Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Administration Guide


The following terms are used throughout this document.


Access control list. A table that describes the access rights each user has to particular system objects, such as files and directories.

action page

A page that appears when you select an action from one of the Actions drop-down menus in the browser interface. For example, if you select New Folder, the New Folder action page appears. On this action page, you type the name of the folder to create.

administrative domain

A hierarchical collection of managed hosts and host groups. Host groups contain managed hosts and other host groups.

agent seed

Seed value to authenticate the Change Manager server to the agents on managed hosts and vice versa.

The seed is an alphanumeric string of up to 8 characters. Be sure to record it for later reference.


Graphic that indicates the status of an action.


See Solaris Flash archive.


An action that performs a file-level check of the software contents of a system. An audit consists of two parts: building a baseline manifest and comparing managed hosts against that manifest. Use the audit rules file to specify the type of audit to perform. For instance, perform a full system audit or a per-directory audit.

audit rules file

Rules file used by the audit tool. The audit rules file specifies the files to be placed in the manifest. The audit rules file also specifies which files and file attributes are significant when comparing manifests.

baseline manifest

A manifest of files on a managed host that you use for comparisons. The baseline manifest often represents the original installation of the software stack. File-level changes that occur within a software stack can be tracked relative to this baseline manifest.

boot environment

The collection of mandatory file systems (disk slices and mount points) and contents that are critical to the operation of the Solaris operating environment. These disk slices might be on the same disk or distributed across multiple disks.

The active boot environment is the one that is currently booted. Exactly one boot environment can be the active boot environment. An inactive boot environment is not currently booted, but can be in a state of waiting to be activated on the next reboot.

Change Manager requires that each managed host have no more than two boot environments. The active boot environment contains the currently running system image. The inactive boot environment is available for installation with a new Solaris Flash archive.

bread crumb

In web navigation, an ordered set of links that offers the web site visitor easy navigation through a hierarchy. These links represent the path through the hierarchy to the current web page. The bread crumbs appear in the gray line below the general links area.

Change Manager repository

Location where Change Manager files are stored on the Change Manager server. You can import files to the repository and export them from the repository. You must import files to the repository before they can be used for Change Manager operations. You can import files from other directories on the Change Manager server or from other systems by using NFS.

Change Manager server

A system that runs the Change Manager software. This system can be used to install, update, and manage software across a large number of managed hosts. This server stores the software to be installed in the Change Manager repository. The server also stores information about each managed system.

compare manifests

An action that detects the changes on a managed host by comparing its manifest to a baseline manifest. Compare manifests by using the audit operation.

comparison report

The output from the audit operation.

custom JumpStart

A command-line interface that enables you to automatically install several systems, based on JumpStart profiles that you create.


An action that installs software on a clone system by using the Change Manager application.


The process of delivering software from a server to another system. In the Change Manager context, deployment means installation of a Solaris Flash archive by using one of the following:

  • Initial installation

  • Reinstallation

  • Updating the inactive boot environment on a system with two boot environments

deployment finish scripts

Scripts that the software stack creator writes. The finish scripts enable you to customize a newly installed software stack on a managed host at deployment time. These scripts are embedded in the archive and run after installation. The finish scripts are passed the user-defined parameter values set by the Change Manager deployment user.


Domain Name System. A naming service method by which Internet domain names are translated into IP addresses.


An action that copies a file from the Change Manager repository to another system on the network or to a directory outside the repository. The files that can be exported from the Change Manager repository are: Solaris Flash archives, shared profiles, manifests, audit rules files, and reports.


A reversion to the environment that ran previously. Use fallback if the updated boot environment fails to boot or shows some undesirable behavior.


A container that can hold files and other folders. Use folders to organize files such as Solaris Flash archives and shared profiles.

general links area

The information at the top of web pages in the browser interface. The general links area contains tabs with which you can navigate through Change Manager tasks. The general links area also contains general links for help and to log out.


An action that stops a running operating system.


Any hardware system or device that is accessible over the network. A host can be a managed host, a clone system, or another network device, such as a router.

host group

A container that can hold managed hosts and other host groups.

host properties

The properties associated with a managed host. The property values define how the managed host is to be installed with the specified Solaris Flash archive. These host properties can be used in conjunction with a shared profile. A host property value overrides the value of the same property assigned in the shared profile. Use this mechanism when a managed host requires a slightly different configuration than the rest of the managed hosts that use the same shared profile.


An action that copies an object to the Change Manager repository. The objects that can be imported to the Change Manager repository are: Solaris Flash archives, Solaris boot images, shared profiles, manifests, and audit rules files.

The Change Manager repository is on the Change Manager server, but not all files on the server are in the repository.

initial installation

The first installation of a Solaris Flash archive on a system. This installation deploys Solaris software to the system for the first time. Part of the initial installation is to create two boot environments so that subsequent installations can use the Solaris Live Upgrade feature.

Performing an initial installation is a two-part process. First, set up the files for installation in the Change Manager repository. Then, initiate the installation from the managed host.

IP address

In TCP/IP, a unique 32-bit number that identifies each system in a network. The address must contain four sets of numbers separated by periods, for example


A task that runs on a managed host or on the Change Manager server. Some Change Manager jobs are initial installation, update, audit, import, and export.

job ID

Job identification number generated by the Change Manager when a command is initiated.

job log

File that contains information about jobs. A log entry is made when the job starts. Another log entry is made when the job completes. If a job encounters problems, the problem is also reported to the log.

job queue

A list of current and recent jobs. A user can clean up the job queue by purging completed jobs. From the job queue, a user can cancel running or pending jobs.

Kerberos admin server

The Kerberos server that corresponds to the particular Kerberos realm.

Kerberos key distribution center

The Kerberos server that stores the principal and policy databases.

Kerberos realm

Part of the Kerberos name, which corresponds to the Kerberos service that provides authentication for the principal database. For example, you might have a realm for each project organization in your company.

Kerberos security

A method to securely authenticate a request for a service across a network. Kerberos was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as part of the Athena Project.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A software protocol that enables anyone to locate organizations, individuals, and other resources such as files and devices in a given network.

managed host

A host that is controlled by Change Manager. Change Manager can "see" other hosts created by Sun Management Center, but these hosts are not necessarily managed hosts. A managed host must be registered for use by the Change Manager and have the Change Manager agent software installed on it.


A list of files on a system. Each file entry includes several file attribute values. The entry attributes can be compared to track system changes. Manifests are created by running the build manifests operation.

master system

A system on which a software stack is installed and configured for the purpose of creating a Solaris Flash archive. The master system should be representative of the systems to which the software stack is to be deployed.

naming service

Method of tracking networked objects, such as systems, routers, and printers, on a network. Some naming services are DNS, LDAP, NIS, and NIS+.

network interface

Hardware and software a computer system uses to connect to the network.

NIS and NIS+

Network Information System. A naming service method similar to DNS, but used primarily for local area networks. The NIS and NIS+ naming services were developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.


A Change Manager object that is managed by the application. Objects include folders, files, host groups, managed hosts, and jobs.


A web page in which the application displays forms with which the user interacts.


Separate sections in a web page. For example, the Change Manager wizards use four panels.

  • A title panel

  • A scrolling panel that lists the steps the wizard takes

  • A scrolling form panel where you specify parameter values

  • A button panel


A variable name, which is assigned a value. Parameters appear on property pages. Some of the parameters can be changed from the property pages, but many parameters are read-only.

pending job

A job that is scheduled to run in the future.

platform group

The general type of a system, for example, sun4u.


Change Manager uses a private protocol between the Sun Management Center server and agent to perform particular management operations. This protocol relies on a Sun Management Center "probe connection," which provides a data stream between server and agent. The probe mechanism relies on standard Sun Management Center authentication to ensure proper access to the Change Manager components on the agent. The agent must be properly configured and must be in the appropriate server context before a probe connection can be established.


See parameter.


An action that removes completed jobs from the job queue. Completed jobs have a status of canceled, complete, or failed.


Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. A protocol that allows a system to obtain its IP address by broadcasting its MAC address to the subnet. A server retrieves the corresponding IP address from the /etc/ethers database file and sends the address to the requester.


An action that restarts a running operating system.


An installation of a Solaris Flash archive on a managed host. Unlike an initial installation, reinstallation is initiated by the Change Manager. Therefore, you do not need to initiate the installation manually from the managed host's console. The reinstallation operation requires only one boot environment.

The reinstallation operation is useful for disk volume managers because they are not compatible with the Solaris Live Upgrade feature.


The output from one of two operations: an manifest comparison (Audit) or software status check (Get Software Status).


See Change Manager repository.


A bridge between two physical networks. Traffic between the networks flows through the router.


See Change Manager server.

server farm

Multiple systems working together to offer specific services.

set up for initial installation

The action of setting up the custom JumpStart files needed to perform an initial installation of a Solaris Flash archive on a system. This action takes information provided in the shared profile and host properties to build the installation files. Also, the managed host is registered as a network installation client of the Change Manager server.

When the custom JumpStart files are ready, you can manually initiate the initial installation from the console of the managed host.

shared profile

A text file that defines a shared set of properties that customizes one or more managed hosts being installed by the Change Manager. The profile is shared by one or more managed hosts. Each shared profile is associated with a Solaris Flash archive. To use the same customizations for a different archive, create a separate shared profile.


A programmable command interpreter. The command shell provides direct communication between the user and the operating system. UNIX systems use the C shell, Bourne shell, and Korn shell.


Large portions of a disk set aside for operating systems. Boot environments are disk slices used by the Solaris Live Upgrade feature.

software stack

A set of software installed and configured together to provide a solution or to perform a specific function. A software stack must contain at least an operating system. In addition to the operating system, the stack can include middleware and applications.

Solaris boot image

The CD image required by the Change Manager software to perform an initial Solaris installation. This CD image can also be used to troubleshoot Solaris software issues.

For an initial installation, the boot image is used by the managed host to boot the Solaris kernel. Then, the clone system runs the installation program from the boot image. For a Solaris Live Upgrade, the boot image is used to run the installation program.

Solaris Flash archive

A file that represents a collection of files that were copied from a master system. The file also contains identification information about the archive, such as the name of the archive and the date you created it. When you install an archive on a system, the system then contains the exact configuration of the master system you used to create the archive.

Change Manager supports customizable Solaris Flash archives. The archive can be customized if the software stack creator makes software-related parameters available to the Change Manager user interfaces. When you add a managed host, you can specify parameter values on a per-host basis. When you create a shared profile, you can supply parameter values for a number of managed hosts.

Solaris Flash installation

An installation method that enables you to install Solaris Flash archives on managed hosts.

Solaris Live Upgrade

A method of upgrading a system in which the service outage time associated with an operating system update is substantially reduced. The inactive boot environment is updated while the operating system continues to run on the active boot environment.


The logical layout of a network. Change Manager uses a topology that is a tree of host groups and managed hosts. Each domain has a separate topology. The Change Manager topology only reflects the managed hosts and host groups you specify. The topology might not be a complete representation of the network.

transaction log

A log that shows every action that has been initiated from the Change Manager server, not just the long-running jobs.


The action of installing a Solaris Flash archive on the inactive boot environment by using the Solaris Live Upgrade feature. The update takes place on the inactive boot environment while the system continues to run on the active boot environment.


Universal Resource Locator. A path to data on the web. Data on a web server can be accessed through URLs that begin with http://pathname. Data on the local system, including NFS mounts, can be accessed through URLs that begin with file:/pathname.


Version information about the software running on the system.


An application that steps you through to the completion of a task. Change Manager uses wizards to help you create shared profiles and host properties, or managed hosts. Wizards are comprised of four panels: the title panel, the step panel, the form panel, and the button panel.