Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Administration Guide

How to Add a Managed Host (Web Browser)

Managed host properties are the same as those specified for shared profiles. For information about the properties and property values, see Chapter 10, Creating Shared Profiles and Host Properties (Reference).

Note -

A managed host can be a client of only one Change Manager server. To change control of a managed host to another Change Manager server, see Internal error: unable to establish probe connection Appears When Running Jobs on Managed Hosts.

  1. If you are not already in the appropriate host group, see How to Access the Hosts Section and Appropriate Administrative Domain and Host Group (Web Browser).

  2. From the Host Actions menu, choose Add Host.

    The host property page appears.

  3. Supply the following information:

    • Host name.

    • Ethernet address of the managed host.

    • Platform group of the managed host.

    • Port number configured on the agent to communicate with the server.

      Note -

      If you change the value of this property after installing a managed host, the Change Manager server will no longer be able to communicate with it. To reestablish communication with the server by using the new agent port, you must re-initialize the managed host by performing an initial installation on it.

    • Shared profile to use to install or update the managed host.

    • Parameter values that customize the Solaris Flash archive for the managed host.

    Note -

    If a shared profile already exists for this managed host, you only need to specify the name of the shared profile. You can override any archive-specific parameter values specified in the shared profile by clicking the Load button. Then, you can update these parameter value fields on the host properties page.

  4. Click Add to add the managed host.

    Click Cancel to return to the previous page.