Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Configuring Asynchronous Devices

  1. Specify the type of modem connected to your machine.

    The script displays a list of the modems described in the modem database file /etc/opt/SUNWconn/ppp/modems. You can add other modem descriptions to this file.

    Select one modem from your database
    There are 11 modems available:
    	 [0]	- Null Modem
    	 [1]	- BocaModem V.34 DataFax
    	 [2]	- AT&T DataPort Express 
    	 [3]	- Standard hayes
    	 [4]	- Cardinal V.34/V.FC 28.8 data/fax
    	 [5]	- SupraFaxModem 288
    	 [6]	- Hayes Accura 144B
    	 [7]	- Hayes Accura 288V.FC
    	 [8]	- Practical 14400 V32bis
    	 [9]	- USRobotics Sporter 14400
    	 [10]	- USRobotics Sporter 288
    Modem type (+/- to scroll the list): 1
  2. Specify the Unix device for the port to which the modem is connected.

    List of unix devices available: [ ttya ttyb ]
    Unix device for serial interface [ttya]: 
  3. Specify the line speed for the connection between the modem and the machine.

    For optimum performance, the line speed should be as high as possible. The default value should be used in most cases.

    Line speed [38400]: 
  4. Specify the type of calls that this modem will be used for.

    You can use the modem to initiate calls to remote hosts (dial only), to accept calls from remote hosts (answer only), or to both initiate and accept calls (both).

    What type of calls will this modem be used for:
    	 [1] - Dial only
    	 [2] - Answer only
    	 [3] - Both
    	Choice (default 1): 3
  5. Confirm the configuration of your modem.

    The script displays the choices you selected. Type y to add this device to the configuration file.

    dialup_device pppdev0
    		modemBocaModem V.34 DataFax
    Ok to add this entry [y]? y
  6. Repeat the previous steps until you have configured all the asynchronous devices attached to your machine.