Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Chapter 3 Starting and Using Solstice PPP

This chapter explains how to start Solstice PPP on your machine, how to establish IP connections across a PPP link, and how to close connections. It assumes that you have installed and configured Solstice PPP on your machine.

Starting Solstice PPP

Once you have modified the configuration files to describe your network configuration, you can start Solstice PPP on your machine. Starting Solstice PPP initializes the PPP link manager, PPP login service, and IP dialup layer, and establishes each of the synchronous links you defined.

Starting Solstice PPP at Boot Time

By default, Solstice PPP is started each time you reboot your machine. It is started before the naming services (NIS/NIS+) are enabled, so you must ensure that the host information required when Solstice PPP is started is contained in the local files /etc/hosts and /etc/passwd.

Starting Solstice PPP Manually

If you stop Solstice PPP, or modify the configuration files, you can restart it manually without rebooting your machine.

To execute the initialization script for Solstice PPP manually:

  1. Log in as root or become superuser.

  2. Execute the PPP initialization script with the start option, by typing:

    prompt# /etc/init.d/ppp start
  3. If your machine is configured as a server--that is, it can accept incoming calls--run pppsetmod to configure your modem.

Establishing PPP Links

PPP links are established automatically by the PPP link manager when it receives a request for an IP connection. This process is usually transparent; however, you may see minor differences in the response, depending on the type of link you are using.

IP Connections over Synchronous Links

Once a synchronous link is created, it is available for as long as both endpoints remain active. To establish an IP connection across a synchronous link, type a UNIX command and the hostname or IP address that corresponds to the remote end of the link. You should see an almost immediate response to your command, subject to the line speed of your link.

For example, to establish a telnet(1) connection to a remote host over a synchronous link, type:

prompt% /usr/bin/telnet hostname
Trying ...
Connected to hostname.
Escape character is '^]'.

UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0 (hostname)

IP Connections over Asynchronous Links

To establish an IP connection across an asynchronous link, type a UNIX command and the hostname or IP address that corresponds to the remote end of the link. When you establish an asynchronous link, there is always a short delay before connection. This is the time it takes to complete the PPP negotiation and to establish the asynchronous link. The delay is typically less than one minute.

You can monitor the progress of the connection by looking at the log file /var/opt/SUNWconn/ppp.log.

IP Connections using Dynamic IP Address Allocation

When dynamic IP address allocation is enabled, you need to invoke a connection phase during which the server provides the client with the IP addresses it needs to establish an IP connection over the PPP link.

Use pppconn(1M) to establish a PPP link to the server:

  1. Use pppconn to create the PPP link, to recover the IP information from the server, and to initialize the IP interface.

    prompt# /usr/bin/pppconn hostname
    Connect to hostname
    Connected over ipdptp0
    Local IP address :
    Remote IP address:
    IP mtu           : 1500
  2. Establish an IP connection over the PPP link by typing a command and hostname. For example:

    prompt% /usr/bin/telnet hostname
    Trying ...
    Connected to hostname.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0 (hostname)

    If there is only one IP interface defined at the client side, you can invoke pppconn without any arguments:

    prompt# /usr/bin/pppconn
    Connect to hostname
    Connected over ipdptp0
    Local IP address :
    Remote IP address:
    IP mtu           : 1500

    You can also specify a given IP interface by invoking pppconn with the -i option:

    prompt# /usr/bin/pppconn -i ipdptpn
    Connect to hostname
    Connected over ipdptpn
    Local IP address :
    Remote IP address:
    IP mtu           : 1500

    To initiate a PPP connection to hostname with a telephone number other than the one specified in the configuration file link.conf, type::

    prompt# /usr/bin/pppconn hostname number
    Connect to hostname
    Connected over ipdptp0
    Local IP address :
    Remote IP address:
    IP mtu           : 1500

    Note -

    When a link is established using pppconn, it remains open until it is closed explicitly, or until the inactivity timer expires. If the link fails while it is still in use, you must stop the IP application before using pppconn to re-establish the link. This step is necessary because you cannot guarantee that the server will assign the same IP address for the new link.

Closing PPP Links

Synchronous links are established when Solstice PPP is started, and are usually closed when Solstice PPP is stopped.

Asynchronous links are closed automatically after a specified period of inactivity. By default, the inactivity timeout period is set to 120 seconds. You can alter the inactivity timeout by changing this parameter in the file /etc/opt/SUNWconn/ppp/ppp.conf. See "Defining Asynchronous Paths (dialup_path)" for detailed instructions.

Note -

There is an inactivity timeout specified at both endpoints. The connection is closed when the shortest inactivity timeout expires. If the inactivity timeout is set to zero at both ends of the link, the link stays open until closed explicitly.

Use pppdisc(1M) to close a connection manually, without waiting for the inactivity timeout to expire, and without stopping and starting Solstice PPP.

prompt# /usr/bin/pppdisc hostname
Disconnect from hostname
Disconnecting ...

If there is only one IP interface defined at the client side, you can invoke pppdisc without any arguments:

prompt# /usr/bin/pppdisc
Disconnect from hostname
Disconnecting ...

You can also specify a given IP interface by invoking pppdisc with the -i option:

prompt# /usr/bin/pppdisc -i ipdptpn
Disconnect from hostname
Disconnecting ...

Stopping Solstice PPP

To stop Solstice PPP manually:

  1. Log in as root or become superuser.

  2. Execute the PPP initialization script with the stop option, by typing:

    prompt# /etc/init.d/ppp stop

    Solstice PPP closes any IP connections and terminates all the PPP links, before stopping the PPP link manager.