

addBookmark method, 1

addInfoToSDPContent method, 1

ApiContextFactory class, 1


Billing API, 1

Confirm Service, 1

Content Management, 1

Content Validation, 1

Event Service, 1, 2

Messaging, 1

Subscriber, 1

User Profile, 1

Vending Manager, 1, 2

WAP Gateway, 1

ApiServiceFactory class, 1

ApiUtil class, 1

authenticate method, 1

Authentication web service, 1

AuthenticationHandler, 1

AuthenticationHandler class, 1

authorize method

BillingManager, 1

StreamingHandler, 1


billing adapter, 1

Billing API, 1, 2

content listing process flow, 1

custom fields, 1

download confirmation process flow, 1

error handling, 1

general process flow, 1

subscriber purchase process flow, 1

subscription verification process flow, 1

transaction initiation process flow, 1

using, 1

BillingConstants class, 1

BillingException class, 1

BillingInfo class, 1

BillingManager interface, 1, 2

browseContent method, 1

BundleHandler class, 1


CampaignHandler class, 1

cancelGifting method, 1

cancelSubscription method, 1

Catalog web service, 1

CategoryHandler, 1

CategoryHandler class, 1

CDS_EVENT table, 1


CDSException class, 1

checkAndExpireGifting method, 1

checkSubscription method, 1


ApiContextFactory, 1

ApiServiceFactory, 1

ApiUtil, 1

BillingConstants, 1

BillingException, 1

BillingInfo, 1

CDSException, 1

ConfirmServiceAdapter, 1

ContentSlide, 1

MMSPushMessage, 1

MMSSlide, 1

PushConstants, 1

PushMessage, 1

PushResponse, 1

SMSMessage, 1

SMTPMessage, 1

StreamingContent, 1

StreamingException, 1

StreamingServerConnectionFailedException, 1

StreamingSubscriber, 1

UserManager, 1

WAPGatewayAdapter, 1

WapPushMessage, 1

clearBookmarks method, 1

client application

database, 1

JMS, 1

confirm method, 1

Confirm Service API, 1, 2

general process flow, 1

using, 1

ConfirmServiceAdapter class, 1

connect method, 1

Content Management API, 1

downloading content, 1

general process flow, 1

getting a list of content, 1

getting content details, 1

using, 1

Content Validation API, 1, 2

Content web service, 1

contentDelete method, 1

ContentHandler, 1

ContentHandler class, 1

ContentManager interface, 1

ContentSlide class, 1

createTicket method, 1


database client application, 1, 2

deleteBookmark method, 1

deleteContent method, 1

Device Client web services, 1

Device web service, 1

DeviceHandler class, 1

disableSubscriberBySubscriberId method, 1

disableSubscriberByUsername method, 1

doFormatLogind method, 1

doFormatMobileId method, 1

doGetUserDeviceModel method, 1

downloadConfirm method, 1

downloadContent method, 1

downloadContentDescriptor method, 1

downloadDelete method, 1

DownloadHandler, 1

downloadJAD method, 1

downloadJAM method, 1


endSession method, 1

errorInSession method, 1

event data, 1

Event Service API

example, 1

introduction, 1

overview, 1

overview diagram, 1

using, 1

event tables, 1


events, 1

execute method, 1


getAnonymousApiContext method, 1

getAnonymousCampaignForCoupon method, 1

getApiContext method, 1

getBillingInfo method, 1

getBillingInfos method, 1

getBookmarks method, 1

getBundledItems method, 1

getCampaign method, 1

getCampaignForCoupon method, 1

getCampaignItems method, 1

getCampaigns method, 1

getCategory method, 1

getCategoryBranch method, 1

getContentBinary method, 1

getContentByClassId method, 1

getContentByKeyword method, 1

getContentDescriptor method, 1

getContentDetails method, 1

getContentDetailsCriteria method, 1

getContentDetailsList method, 1

getContentInfo method, 1

getContentInfos method, 1

getContentSummary method, 1

getContentTypes method, 1

getCountries method, 1

getCountry method, 1

getDefaultLocale method, 1

getDefaultModel method, 1

getDeliveryType method, 1

getGiftingById method, 1

getGiftingByTicket method, 1

getGiftingsByGifter method, 1

getGiftingsByRecipient method, 1

getLocale method, 1

getLocales method, 1

getManufacturers method, 1

getModel method, 1

getModelId method, 1

getModels method, 1

getModelsForManufacturer method, 1

getNotEmtpySubCategories method, 1

getPurchasedBundles method, 1

getPurchases method, 1

getRootCategory method, 1

getSDP method, 1

getStreamingURL method, 1

getSubCategories method, 1

getSubscriberId method, 1

getSupportedModels method, 1

getTicket method, 1

getUserPreferences method, 1

getUserProperties method, 1

getUserPropertiesBySubscriberId method, 1

getUserPropertiesByUsername method, 1

giftContent method, 1

GiftingHandler, 1


hasPurchases method, 1

hideCategory method, 1

History web service, 1


IApiContext interface, 1

ICategoryService interface, 1

IContentService interface, 1

IDownloadService interface, 1

IGiftingService interface, 1

IMessageService interface, 1

init method, 1


BillingManager, 1, 2

IApiContext, 1

ICategoryService, 1

IContentService, 1

IDownloadService, 1

IGiftingService, 1

IMessageService, 1

IStreamingService, 1

ISystemService, 1

IUserService, 1

MMSSender, 1

PushMsgListener, 1

PushMsgSender, 1

StreamingAdapter, 1, 2

User, 1

UserDeviceManager, 1

UserDeviceModel, 1

introduction, 1

isBookmarked method, 1

isContentInCampaign method, 1

isGiftingUsed method, 1

isMMSCapable method, 1

isPushEnabled method, 1

isSMSCapable method, 1

isTicketValid method, 1

IStreamingService interface, 1

ISystemService interface, 1

IUserService interface, 1


JMS client application, 1


listen method, 1

Locale web service, 1


messageContent method, 1

MessageHandler, 1

messageReceived method, 1

Messaging API, 1

Messaging API, using, 1



getAnonymousApiContext, 1

getApiContext, 1

BillingManager interface

authorize, 1

checkSubscription, 1

confirm, 1

contentDelete, 1

getBillingInfo, 1

getBillingInfos, 1

refund, 1

reverse, 1

subscribe, 1

unsubscribe, 1


getCategory, 1

getCategoryBranch, 1

getNotEmtpySubCategories, 1

getRootCategory, 1

getSubCategories, 1

hideCategory, 1

moveCategoryDown, 1

moveCategoryUp, 1

showCategory, 1

updateCategories, 1

ConfirmServiceAdapter class

connect, 1

init, 1

listen, 1

messageReceived, 1


addBookmark, 1

browseContent, 1

cancelSubscription, 1

clearBookmarks, 1

deleteBookmark, 1

getAnonymousCampaignForCoupon, 1

getBookmarks, 1

getBundledItems, 1

getCampaign, 1

getCampaignForCoupon, 1

getCampaignItems, 1

getCampaigns, 1

getContentByClassId, 1

getContentByKeyword, 1

getContentDetails, 1

getContentDetailsCriteria, 1

getContentDetailsList, 1

getContentSummary, 1

getDeliveryType, 1

getPurchasedBundles, 1

getPurchases, 1

getSupportedModels, 1

getTicket, 1

hasPurchases, 1

isBookmarked, 1

isContentInCampaign, 1

isMMSCapable, 1

isSMSCapable, 1

purchaseContent, 1

requestContent, 1

searchContent, 1


downloadConfirm, 1

downloadContent, 1

downloadContentDescriptor, 1

downloadDelete, 1

downloadJAD, 1

downloadJAM, 1

pushMMSContent, 1

pushMMSContentByTicket, 1

pushSMSContentBinary, 1

pushSMSContentByTicket, 1

sendInstall, 1


cancelGifting, 1

checkAndExpireGifting, 1

getGiftingById, 1

getGiftingByTicket, 1

getGiftingsByGifter, 1

getGiftingsByRecipient, 1

giftContent, 1

isGiftingUsed, 1

messageContent, 1


sendMessageToMobileId, 1

sendMessageToSelf, 1

sendMessageToSubscriberId, 1

sendMessageToUsername, 1

sendMMSContent, 1

MMSSender interface

sendMMS, 1

StreamingAdapter interface

addInfoToSDPContent, 1

deleteContent, 1

getSDP, 1

getStreamingURL, 1

returnsSDP, 1

uploadContent, 1


authenticate, 1

authorize, 1

endSession, 1

errorInSession, 1

startSession, 1


createTicket, 1

getContentTypes, 1

getCountries, 1

getCountry, 1

getDefaultLocale, 1

getDefaultModel, 1

getLocale, 1

getLocales, 1

getManufacturers, 1

getModel, 1

getModelId, 1

getModels, 1

getModelsForManufacturer, 1

isPushEnabled, 1

isTicketValid, 1

sendEvent, 1

sendEventWithParameters, 1


disableSubscriberBySubscriberId, 1

disableSubscriberByUsername, 1

getSubscriberId, 1

getUserPreferences, 1

getUserProperties, 1

getUserPropertiesBySubscriberId, 1

getUserPropertiesByUsername, 1

provision, 1

resetPasswordBySubscriberId, 1

resetPasswordByUsername, 1

setLocaleCode, 1

setModelId, 1

setPassword, 1

setUserPreferences, 1

setUserProperties, 1

signup, 1

signupWithPropertiesAndPreferences, 1

UserManager class

doFormatLogind, 1

doFormatMobileId, 1

doGetUserDeviceModel, 1

ValidationAdapter class

execute, 1

returns, 1

MMSPushMessage class, 1

MMSSender interface, 1

MMSSlide class, 1 property, 1 property, 1 property, 1

moveCategoryDown method, 1

moveCategoryUp method, 1


PlanHandler class, 1

provision method, 1

purchaseContent method, 1

PushConstants class, 1

PushMessage class, 1

pushMMSContent method, 1

pushMMSContentByTicket method, 1

PushMsgListener interface, 1

PushMsgSender interface, 1

PushResponse class, 1

pushSMSContentBinary method, 1

pushSMSContentByTicket method, 1


refund method, 1

reporting tools, 1

requestContent method, 1

resetPasswordBySubscriberId method, 1

resetPasswordByUsername method, 1

returns method, 1

returnsSDP method, 1

reverse method, 1


searchContent method, 1

sendEvent method, 1

sendEventWithParameters method, 1

sendInstall method, 1

sendMessageToMobileId method, 1

sendMessageToSelf method, 1

sendMessageToSubscriberId method, 1

sendMessageToUsername method, 1

sendMMS method, 1

sendMMSContent method, 1

setLocaleCode method, 1

setModelId method, 1

setPassword method, 1

setUserPreferences method, 1

setUserProperties method, 1

showCategory method, 1

signup method, 1

signupWithPropertiesAndPreferences method, 1

SMSMessage class, 1

SMTPMessage class, 1

startSession method, 1

Streaming API, 1

StreamingAdapter interface, 1, 2

StreamingContent class, 1

StreamingException class, 1

StreamingHandler, 1

StreamingServerConnectionFailedException class, 1

StreamingSubscriber class, 1

SubmissionVerifierWorkflows.xml file, 1

subscribe method, 1

Subscriber API

Device Client web services, 1

general process flow, 1

overview, 1

summary, 1

using, 1


guidelines, 1

method parameters, 1

setting up access, 1

using the handlers, 1

SubscriberSegmentHandler class, 1

SystemHandler, 1


TemplateHandler class, 1


unsubscribe method, 1

updateCategories method, 1

uploadContent method, 1

User interface, 1

User Profile api, 1

UserDeviceManager interface, 1

UserDeviceModel interface, 1

UserHandler class

Subscriber API, 1

Vending Manager API, 1

UserManager class, 1


ValidationAdapter class, 1

ValidationContent class, 1

Vending Manager API


AuthenticationHandler, 1

BundleHandler, 1

CampaignHandler, 1

CategoryHandler, 1

ContentHandler, 1

DeviceHandler, 1

PlanHandler, 1

SubscriberSegmentHandler, 1

TemplateHandler, 1

UserHandler, 1

general process flow, 1

overview, 1

summary, 1


guidelines, 1

setting up access, 1


WAP Gateway API, 1

WAP Gateway API, using, 1

WAPGatewayAdapter class, 1

WapPushMessage class, 1

web services, Device Client, 1


XML-RPC method calls

Subscriber API, 1

Vending Manager API, 1