Sun Enterprise 3500 System Reference Manual

Using a Remote Console

It is possible to reset the system or cycle power from the remote console under these conditions:

Table 9-4 Remote Console Commands


Enter this sequence 

Remote power off/on  

Return Return ~ Control-Shift-p

Remote system reset 

Return Return ~ Control-Shift-r

Remote XIR (CPU) reset  

Return Return ~ Control-Shift-x

Key: Return = ASCII 0d hexadecimal, ~ (tilde) = ASCII 7e hexadecimal, Control-Shift-p = 10 hexadecimal,

Control-Shift-r = 12 hexadecimal, Control-Shift-x = 18 hexadecimal.

Note -

The remote console logic circuit continues to receive power, even if you have commanded system power off.

The remote system reset command is useful for resetting the system under general conditions. The remote XIR reset command is used for software development and debugging.