Sun Enterprise 6500/5500/4500 Systems Installation Guide

Enterprise 6500/5500 Cabinet Systems

Powering On the System

Note -

It is advisable to connect an ASCII terminal to the system during installation. See "Connecting an ASCII Terminal", for terminal settings and connections. Observe the yellow (middle) LED on the front panel. It should go off when the boot process completes. If it remains lit, observe the terminal screen for boot messages produced by the firmware diagnostic program during power on.

To power on the cabinet system:

  1. Begin with a safety inspection of the system:

    1. Turn the system key switch to Graphic (the Standby position).

      See Figure 3-1.

      Note -

      The standby position (Graphic) does not turn off any AC-powered drive trays in the lower part of the system cabinet. The key switch controls only the DC power supply and DC-powered devices in the main cabinet.

    2. Turn the AC power sequencer power switch (Figure 3-2) to Off.

      The AC power sequencer is at the rear of the cabinet.

    3. Verify that the cabinet AC power cord is plugged into a wall socket.

      Figure 3-1 Key Switch on the Enterprise 6500/5500


      Table 3-1 Key Switch Positions




      Off, no DC power 


      Normal power on 


      Normal power on, with full diagnostics 


      Normal power on, in secure mode 

      Caution - Caution -

      The outlet must be a 200-240 VAC 30A circuit intended solely for use by the server cabinet. The electrical receptacles must be grounded, and the grounding conductors serving these receptacles must be connected to the earth ground at the service equipment.

      Caution - Caution -

      Do not disconnect the AC power cord from the wall socket when you work on or in the server cabinet. This connection provides a ground path that prevents damage from electrostatic discharge.

      Caution - Caution -

      Never move the system or expansion cabinets when system power is on. Excessive movement can cause catastrophic disk drive failure. Always power the system OFF before moving it.

  2. Turn on power to any expansion cabinets.

    Read the documentation supplied with each type of expansion cabinet for specific instructions.

    Figure 3-2 Switches on the AC Power Sequencer


  3. Turn on power to the terminal (if applicable).

  4. Set the system cabinet Local/Remote switch (Figure 3-2) to Local.

  5. Turn the AC power switch (Figure 3-2) to On.

    Listen for the sound of AC-powered devices such as disk drives and fans in the disk drive tray(s).

    Note -

    The front panel keys for this switch are packed in the accessory box.

  6. Turn the key switch to the On position.

    The system will run firmware diagnostics for about one minute and then boot.

    You should see and hear several things happen:

    • The fans in the power supplies begin turning.

    • The left LED (green) on the front of the cabinet turns on immediately to indicate the DC power supply is functioning.

    • The middle LED (yellow) begins flashing.

    • The right LED (green) flashes after firmware completes to denote that the operating system is running.

    • The terminal screen lights up upon completion of the internal self-test.

  7. Watch the terminal screen for any firmware error messages.

    Note -

    If the middle front panel LED remains lit after the system has booted, firmware has found (and deconfigured) failing hardware in the main cabinet.

    POST (power-on-self-test) tests subassemblies and some interface paths between subassemblies.

    At the conclusion of testing, firmware automatically attempts to reconfigure the system, omitting any parts of the system that have failed diagnostics.

    If there are no faults, or if firmware completes a successful reconfiguration in response to detected faults, the system boots.

    If the system is unable to communicate with the network, see "Failure of Network Communications".

    Note -

    POST does not test drives or internal parts of SBus cards. To test these devices, run OpenBoot PROM (OBP) diagnostics manually after the system has booted. Refer to the OpenBoot Command Reference for instructions.

    Note -

    If faulty parts are detected and configured out of the working system, you and the system manager must decide whether to operate the system until replacement parts arrive, or to halt operation. Also, if a faulty component cannot be replaced in the field, the entire subassembly (like the system board) must be replaced.

  8. To restart firmware, or if the system hangs, press the CPU reset switch on the clock+ board (Figure 3-3).

    Figure 3-3 Reset Switches on the Clock+ Board


Reading Boot Messages

Use the boot software messages to verify that all options are installed and recognized by the system. After firmware completes the system self-test, a message similar to the following will appear on your screen. The message lists hardware detected in the system.

Note -

This screen display is an example only. The actual message displayed on the screen will vary with the software running on the system.

16-slot Sun Enterprise 6500, Keyboard Present
OpenBoot -.- FCS, --- MB memory installed, Serial #---.
Ethernet address -:-:--:-:--:--, Host ID: ------.

If firmware indicates a hardware problem at this time, refer to troubleshooting section in the Sun Enterprise 6500/5500/4500 Systems Reference Manual for further instructions.

Note -

When the system finishes booting for the first time -- if there is no appropriate server configuration file on the disk drive -- it may be necessary to prevent the JumpStart automatic configuration program from running. See the caution in "Using JumpStart Automatic Installation".

Interpreting Status LED Patterns

If there is no terminal on the system, basic system status information is available on the front panel LEDs, as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4 System Status LEDs (Cabinet Server)


Table 3-2 summarizes LED status indications.

Table 3-2 Front Panel LED Status Indicators

LED Position 


Left LED  


On -- DC power supply is receiving AC current. 

Off -- There is no DC power. 

Middle LED (yellow) 

On Flashing -- (first 60 seconds) self-tests are running. 

Off -- (after self-tests end) No hardware failures. 

On -- (after self-tests end) Hardware failure was detected. 

Right LED 


Off -- (first 60 seconds) self-tests are running. 

On Flashing -- (after self-tests end) System is running. 

Off -- (after self-tests end) System cannot run; repair is needed. 

Powering Off the System

Before turning off the system power, you must halt the operating system. See the Preface, "UNIX Commands, to find references if you need help with the commands for this task or other system administration procedures.

Note -

Failure to halt the operating system properly can cause the loss of disk drive data.

Note -

Do not disconnect the terminal while the system is running.

Caution - Caution -

To avoid damaging internal circuits, do not disconnect or connect any cable while power is applied to the system.

To shut down the system:

  1. Notify users that the system is going down.

  2. Back up the system files and data to tape, if necessary.

  3. Halt the system using the appropriate commands. Refer to the Solaris Handbook for SMCC Peripherals that corresponds to your operating system.

  4. Wait for the system-halted message and the boot monitor prompt.

  5. Turn the key switch on the front panel of the server to the Standby position (fully counterclockwise).

  6. Turn off the system power in this order:

  1. External drives and expansion cabinets (if any)

  2. System cabinet AC power switch

  3. Terminal

For more system administration information on methods for shut-down and backup, see the Preface, "UNIX Commands, for references to documentation that describes these procedures.