Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Using pppinit

Caution - Caution -

Running pppinit overwrites any existing configuration. Ideally, you should use pppinit to configure Solstice PPP for the first time only, and then edit the configuration files thereafter. See Chapter 4, Editing the Configuration Files for details of the keywords contained in the configuration files for Solstice PPP.

To create a configuration of IP point-to-point connections over synchronous and asynchronous PPP links:

  1. Log in as root, or become superuser.

  2. Start pppinit. Note that this will overwrite any previous configurations.

    prompt# /usr/bin/pppinit
  3. Select a synchronous or an asynchronous link for configuration.

    Type 1 or 2 to configure asynchronous links. Type 3 to configure synchronous links. Type W to exit from the script immediately, without saving any changes.

    Welcome to the Solstice PPP 3.0 configuration script
    	[1] - Asynchronous client.
    	[2] - Asynchronous client/server.
    	[3] - Synchronous.
    	[W] - Exit Without saving