auxiliary Server Container (which is a subtree of the MIT) as illustrated in the figure.

FIGURE 12-2   Auxiliary Server Container

12.8.2 CMIP MPA Object

When a CMIP MPA is started a unique transient CMIP MPA object (containing the CMIP MPA runtime parameters) is created in the Auxiliary Server Container. The object is named by the auxServerId attribute. The value of the name is a concatenation of the MIS host and the CMIP MPA port number.

/systemId=name:"<hostname>"/auxServerTyp e="cmip_mpa"/auxServerId="<host-name>":<port-number& gt;

Note – When the CMIP MPA is externally terminated, it does not delete its objects and terminate its connections as it usually does when it terminates in an orderly manner. If you restart the CMIP MPA after an external termination and reconfigure it to start at a different port, a new CMIP MPA object is created in the Auxiliary Server Container. This invalidates (but does not delete) the older object that was created when the CMIP MPA was first started. In this case, if you perform a scoped get operation that includes the container's objects, the get function returns two objects rather than one.

12.8.3 em_cmip Parameters

Each of the parameters of the CMIP MPA has a corresponding environment variable. Some parameters can be set by both command line parameters and environment variables. In this case, the command line value takes precedence. For example, if the environment variable is set to NO and the command line is set to YES, em_cmip will run with the YES value for the option.

Because useful names are used in all cases, you must match the CMIP MPA command line parameters to the CMIP MPA environment variables.

The optional parameters are shown in the following table:

TABLE 12-2   em_cmip Parameters  
Command Line Parameter Corresponding Environment Variable Description
An access control flag whose presence enables access control (turns on agent-role access control) in the CMIP MPA
-apcnt <dotted-OID-string>
EM_CMIP_MPA_APCNT <dotted-OID-string>
Identifies the set of application service elements required by the distributed application initiating the communication.
-apname <AETitle
EM_CMIP_MPA_APNAME <AETitle in OID:AeQualifier:APInvokeId:AEInvokeId>
Requires the specification of a presentation address, in addition to the application entity title (AE title).
This is a backward compatibility option which turns on the cmip mpa debug output.
-debug mpa_access
Turns on access control functionality debug information. This provides information on whether or not cmip messages pass access control rules, how the response will be processed, and whether or not fallback users are being used.
-debug mpa_debug
Turns on em_cmip debug output. This information shows incoming and outgoing cmip messages, association establishment and control, and error conditions.
-fallback_user <user-name)
An access control identifier string assigned to an association and placed into PDUs sent to the MIS. It is a fallback value to be used only if a designated user name cannot be found in the UAM.
Prints list of options and environmental variables for the em_cmip mpa command.
-host <mis-host-name>
EM_SERVER <host-name>
Specifies the host name of the system on which the MIS is running.
-i <idle_timeout>

-log_file <log-file>
Allows the user to specify a log file to output debug information to. The default location is /var/opt/SUNWconn/em/debug/em_cmip.log< /br>
-max_retrys <max-retrys>
The number of times the cmip mpa will attempt to resend a request to a remote object.

Configures an MIS object.
-n <nsap>
Allows the network address to be specified when the cmip mpa binds to the cmip stack. The default is specified by using the cmiptool in /opt/SUNWconn/cmip/sbin/cmiptool and is installed as hex value of host ip address where Solstice EM is installed.
-p <psel>
Allows the presentation selector address to be specified when the cmip mpa binds to the cmip stack. The default is specified by using the cmiptool in /opt/SUNWconn/cmip/sbin/cmiptool and is installed by Solstice EM as dflt.
-port <port-number>
The cmip mpa connects to the MIS via a TCP connection. The default value of this connection is on part 5557 for the cmip mpa side.
-r <req_timeout>
The length of time the cmip mpa will wait after sending a request to a remote object for a response to return.
The time the cmip mpa will wait before resending a request.

Configures an RPC object.
-s <ssel>
Allows the session selector address to be specified when the cmip mpa binds to the cmip stack. The default is specified by using the cmiptool in
/opt/SUNWconn/cmip/sbin/cmiptool and is installed by Solstice EM as Prs.
-t <tsel>
Allows the transport selector address to be specified when the cmip mpa binds to the cmip stack. The default is specified by using the cmiptool in
/opt/SUNWconn/cmip/sbin/cmiptool and is installed by Solstice EM as CMIP.
EM_CMIP_MPA_PLATFORM_CONNECT_TIMEOUT The timeout setting for CMIP attempts to connect to the MIS. The default is 20 seconds.
The poll interval setting for CMIP MPA attempts to reconnect to the MIS after it disconnects. This is typically used when the CMIP MPA is installed on a remote machine. The default is 15 seconds.
The application context in OID format.

TABLE 12-3   em_oct Parameters  
Command Line Parameter Corresponding Environment Variable Description

Configures a CMIP object. Replaces em_cmipconfig.
-id <id>...

Specifies topology IDs. Multiple IDs are delimited by a space.
-link <id1> <id2>

Create a link between <id1> and <id2>.
-name <name>...

Specifies the name of an object. Multiple names are delimited by a space.
-parent <parent_id>

Specifies the parent of the object you want to create.

Configures an SNMP object.
-type <type>

Specifies the topology type of the object you want to create.

12.8.4 Sample Program to Retrieve Runtime Parameters

The sample program is an example of how to retrieve the CMIP MPA's runtime parameters from the MIT. The program is provided with Solstice EM and is located in the $(EM_HOME)/src/pmi_hi/ directory. The following code example shows the usage and output of the sample program.

CODE EXAMPLE 12-1   Usage and Output of sample program 
tekgrrl:josie(173) ./get -dn '/systemId=name:"tekgrrl"/
auxServerType="cmip_mpa"/auxServerId="tekgrrl:5557"' -
The object name is
Attribute                  Value
---------                  -----
agentRoleAccessControl     off
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only 
applicationEntityTitle     objectIdentifier : { 1 1 1 1 
associationTimeout         300
auxServerId                tekgrrl:5557
debugOptionsList { }
destinationProtocol        cmip
idleTimeout                300
logFile                    em_cmip.log
maximumRetryCount          1
misHost                    tekgrrl
mpaPort                    5557
networkSAP                 81924bed
presentationSelector       dflt
requestTimeout             120
retryDelay                 30
sessionSelector            Prs
sourceProtocol             lpp
transportSelector          CMIP
administrativeState        unlocked
nameBinding "EM AUXILIARY SERVER":cmipMpaServer-
objectClass globalForm : "EM AUXILIARY 
operationalState           enabled

12.9 Configuring Multiple MPAs on One System

The following is an example of configuring multiple MPAs on a single system.

1. Set the PSEL, SSEL, TSEL, and NSAP environment variables using the setenv command:

host# setenv EM_CMIP_MPA_PSEL <rfc1>
host# setenv EM_CMIP_MPA_SSEL Prs
host# setenv EM_CMIP_MPA_TSEL CMIP
host# setenv EM_CMIP_MPA_NSAP 0x8192b92b

If you want to specify the AE-TITLE for the MPA, set the APNAME environment variable as well:

host# setenv APNAME "<AE-title-OID>:<AE-qualifier>:\

2. Start MPA #1 for communication with agent #1.

Enter the start command at the command line, as shown in this example:

host# /etc/rc2.d/S98cmipmpa start

This MPA is bound to PAddr(rfc0,Prs,CMIP,0xIPlocalhostinHex< font face="Courier">) and uses the default MPA port 5557.

3. Set up MPA #2 for communication with Agent #2:

host# setenv EM_CMIP_MPA_PSEL rfc1
host# setenv EM_CMIP_MPA_SSEL Prs
host# setenv EM_CMIP_MPA_TSEL CMIP
host# setenv EM_CMIP_MPA_NSAP 0x8192b92b
host# setenv EM_CMIP_MPA_DEFAULT_PORT 5558

4. Start MPA #2:

host# /etc/rc2.d/S98cmipmpa start

In this example, MPA #2 uses the non-default port of 5558 and is bound to:


5. Configure Agent(1) and (2) using em_oct -cmip.

Whereas Agent(1) uses the default MPA to talk to Agent #1, Agent #2 will use the custom MPA port to talk to Agent #2.
The configuration for Agent #1 would therefore be as follows:

Ssel = Prs
Tsel= CMIP

The configuration for Agent #2 would be as follows:

Ssel = ses
Custom MPA hostname="<hostname>"
MPA Port=5558,

As seen in above examples, both MPAs are running on same system and MIS forwards requests to Agent1 and Agent2 using MPA1 and MPA2 respectively.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright information. All rights reserved.
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