Complete Contents
Getting Started
Chapter 1 Understanding Server Plug-Ins
Chapter 2 Writing and Compiling Plug-Ins
Chapter 3 Calling the Front-End API Functions
Chapter 4 Quick Start
Chapter 5 Writing Database Plug-Ins
Chapter 6 Writing Pre/Post-Operation Plug-Ins
Chapter 7 Defining Functions for LDAP Operations
Chapter 8 Defining Functions for Database Operations
Chapter 9 Defining Functions for Authentication
Chapter 10 Writing Entry Store/Fetch Plug-Ins
Chapter 11 Writing Extended Operation Plug-Ins
Chapter 12 Writing Matching Rule Plug-Ins
Chapter 13 Data Type and Structure Reference
Chapter 14 Function Reference
Chapter 15 Parameter Reference
Previous Next Contents Bookshelf Datatypes List

send_ldap_result_fn_ptr_t specifies the prototype for a callback function that you can write to send LDAP result codes back to the client. You can register your function so that it is called whenever the slapi_send_ldap_result() function is called.


#include "slapi-plugin.h"
typedef void (*send_ldap_result_fn_ptr_t)( Slapi_PBlock *pb,
int err, char *matched, char *text, int nentries,
struct berval **urls );


The function has the following parameters:

Parameter block.

LDAP result code that you want sent back to the client (for example, LDAP_SUCCESS).

When sending back an LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT result code, use this argument to specify the portion of the target DN that could be matched.

Error message that you want sent back to the client. Use NULL if you do not want an error message sent back.

When sending back the result code for an LDAP search operation, use this argument to specify the number of matching entries found.

When sending back an LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS result code to an LDAP v2 client or an LDAP_REFERRAL result code to an LDAP v3 client, use this argument to specify the array of berval structures containing the referral URLs.


The slapi_send_ldap_result() function is responsible for sending LDAP result codes back to the client. You can replace the function that sends LDAP result codes to the client with your own function. To do this:

  1. Write a function with the prototype specified by send_ldap_result_fn_ptr_t.
  2. In your plug-in initialization function, register your function by setting the SLAPI_PLUGIN_DB_RESULT_FN parameter in the parameter block to the name of your function.
See "slapi_send_ldap_result()" on page  341 for information on the default function that sends LDAP result codes to clients.


[To be added]

See Also



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