Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Closing PPP Links

Synchronous links are established when Solstice PPP is started, and are usually closed when Solstice PPP is stopped.

Asynchronous links are closed automatically after a specified period of inactivity. By default, the inactivity timeout period is set to 120 seconds. You can alter the inactivity timeout by changing this parameter in the file /etc/opt/SUNWconn/ppp/ppp.conf. See "Defining Asynchronous Paths (dialup_path)" for detailed instructions.

Note -

There is an inactivity timeout specified at both endpoints. The connection is closed when the shortest inactivity timeout expires. If the inactivity timeout is set to zero at both ends of the link, the link stays open until closed explicitly.

Use pppdisc(1M) to close a connection manually, without waiting for the inactivity timeout to expire, and without stopping and starting Solstice PPP.

prompt# /usr/bin/pppdisc hostname
Disconnect from hostname
Disconnecting ...

If there is only one IP interface defined at the client side, you can invoke pppdisc without any arguments:

prompt# /usr/bin/pppdisc
Disconnect from hostname
Disconnecting ...

You can also specify a given IP interface by invoking pppdisc with the -i option:

prompt# /usr/bin/pppdisc -i ipdptpn
Disconnect from hostname
Disconnecting ...