Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Problems with the Inactivity Timeout

The inactivity timeout closes the connection automatically when it remains unused for a specified number of seconds. This means that you do not pay for telephone connections that are left open accidently. However, if the inactivity timeout is too short, your connection may be closed prematurely.

The following log file extract shows an inactivity timeout triggered by the client after 60 seconds:

11/13/95 18:00:03 - IP up on interface ipdptp0, with timeout set
to 60 seconds
11/13/95 18:00:14 - Interface ipdptp0 has timed out

If the connection times out systematically, increase the inactivity timeout for calls to the server.

The following log file extract shows a connection that has been disconnected by the server for some reason. One possible cause is an inactivity timeout on the server that is shorter than the inactivity timeout on the client. It may also have been caused by a normal disconnect request from the server side.

11/13/95 18:13:46 - IP up on interface ipdptp0, with timeout set
to 240 seconds
11/13/95 18:15:47 - interface ipdptp0 has been disconnected