Solstice Enterprise Manager 4.1 Customizing Guide |
SunNet Manager Application Support
This chapter describes the areas in which SunNet Manager (SNM) applications can interoperate with Solstice Enterprise Manager (Solstice EM) as part of an overall network management solution.
This chapter describes the following topics:
- Section 8.1 Solstice EM Compatibility with SunNet Manager
- Section 8.2 Access to Solstice EM Features from SNM Applications
- Section 8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM
- Section 8.4 Information for Configuring Specific SNM Applications
- Section 8.5 Importing an SNM Database into Solstice EM
- Section 8.6 Access to SNM Agents by SNM Applications
- Section 8.7 Access to SNM Agents by Solstice EM Applications
Note For purposes of this guide, SunNet Manager (SNM) refers to the 2.2 or later releases of SunNet Manager, and releases of Solstice Site Manager and Solstice Domain Manager. SunSoft makes no claims of compatibility of Solstice EM with versions of SNM prior to 2.2.
8.1 Solstice EM Compatibility with SunNet Manager
For the purpose of describing SNM/Solstice EM interoperability, we define an SNM application as an application that uses the SNM Application Programming Interface (API) to access the SNM database or to access SNM agents. We define a Solstice EM application as one that uses the native Solstice EM API (called the Portable Management Interface, or PMI) to access objects in the Solstice EM Management Information Tree (MIT).
Solstice EM and SNM are compatible with each other in the following ways:
- Dynamically-linked SNM applications that use the SNM API to access database elements can run without modification over Solstice EM, to access objects in the Solstice EM MIT. SNM database-access functions, such as snmdb_open(), snmdb_add(), and snmdb_delete_from_view() are translated by the compatibility library,, into the Solstice EM PMI. You must prepend the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include the location of the compatibility library, which, by default, is /opt/SUNWconn/em/lib.
Note If you have previously installed SunNet Manager, make sure that /opt/SUNWconn/snm/lib does not occur prior to /opt/SUNWconn/em/lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- Dynamically-linked SNM applications that use the SNM API to access SNM agents can run without modification over Solstice EM. These applications use the native SNM library, which is shipped with Solstice EM. The library is stored, by default, in /opt/SUNWconn/snm/lib. Accessing this library requires that you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include its location.
- Solstice EM applications can access SNM agents--which are shipped with Solstice EM--through the RPC Management Protocol Adapter (MPA) (see FIGURE 8-1). This capability allows you to take advantage of the power of Solstice EM while retaining the ability to manage SNM agents. Support for Solstice EM applications accessing SNM agents requires no action on the part of the application programmer and user.
- In addition to SNM agents shipped with Solstice EM, Solstice EM supports RPC agents that have been written for SNM but were not shipped with that product.
Support for SNM applications and agents requires some minor configuration steps, which are discussed in Section 8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM.
FIGURE 8-1 SNM-Solstice EM CompatibilityThe areas of SNM-Solstice EM compatibility are illustrated in the above figure. This figure is the basis of the discussion that follows.
The areas of compatibility described in the bullets on page2 are illustrated in FIGURE 8-1 as follows:
- SNM applications accessing Solstice EM features: Path A to D to E to G to H.
- Solstice EM applications accessing SNM agents: Path B to F to G to H to I.
- SNM application accessing SNM agents: Path A to C to I.
In FIGURE 8-1, for path A to C to I, note that SNM applications access SNM agents through the library libnetmgt, just as they do while running the SNM Console.
The following subsections discuss each area of compatibility in some detail.
8.2 Access to Solstice EM Features from SNM Applications
Solstice EM support for SNM applications accessing Solstice EM features is illustrated in the following figure.
FIGURE 8-2 SNM Application Accessing Solstice EM FeaturesAn SNM application can access Solstice EM features if and only if the application uses the SNM API only as specified in the Solstice Site/SunNet/Domain Manager Appliation and Agent Development Guide. Such applications can access Solstice EM features without any modification to code, without any recompilation or relinking.
Note Applications that access the SNM management database directly, bypassing the published API, do not run correctly.
Part of the requirement for SNM API conformance is the requirement, spelled out in the Site/SunNet/Domain Manager Applications and Agent Development Guide, that applications be dynamically linked for compatibility with future releases. The current release of Solstice EM is such a future release.
8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM
Note This section describes the general procedure to be followed for setting up an SNM application to work with Solstice EM. However, specific third-party SNM applications may require additional steps or modifications to this procedure. Before carrying out the steps outlined below, see Section 8.4 Information for Configuring Specific SNM Applications to determine what modifications or additions to this procedure are necessary for the particular SNM application you wish to use with Solstice EM. If the SNM application is the Solstice Cooperative Consoles Receiver, for additional information see Chapter 7.
To Run Your SNM Application with Solstice EM
1. Install the SNM API and RPC agents packages (SUNWembc and SUNWsnmag) on the MIS machine, if you have not already done so.
- Installation of these packages is described in the Chapter 6 of Installation Guide.
2. Convert third-party SNM icons to Solstice EM glyph format.
- Element types shipped with Site/SunNet/Domain Manager have already been mapped to Solstice EM icons by default. This step is only necessary if you have added third-party icons, not shipped with SNM, that you wish to use with an SNM application accessing Solstice EM features. These icons must be converted from SNM Xview format to Solstice EM X-pixmap (pm) format.
To make this conversion
- Convert the SNM glyph to pbm format.
- You can use the Open Windows icontopbm utility to make this conversion:
% /usr/openwin/bin/icontopbm <element-type>.icon > <element-type>.pbm
Note Typically <element-type> is the same as the SNM element type name. For example, component.bridge would have an icon named bridge.icon. However, not all third-party SNM icons follow this rule. Note that the Solstice EM icon file name must be of the form <element-type>.pm where <element-type> is the name of the element type.
- Convert the icon from pbm format to pm format.
- There are various graphic utilities available that you could use to convert an icon from pbm to pm format. Both the ImageMagick convert utility and netpbm are shareware packages that you can use to convert the icons from pbm format to X pixmap format. Both packages can be downloaded, using ftp, from the X consortium's ftp server. Check their website ( for information on obtaining netpbm and convert from their ftp site.
Place the converted pm icon file <icon>.pm in the $EM_HOME/glyphs directory.
3. Convert third-party SNM schemas to GDMO documents.
- The default elements.schema, cooptools.schema, and netware_elements.schema files, shipped with SNM, have already been converted to GDMO documents for you, and these are incorporated into the Solstice EM MIS by default. However, if you have customized the elements.schema file with new entries, or added third-party schema files, these schemas must be converted to GDMO documents and loaded into the MIS. The em_snm2gdmo compiler is provided for accomplishing this task. For step-by-step guidance, refer to the Chapter 8 in Management Information Server (MIS) Guide.
4. Use the em_snm_type_import utility (as root) to incorporate new SNM element types, defined in SNM schema files, into the Solstice EM environment.
- You only need to do this step if you have custom or third-party SNM element types that you want to incorporate into Solstice EM. When Solstice EM is shipped to you, the default element types included with Site/SunNet/Domain Manager are already mapped to Solstice EM topology types. The syntax for this utility is:
# $EM_HOME/bin/em_snm_type_import -file <schema-file>- For example:
#./em_snm_type_import -file /opt/CSCOcw/snm/struct/cisco.record- This utility updates entries in $EM_HOME/config/SNM2EM_type_mapping, which maintains the mapping of SNM element types to Solstice EM element types. By default, this file contains the mappings for elements defined in the default SNM elements.schema, cooptools.schema, and netware_elements.schema files. The following files are also updated:
- $EM_HOME/install/em_platform/bc_map
- $EM_HOME/config/
- However, if a user has already run the Network Views, it is possible that a personalized copy of the Network Views configuration file has been created in their home directory. In that case, their Network Views configuration file will not have been updated with the new topology information generated by em_snm_type_import. To update their individual topology type information, a user can copy the master Network Views configuration file ($EM_HOME/config/ to ~/
- When em_snm_type_import is run, new entries are added only for types that are not already present. When you run em_snm_type_import, a log is generated in the current directory of the shell where you invoked the command. This log is written to the file em_snm_type_import.log. Warnings are generated in the log if matching pixmap format icons have not yet been provided for the imported types. An example of log output would be the following:
5. Run em_services -reload to re-initialize the MIS.
- You need to do this step only if you have done Step2, Step3, or Step4.
Note Running em_services -reload recompiles the GDMO and ASN.1 documents. Any existing topology data in the MIS is lost. If you have existing topology data in the MIS that you want to save, you can use the Network View Import/Export tool to export the data prior to running em_services. You can then use this same tool to import the data into the MIS after re-initialization.
6. Add the path to the Solstice EM version of libnetmgmt_db to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
- Assuming you installed Solstice EM in /opt/SUNWconn/em enter a command such as the following to set this environment variable correctly:
host% setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/SUNWconn/em/lib:/opt/SUNWconn/ lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}Following this command, you can successfully run your SNM application. You will also want to add this command to your .cshrc file.
7. Set the EM_SERVER environment variable if you want to run the SNM application remote from the MIS machine.
- With regard to applications, Solstice EM has a special feature not available in SNM: Solstice EM allows you to run applications remote from the MIS. This capability is supported through CMIP-over-TCP/IP connections, allowing you to avoid the high bandwidth use and inconvenience of remote X window sessions. In SNM terms, this feature is the equivalent of running SNM applications on a machine remote from the Console machine (which is not possible in SNM, where Console, database, and applications reside on the same machine).
- Solstice EM extends support for remote applications to SNM applications, thereby providing to those applications a feature not available to them in their native SNM environment. To allow your SNM application to connect to an MIS on a remote machine, you must set the $EM_SERVER environment variable. This environment variable is available to Solstice EM applications as well. To set this variable, enter a command such as the following:
host% setenv EM_SERVER <remote_MIS_machine>- With $EM_SERVER thus set, subsequent invocations of an SNM (or Solstice EM) application automatically connect to <remote_MIS_machine>.
- For SNM applications, Solstice EM supports:
- multiple remote applications connecting to (and thereby sharing the data in) a single MIS.
- multiple remote applications connecting to MISs running on multiple machines.
8. Add an icon for the SNM application to the Solstice EM Launcher.
- Invoke the Configure Applications window in the Network Tools to add the SNM application to the launcher. For information on adding applications to the Solstice EM Network Tools, refer to Chapter 2 in Managing Your Network. If you select "Yes" in the Solstice EM Application field in the Configure Applications window, the icon will be grayed out whenever the MIS is disconnected.
8.3.1 Forwarding Event and Topology Information from SunNet Manager to Solstice EM
Solstice EM's distributed management support provides the ability to implement forwarding of event and topology information about the state of critical network resources or aspects of network topology from SunNet Manager or Solstice Domain Manager Consoles to one or more Solstice EM Management Information Servers.
If you are already using Site/SunNet/Domain Manager (SNM) to manage segments of your network, the Cooperative Consoles Receiver application can be used on an MIS machine to implement one-way forwarding of topology and event information from the SNM Consoles to the MIS. This creates a periphery-to-center configuration in which the MIS functions as a central "manager of managers." This configuration is illustrated in the following figure. For a more detailed discussion of Cooperative Consoles, see Chapter 7.
FIGURE 8-3 Forwarding of Information to Central Management Station8.3.2 SunNet Manager Application Support
Solstice EM's ability to interoperate with Cooperative Consoles is an illustration of Solstice EM's support for applications that have been developed for use with Site/SunNet/Domain Manager. There are numerous third-party applications developed for SNM that can also be used with Solstice EM. For more information, see Chapter 8.
8.4 Information for Configuring Specific SNM Applications
This section provides information needed to set up specific SNM applications to work with Solstice EM. The specific SNM applications are discussed in alphabetical order.
8.4.1 Running Solstice EM and Applications on Hosts With a New IP Address or Name
Applications may be installed where the hostname or IP address has been changed. This section provides procedures for getting Solstice EM and any third party applications you plan to use with Solstice EM working properly.
To Set up Solstice EM to be Used on a Host With a New Name
1. Change <oldname>_emdb to <newname>_emdb in the directory: /opt/SUNWemrdb/etc/onconfig.em2. Change all occurrences of <oldname> to <newname> in the directory: /opt/SUNWemrdb/etc/sqlhosts3. Change all occurrences of <oldname> to <newname> in the directory: /opt/SUNWconn/em/build/acct/onconfig.em4. Replace the old name with the new name in LM_LICENSE_FILE path of the following license files:
- /etc/opt/SUNWconn/em/conf/rpc_mpa_config
- /etc/opt/SUNWconn/em/conf/snmp_mpa_config
- /etc/opt/SUNWconn/em/conf/trap_forward
Note To find other files that use the <oldname>, execute the grep command at the prompt (oldname is the old name used for the host): grep <oldname> *
5. Type em_services -reload at the prompt to run Solstice EM.
To Set up CiscoWorks to be Used on a Host With a New IP Address or Name
1. Replace the hexadecimal representation of the old IP address with the hexadecimal representation of the new IP address in the file /opt/CSCOsyb/interfaces.
- The IP address is embedded in a string that begins with \x000208ae... You must add skip the first eight characters after the `\x' , then add the new hexadecimal address after the `\x'.
- For example, the hexadecimal form of the IP address is 8192b713. Locate the old hexadecimal string and replace it with the new one.
Note You can calculate hexadecimal representations using /usr/openwin/bin/calctool.
2. Replace the old name with the new name in the file /opt/CSCOsyb/interfaces.3. Replace the hexadecimal representation of the old IP address with the a hexadecimal representation of the new IP address in the file /opt/CSCOsyb/interfaces.001 if it exists. (See Step 1 for more information)4. Replace the old name with the new name in the file /opt/CSCOsyb/interfaces.001 if it exists.
To Set up Remedy ARS to be Used on a Host With a New IP Address or Name
- Replace all occurrences of the old name with the new name in the following files:
- /etc/ar
To Set up Landmark Performance Works to be Used on a Host With a New IP Address or Name
1. Replace all occurrences of the old name with the new name in the following files:
- /usr/landmark/landmark/license.dat
/arHome/landmark/data/pcws*/device.ini2. Replace the old IP address in the file /usr/landmark/data/pwcs*/ns.ini.3. Replace all occurrences of the old name with the new name in the file /usr/landmark/data/pwcs*/trapgen/PWcore*.ini.
To Complete Application Set up on Hosts With New IP Addresses or Names
- After completing the steps to set up Solstice EM, CiscoWorks, Remedy ARS, and Landmark Performance applications, reboot the machine.
8.4.2 Configuring Remedy's Action Request System (ARS) to Work with Solstice EM
The instructions in this section cover any third-party SunNet Manager application that alters the default SNM elements.schema file during installation. In particular, this applies to Remedy's Action Request System (ARS). The default SNM elements.schema file has already been converted to GDMO and ASN.1 files for loading into the Solstice EM MIS as shipped to you. Also, Solstice EM is shipped to you with mappings of SNM element types to Solstice EM topology types. However, if the installation of a third-party SNM application alters the elements.schema, then you will need to do the following:
1. After installing the third-party SNM application, run em_snm_type_import on the modified elements.schema file.
2. Run the em_snm2gdmo compiler on the elements.schema file to convert it to GDMO documents.
#$EM_HOME/bin/em_snm2gdmo /opt/SUNWconn/snm/struct/ elements.schema 1
Refer to the Chapter 8 in Management Information Server (MIS) Guide for more detailed information.
3. Remove the extra menu entries from the Network Views configuration file.
- The elements.schema shipped with Remedy ARS has various menu entries that do not apply to Solstice EM. Edit the Network Views configuration file ($EM_HOME/config/ to remove these extra entries. The extra entries are the following for the Network Views menu:
- Browser
- Graphs
- Snapshot
- Network Discovery
- IPX Discover
- An extra entry for Network Discovery is also created in the element icon menu.
4. Copy the updated global Solstice EM Network Views configuration file to your home directory.
5. Exit and restart the Network Views.The ARS commands should be incorporated into the Network Views menu.
8.4.3 Configuring Konfig 2.4 to Work with Solstice EM
To Use Konfig 2.4 With Solstice EM
1. As root, install Solstice EM.
- Refer to the Installation Guide for instructions.
2. Each user needs to set the SNMHOME environment variable.
3. Create a link from $SNMHOME/bin to $EM_HOME/bin.
4. Add $SNMHOME/bin to the user's path.
5. Convert the config SNM schemas to GDMO and ASN.1 files.
- Refer to Step3 under Section 8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM.
6. Convert the config types and menus into Solstice EM topology types.
- Use the em_snm_type_import utility to convert the types and menus in the konfig_snm.schema file following the instructions in Step4 and Step5 under Section 8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM.
7. For objects added using Solstice EM Network Discovery, use Network Views-Object Properties window to set the usrType field.
- Go to each object icon and choose Object Properties from the icon menu to invoke the Network Views-Object Properties window. Fill in the attribute corresponding to usrType[1] with the SNM component type name--for example, component.router
Note It is not necessary to carry out Step7 for objects imported to Solstice EM from an SNM database using em_snmdb_import or added to the Solstice EM database by running snm_discover.
8.4.4 Configuring Optivity 7.0 to Work with Solstice EM
To Use Optivity 7.0 With Solstice EM as Root
1. Install Solstice EM.
- Refer to the Installation Guide for installation instructions.
2. Create a link for the snm.conf file.
3. Create an snm_version file that contains the following line:
echo "/opt/SUNWconn/snm/bin/snm:Release 2.3 FCS - Solaris X86 Patch Level 0"
- This file needs to be located in /opt/SUNWconn/em/bin and needs to have executable file permissions.
4. Each user needs to set the SNMHOME environment variable.
5. Move executables from $SNMHOME/bin directory to $EM_HOME/bin.6. Create a link from $SNMHOME/bin to $EM_HOME/bin.
7. Each user needs to set the SNMDBDIR environment variable.
8. Add $SNMHOME/bin to the user's path.
9. Install Optivity.
- Follow the instructions steps documented in Getting Started with Optivity LAN 7.0 for UNIX by Bay Networks.
- After installation, run /opt/lnms/bin/LNMS_ENABLE as instructed by the Optivity documentation but do not do any of the other post-installation steps described in the Optivity manual. In particular, do not invoke /opt/lnms/optivity_snm, as instructed by the Optivity manual.
- Source your .cshrc file. For example:
% source ~/.cshrc10. Create an SNM database directory and files.
- Optivity looks for certain SNM database files when it starts up. Create these directories and files if they do not already exist.
11. Follow the steps outlined above in Section 8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM, modified as follows:
- Copy the Solstice EM Optivity icons (the .pm files) into $EM_HOME/glyphs.
- The Optivity icons have already been converted into Solstice EM icons for you. They are installed in $EM_HOME/glyphs/optivity. Substitute the following step for Step2 in Section 8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM.
- Copy the .pm files from $EM_HOME/glyphs/optivity to $EM_HOME/glyphs.
- Edit the $LNMSHOME/snm/struct/synoptics-menus.schema file to correct formatting errors.
- Before running the schema-to-GDMO compiler or em_snm_type_import utility on the synoptics-menus.schema file, it is necessary to correct certain formatting errors in that file. The following four application entries in the schema file are incorrect in that they have component entries broken into two lines by a carriage return:
- You will need to remove the carriage return so that each entry is a single line. The following is an example of a correct entry:
(component.2810conc "Box Profile" "boxprofile -H %Name -I %IP_Address -R %SNMP_RdCommunity")
- Convert the Optivity SNM schema files to GDMO documents.
- Optivity ships two directories that contain SNM schema files that need to be converted into GDMO and ASN.1 files. The directory $LNMSHOME/snm/struct-base contains three schemas:
- The schema file, synoptics-lcell.schema in $LNMSHOME/snm/struct directory needs to be converted to GDMO.
Note There are a number of schemas in the $LNMSHOME/snm/struct directory but only the snyoptics-lcell.schema file needs to be converted to GDMO. The record definitions in the other schema files in this directory are already known to Solstice EM and do not need to be converted to GDMO.
- Use the schema-to-GDMO compiler shipped with Solstice EM to create ASN.1 and GDMO files from these schemas. The syntax for using the compiler is:
#em_snm2gdmo <schema-file> <oid>- where <schema-file> is the name of the SNM schema file to be converted and <oid> is a number that is unique within the Solstice EM MIS for each schema compiled. For example:
#$EM_HOME/bin/em_snm2gdmo /opt/lnms/snm/struct-base/synoptics- elements.schema 200- For more information, refer to the Chapter 8 in the Management Information Server (MIS) Guide.
- Move the GDMO and ASN.1 files.
- For example:
# mv synoptics-elementsschema.gdmo /opt/SUNWconn/em/etc/gdmo/.# mv synoptics-elementsschema.asn1 /opt/SUNWconn/em/etc/asn1/.
- Import the Optivity types into the Solstice EM MIS.
- Each schema file within $LNMSHOME/snm/struct-base and $LNMSHOME/snm/struct needs to have its SNM element types and menus converted into Solstice EM topology types. The em_snm_type_import utility is used for this purpose; this utility updates all the relevant Solstice EM configuration files. The syntax for this utility is:
# em_snm_type_import -file <schema-file>
- For example:
#em_snm_type_import -file /opt/lnms/snm/struct/baynet-rtop.schema
- em_snm_type_import updates the global Network Views configuration file ( located in $EM_HOME/config. This utility also creates a file bc_map in $EM_HOME/install/em_platform to create the appropriate topology type mappings for the Optivity devices.
Note You must run em_snm_type_import on the $LNMSHOME/snm/struct-base schema files before importing the types from the $LNMSHOME/snm/struct schemas.
- Add $EM_HOME/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- For example:
- Add the same line to your .cschrc file:
- If you have also installed SNM, make sure that $EM_HOME/lib occurs before $SNMHOME/lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- Create a $SNMHOME/bin/snm shell script, with execute permissions, containing the following:
#!/bin/sh/opt/SUNWconn/em/bin/em_viewer- Modify the /opt/lnms/bin/ file as follows:
- Replace occurrences of $SNMHOME/agents/na.snmp-trap with $SNMHOME/bin/em_snmp-trap.
- Replace occurrences of /opt/SUNWconn/snm/agents/na.snmp-trap with /opt/SUNWconn/snm/bin/em_snmp-trap.
- Replace all other occurrences of na.snmp-trap with em_snmp-trap.
- Reboot the system.
- Run em_services -r to compile and load the new GDMO and ASN.1 documents.
- Start em_snmp-trap on port 412.
- Start Optivity with the following command:
% $LNMSHOME/bin/optivity_snm- Optivity types can now be created either by using Network Views-Object Properties window to change a device to an Optivity type, or by using the Solstice EM Network Views menu to create a new object with an Optivity type.
- Filling in the Object Description fields for a device in Network Views-Object Properties window is similar to entering object descriptions in the SNM properties sheet for the new element, as described in Chapter 3 of the Optivity manual, on Post-Installation Tasks. However, there is one field in the Network Views-Object Properties window Object Description window that is not present in the SNM Properties sheet. You must fill in the usrType field, in Network Views-Object Properties window, with the SunNet Manager type name.
- For example, the Optivity type that has the Solstice EM type name syn-internet has the following SNM type name:
Note When creating objects using Network Views-Object Properties window, Optivity device types rely on the Object Descriptions that you fill in.
You should now be able to invoke Optivity tools and commands from the Solstice EM Network Views menu or from an icon popup menu just as in SunNet Manager.
Note To populate the database by running discovery from the Optivity tools, it is necessary to run the Optivity tools as root.
8.4.5 Configuring Landmark's Performance Works to Work with Solstice EM
This section describes procedures for setting up Performance Works for UNIX 4.0, Performance Works for Sybase 2.0, and Performance Works Monitor 1.3.
Note The default SNMP daemon supplied with Solstice EM (snmp) must be replaced with Landmark's SNMP agent (xsnmpd). xsnmpd is placed in the /etc directory along with snmpd.conf, snmpd.defs, and snmpd.peers. These four files need to be downloaded from Landmark's anonymous ftp site.
To Set Up Performance Works for UNIX 4.0
1. Each user needs to set the SNMHOME environment variable.
2. Move executables from $SNMHOME/bin directory to $EM_HOME/bin.3. Create a link from $SNMHOME/bin to $EM_HOME/bin.
4. Add $SNMHOME/bin to the user's path.
5. Each user needs to set the SNMDBDIR environment variable.
6. Install the Landmark products--Performance Works, UNIX agent, and SNMP polling agent.7. Use the MIB-to-GDMO compiler shipped with Solstice EM to create ASN.1 and GDMO files from the Landmark MIBs.
- Refer to Chapter 8 in the Management Information Server (MIS) Guide for information on running the MIB to GDMO compiler.
8. Move the GDMO and ASN.1 files.
9. Convert the Landmark SNM element types and menus to Solstice EM topology types.
- The schema file lsc_snmintegration.schema needs to have its SNM element types and menus converted into Solstice EM topology types. Follow the instructions in Step4 and Step5 under Section 8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM. After running the SNM type import utility, you will need to copy the updated global Solstice EM Network Views configuration file to Landmark's home direction. For example:
%cp $EM_HOME/config/ ~landmark/.em_viewer.cf10. Run Solstice EM Network Discovery to populate the MIS.
You can display the values of attributes for objects configured with Landmark agents by selecting the object in the Network Views and then invoking the SNMP Data from the object icon menu. The pwadmin utility can be used to set the thresholds for traps generated by the Landmark agents. The Alarms can be used to view trap notifications generated by the agents.
8.5 Importing an SNM Database into Solstice EM
The em_snmdb_import utility enables you to import a SunNet Manager topology database into the runtime database of a Solstice EM MIS. The SNM database must have been previously saved to an ASCII file, using the SNM Console's File \xd4 Save Management Database... option to save the SNM database to an ASCII-format file.
The command to import the ASCII-format SNM database file is as follows:
# em_snmdb_import -import <filename>
Note The em_snmdb_import utility retains the layout of elements within views. However, SunNet Manager predefined event requests or event request templates in the SNM database are not loaded into the Solstice EM MIS. This means that SNM event request templates that have been defined for use in link or router management, for example, are not imported into the Solstice EM MIS.
8.6 Access to SNM Agents by SNM Applications
Solstice EM support for SNM applications to access SNM agents over Solstice EM is illustrated in the following figure.
FIGURE 8-4 SNM Application Accessing SNM Agents Over Solstice EMUnder Solstice EM, an SNM application accesses an SNM agent just as it would under SNM, through the libnetmgmt library, which is shipped with Solstice EM. The advantage to using Solstice EM rather than SNM is that, as with using Solstice EM applications to access SNM agents, data obtained from agents can be stored in the MIS, which provides a number of user- and programmer-level features that are not present in SNM.
As shipped with Solstice EM, SNM configuration files, such as snm.conf, snmpd.conf, snmp.hosts, and snmp.traps, are stored in their normal, SNM 2.x locations and are used in the same way as in SNM 2.x. The default locations of these files are as follows:
/etc/opt/SUNWconn/snm/snm.conf/etc/opt/SUNWconn/snm/snmpd.conf/var/opt/SUNWconn/snm/snmp.hosts/var/opt/SUNWconn/snm/snmp.trapsThe default SNM elements.schema, netware_elements.schema, and cooptools.schema files, required by SNM applications, are incorporated in the Solstice EM environment by default. If you have customized the elements.schema file, or have added third-party element definitions, then you must follow the steps outlined in Section 8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM.
The SNM agent and schema files reside, by default, in /opt/SUNWconn/snm/agents. Third-party agents and schemas are integrated in the Solstice EM environment just as they were in the SNM environment. As with SNM, in Solstice EM you would add an entry for na.snmp.schemas to snm.conf for the location of additional third-party SNMP schemas.
The requirement for $LD_LIBRARY_PATH for SNM applications accessing SNM agents is identical to the requirement SNM applications accessing Solstice EM features, as described in Section 8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM. That is, you append the location of the Solstice EM library file to LD_LIBRARY_PATH with a command such as the following:
host% setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/SUNWconn/em/lib:/opt/SUNWconn/ lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}SNM applications also have available the $EM_SERVER environment variable, for connecting to a remote MIS, as described in Section 8.3 Adding an SNM Application to Solstice EM.
8.7 Access to SNM Agents by Solstice EM Applications
Solstice EM support for Solstice EM applications accessing SNM agents is illustrated in the following figure.
FIGURE 8-5 Solstice EM Applications Accessing SNM AgentsIf you install Solstice EM in a network in which you use SNM, you can use Solstice EM applications to access SNM agents, just as you would access those agents with an SNM application. In fact, a number of the applications shipped with Solstice EM, including the RPC/CMIP Data window, Network Views-Object Properties, Event Logs window, and Alarms window have built-in access to or support for SNM agents.
The advantage of using Solstice EM applications to access SNM agents, instead of running SNM, is that the data obtained from the agents becomes part of the MIS. The MIS has a wealth of tools and functions available, in applications such as the Event Logs and the Alarms, and Nerve Center request capability, for manipulating data in ways not possible in SNM.
8.7.1 Configuration
Solstice EM's application support for SNM agents is seamless. It requires no configuration or any other action on your part. The complete set of SNM agents is shipped with Solstice EM, so you can immediately access SNM agents, such as ping, rstat, or lpstat.
8.7.2 Agent Support
All of the agents shipped with SNM are also shipped with Solstice EM. This means that Solstice EM applications have access to all of the RPC agent functions available to SNM applications.
In addition for agents shipped with SNM, Solstice EM provides support for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) agents that you might have written for SNM, or acquired from a third-party vendor. The product has an snm2gdmo compiler that allows you to convert SNM schema files to GDMO documents, which can be loaded as objects into the MIS. This is described in Chapter 8 of Management Information Server (MIS) Guide.
8.7.3 Support for SNM Proxy Agents
The complete nature of Solstice EM's support for SNM agents means that Solstice EM supports proxy agents that you might have or might choose to write. Proxy agents are protocol translators, communicating to MIS with the SNM RPC protocol and communicate to managed objects using a different protocol, which might be a proprietary protocol, or a standard protocol such as SNA or X.25. For information on how to write an RPC agent for Solstice EM, refer to Chapter 17 in Developing C++ Applications.
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