Sun Enterprise 3500 System Reference Manual

Verifying Installation

After the PCI+ I/O board and any PCI cards are installed, and before booting the system, verify installation by performing the following tasks. Refer to the Solaris 2.x Handbook for SMCC Peripherals manual or your Solaris documentation for detailed instructions.

  1. Power on the system, and when the banner appears, press the Stop-A keys to interrupt the boot process and get the ok prompt.

  2. Use the show-devs command to list the system devices.

    You should see entries (similar to the entries in the example on the next page) for the PCI+ I/O board that you installed.

In the example, a PCI+ I/O board with two SunSwift(TM) PCI adapter cards has been installed in I/O+ board slot 1 of a Sun Enterprise 3500 system. To find the device path for your specific device, refer to the documentation that came with your PCI card.

If you do not see your new device(s) listed, make sure the PCI+ I/O board and any PCI cards are properly seated, and reinstall the board or cards, if necessary.

Also verify that the JTAG Test Jumper on the PCI card is disabled or removed.

See "Replacing or Installing a PCI Card".

ok show-devs 
/pci@3,2000/pci@2/SUNW,isptwo@4 (identifies adapter SCSI interface)
/pci@3,2000/pci@2/SUNW,hme@0,1 (identifies adapter Ethernet interface)
/pci@3,3500/SUNW,isptwo@3 (identifies board SCSI interface)
/pci@2,2000/pci@2/SUNW,isptwo@4 (identifies adapter SCSI interface)
/pci@2,2000/pci@2/SUNW,hme@0,1 (identifies adapter Ethernet interface)
/pci@2,3500/SUNW,hme@1,1 (identifies board Ethernet interface)