Complete Contents
Getting Started
Chapter 1 Understanding Server Plug-Ins
Chapter 2 Writing and Compiling Plug-Ins
Chapter 3 Calling the Front-End API Functions
Chapter 4 Quick Start
Chapter 5 Writing Database Plug-Ins
Chapter 6 Writing Pre/Post-Operation Plug-Ins
Chapter 7 Defining Functions for LDAP Operations
Chapter 8 Defining Functions for Database Operations
Chapter 9 Defining Functions for Authentication
Chapter 10 Writing Entry Store/Fetch Plug-Ins
Chapter 11 Writing Extended Operation Plug-Ins
Chapter 12 Writing Matching Rule Plug-Ins
Chapter 13 Data Type and Structure Reference
Chapter 14 Function Reference
Chapter 15 Parameter Reference
Previous Next Contents Bookshelf Datatypes List

send_ldap_result_fn_ptr_t specifies the prototype for a callback function that you can write to send search results (entries found by a search) back to the client. You can register your function so that it is called whenever the slapi_send_ldap_search_entry() function is called.


#include "slapi-plugin.h"
typedef int (*send_ldap_search_entry_fn_ptr_t)
( Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, LDAPControl **ectrls,
char **attrs, int attrsonly );


The slapi_send_ldap_search_entry() function is responsible for sending entries found by a search back to the client. You can replace the function that sends entries to the client with your own function. To do this:

  1. Write a function with the prototype specified by send_ldap_search_entry_fn_ptr_t.
  2. In your plug-in initialization function, register your function by setting the SLAPI_PLUGIN_DB_ENTRY_FN parameter in the parameter block to the name of your function.
See "slapi_send_ldap_search_entry()" on page  343 for information on the default function that sends entries to clients.


[To be added]

See Also



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