Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Configuring IP Interfaces to Answer Calls

Note -

If you configured your modems to initiate outgoing calls only (dial only), you cannot configure IP interfaces to answer calls.

  1. Indicate that you want to set up an IP interface to accept incoming calls.

    By default, IP interfaces are assigned names of the form ipdptpn.

    IP information for ipdptp1
    Do you want to use this interface to accept calls
    initiated by a remote host [y]? y
  2. Enter the local IP address for this interface.

    Enter a hostname that appears in the file /etc/hosts on your machine, or enter an IP address using dot notation. Press Return to accept the default hostname.

    Local IP address information
    		Enter an IP host that is listed in your hosts map
    		or an IP address with internet dot notation
    		Local IP address [papyrus]:
  3. Enter the remote IP address for this interface.

    Enter a hostname that appears in the file /etc/hosts on your machine, or enter an IP address using dot notation.

    Remote IP address information
    		Enter an IP host that is listed in your hosts map
    		or an IP address with internet notation
    		Remote IP address: odyssey
  4. Enter the IP netmask for this interface.

    IP netmask for this interface []:
  5. Enter the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU).

    By default, the MTU is set to 1500 bytes, which is the optimum value for Ethernet connections, and is sufficient in most cases. Enter a new value for the MTU (between 60 and 8232), or Press Return to accept the default.

    IP Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) [1500]: 
  6. Enter the login id that you expect to receive from the remote host associated with this interface.

    You must create a user account on your machine that corresponds to this login id. The login id must be eight characters or less.

    To accept calls using this interface, you must specify the login
    id you expect to receive from the remote host. You must also create
    a user account that associates this login id with a valid password.
    Login id expected from remote host: od-login