Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

Chapter 4 Using Netra j Network Connection Administration

This chapter describes the Network Connection Administration modules:

Local Area Network Administration

This section describes how to configure the local area network (LAN) interfaces on your Netra server using the Local Area Network module.

Note -

The Netra software will only display information about network interface hardware that is currently attached to the Netra server. (Refer to your Netra hardware installation manual for instructions on adding network interface hardware.)

A network interface consists of three elements: the network port, the network protocol, and the interface definition.

The network port provides the physical link between machines that comprise a network. Ports can be built into the Netra server, or they can be provided by SBus or PCI cards in the server. The Netra server supports the following types of network hardware:

The network protocol defines the communication that travels over the network. The Netra server supports TCP/IP network protocols. The TCP/IP network protocol suite supports the definition of multiple interfaces for a network hardware port and network protocol.

The interface definition is the configuration information that is specific to the Netra server. For example, the Netra server requires host addresses for TCP/IP interfaces.

Note -

If no network interface is configured, or if the network interface is improperly configured, the Netra server will have difficulty rebooting.

To Add a Network Interface

You cannot administer the Netra server from a remote client without defining the network interface.

  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Local Area Network.

    The Local Area Network Administration page is displayed with a list of network interface hardware to configure.

  2. Click Add a TCP/IP Interface for the required network interface.

    An administration page for the selected interface and protocol is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in Table 4-1.

    Table 4-1 Network Interface Administration: TCP/IP



    Host Name/Address 

    The host name and address for the network interface. This address should not be on the same network as any other configured interface. Example: 


    The netmask address that determines the network with which the host address is associated. Example: 

To Modify a Network Interface
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Local Area Network.

    The Local Area Network Administration page is displayed with a list of network interface hardware to configure.

  2. Click Modify a TCP/IP Interface for the required network interface.

    An administration page is displayed with existing configuration information for the selected interface and protocol.

  3. Complete the form using the information in Table 4-1.

To Delete a Network Interface
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Local Area Network.

    The Local Area Network Administration page is displayed with a list of network interfaces to delete.

  2. Click Delete for the interface you want to remove, then confirm the operation.

Modem Administration

This section describes how to set up a point-to-point protocol (PPP) link between the Netra server and a remote host using a modem.

PPP enables two computers to be connected over a two-way communications link. The connection is established as needed. The Modem Administration module enables you to administer connections to a remote host system (for example, your ISP) using PPP. The following PPP protocol options are supported:

Connecting to a Remote Host Using a Modem

Connecting to a remote host using a modem and PPP requires the following tasks:

  1. Defining a modem.

    Examine the existing modem definitions in the Netra server using the View modem definitions option described on "To View Modem Definitions". If an initialization definition for your modem has already been created, skip this task. If not, add an initialization definition and a unique name for your modem using the Add a modem definition option described on "To Add a Modem Definition".

  2. Assigning a modem to a port.

    Your modem must be physically connected to the Netra server on one of the serial ports. Assign your modem to a specific port by using the appropriate Assign a modem to Port x option, as described on "To Assign a Modem to a Serial Port".

  3. Adding a remote host connection.

    After you assign a modem to a serial port, set up a connection to a remote host using the Add a remote host connection option described on "To Add a Modem Remote Host Connection". (Note that this option will not be displayed until at least one modem is assigned to a port.)

Remote Host Connections

Note -

You must assign a modem to a port before you can see the Add a remote host connection option.

To Add a Modem Remote Host Connection
  1. Choose Modem --> Add a remote host connection.

    The Add A Remote Host Connection page is displayed.

  2. Complete the form using the information in Table 4-2.

    Table 4-2 Modem Remote Host Administration



    Remote Host Address 

    The host address of the system at the other end of the PPP connection (presumably the ISP). Example: 

    Local Host Address 

    The host address of the Netra server. Example: 

    If the remote host assigns the host address dynamically, enter dynamic in this field.

    Phone Number 

    The phone number for the remote host. Example: 17005554141 

    Login String 

    The UUCP-style chat script used to log in to the remote PPP server once the modem connection is established. Example: \" in: LOGIN\r\c word: PASSWORD\r\c\"

    Timeout (minutes) 

    The time, in minutes, after which an idle connection is terminated.  

    Use Remote Host As Default Route 

    Select this option if you want the remote host address to be added to the route table as the default destination. This default route is removed when the connection is terminated. 

    Serial Port Name 

    The name of the serial port on the Netra server through which to connect to the remote host. Choices: ports with connected modems. 

    Connection Speed 

    The bits-per-second speed at which the serial port on the Netra server should communicate with the modem. (Use 38400 for maximum throughput.) Choices: 38400, 19200, and 9600  

To Modify or Delete a Remote Host Connection
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Modem.

    The Modem Administration page is displayed.

  2. Choose one of the following:

    • To modify an existing remote host connection, click Modify, and complete the form using the information in Table 4-2 as a reference.

    • To delete a remote host connection, click Delete, then confirm the delete operation.

Modem Definitions

Note -

The Netra server defines 33 modems. You cannot change these definitions or use any of them as your modem name.

To Add a Modem Definition
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Modem.

    The Modem Administration page is displayed.

  2. Under "Modem Definitions," Add a modem definition.

    The Add a Modem Definition page is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in Table 4-3.

    Table 4-3 Adding/Modifying a Modem Definition



    Modem Name 

    The name associated with the modem. The name must be unique. It must start with a letter, and can include letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores. A modem name must not exceed 12 characters. Example: myhayes

    Initialization String 

    The string passed to the modem when the connection to it is first established. Example: \" AT\r\c\ OK ATM1L)\r\c OK ATDT\D\r\c CONNECT\"

To View Modem Definitions
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Modem.

    The Modem Administration page is displayed.

  2. Under "Modem Definitions," click View modem definitions.

    A list of definitions is displayed in a scrolling window. The modems you defined are shown under your Modems; the system-defined modems are listed next.

To Modify or Delete a Modem Definition
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Modem.

    The Modem Administration page is displayed.

  2. Choose one of the following.

    • To modify an existing modem definition, click Modify, and complete the form using the information in Table 4-3 as a reference.

    • To delete a modem definition, click Delete, then confirm the operation.

Modem Port Assignments

You can assign a modem to a serial port using the Network Connection Administration page.

To Assign a Modem to a Serial Port
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Modem.

    The Modem Administration page is displayed.

  2. Under "Port Assignments," click Assign a modem to Port x.

    (Choose the port to which your modem is connected.)

    The Modem Port Assignment page is displayed with current port assignments.

  3. From the scroll list, select the name of the modem connected to the port (see Table 4-4).

    Table 4-4 Modem Assignments



    Modem assigned to port x  

    All modems are listed, including those defined by the system. "No modem" is not a valid selection if the port is in use by a remote host. If you do not assign modems to any ports, you cannot make a remote connection. 

Modem Log Files

You can change, view or delete modem log files using the Network Connection Administration.

To Change the Log File Detail Level
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Modem.

    The Modem Administration page is displayed.

  2. Under "Modem Log file," Change log file detail level.

    The Modem Log File Detail Level page is displayed.

  3. Choose a level of detail (see Table 4-5):

    Table 4-5 Modem Log File Detail Levels



    Log File Detail Level 

    oerrors only 

    ominimal information 

    osome uucp chat script information 

    oall uucp chat script information 

    omaximum uucp information 

    oPPP message traces 

    oeverything, including IP packets 

To View or Clear the Log File
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Modem.

    The Modem Administration page is displayed.

  2. Choose one of the following options:

    • To view information in the log file, click View log file.

    • To clear information in the log file, click Clear log file, then confirm the operation.

Routing Administration

This section describes how to configure the Netra server as a router.

Routing is the mechanism by which systems on different networks can communicate with each other. Each network usually has at least one system called a router. A router is a system that is connected to multiple networks; it maintains information that defines routes between host systems and networks.

The Netra system can be configured as one of the following:

Dynamic Router

A dynamic router relies on information broadcast from other routers to update its routes and reflect changes in the network topology. It also broadcasts this information to other dynamic routers.

Dynamic routers are typically required when systems act as gateways between networks or within large networks where route information is constantly changing. The Netra server supports the following dynamic routing protocols:

If client host systems are required to use the dynamic router, they must either run programs that can communicate using these protocols or they must specify the dynamic router as a default router.

When the Netra server is configured as a dynamic router, broadcasting RIP information over point-to-point (PPP) links can be enabled or disabled. If additional PPP links are defined after the dynamic router is configured, you must reconfigure the dynamic router to ensure that it is aware of the new links.

To Configure the Netra System as a Dynamic Router
  1. From the Main Administration page, under " Network Connection Administration," click Routing.

    The Routing Administration page is displayed.

  2. Click Configure dynamic router.

    The Dynamic Router Administration page is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in Table 4-6.

    Table 4-6 Dynamic Router Administration




    Specify if a destination address is a Network or a Host. If a value of "net" is entered incorrectly, the system attempts to add the routing entry as a "host." 

    Destination Network/ 

    Host Address  

    Network/Host address to which information is routed. 

    Gateway Host Address 

    Host address of the gateway used for accessing the destination address. If the router is unreachable when this form is configured, it will not be used for routing until dynamic routing is reconfigured or the Netra system is restarted. 

    Hop Count 

    A value of 0 or greater. 0 means the Netra server is the router; a value greater than 0 means that another system is the router. 


    Active or Passive. Gateways marked "active" are removed from the routing information if they become inaccessible. Gateways marked "passive" are part of the routing information until explicitly removed. Routes to passive gateways are also not broadcast to the other systems on the network.  

    Dynamic Routing Information over Point-to-Point Links 

    Enables or disables RIP over PPP links. Choices: Yes or No. 

To Modify a Dynamic Router
  1. From the Main Administration page, under " Network Connection Administration," click Routing.

    The Routing Administration page is displayed.

  2. Click Modify dynamic router.

  3. Complete the form using the information in Table 4-6.

Static Router

A static router relies on the manual addition of routes. Routing information is not exchanged with other routers.

Static routers are typically used in very stable, simple networks. An example of such a network would be a single LAN connected to the Internet or to another network over a PPP link.

If machines on the LAN require a static router, it must be specified as a default router.

To Configure the Netra System as a Static Router

Note -

Before using static routing over PPP links, configure a PPP connection to the remote host using the Modem Administration module, and add a static route to the remote host's host address (IP address).

  1. From the Main Administration page, under " Network Connection Administration," click Routing.

    The Routing Administration page is displayed.

  2. Click Configure static router.

    The Static Router Administration page is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in Table 4-7.

    Table 4-7 Static Router Administration



    Default Router Host Address  

    Host address of the default router for the network. 


    Net or Host. This field enables you to specify if a destination address is a Network or a Host. If a value of "net" is entered incorrectly, the system attempts to add the routing entry as a "host." 

    Destination Network/ 

    Host Address 

    Network/Host address to which information is routed. 

    Router Host Address 

    Host address of the router used for accessing the destination address.  

    Hop Count 

    A value of 0 or greater. 0 means the Netra server is the router; a value greater than 0 means that another system is the router. 

To Modify a Static Router
  1. From the Main Administration page, under " Network Connection Administration," click Routing.

    The Routing Administration page is displayed.

  2. Click Modify static router.

  3. Complete the form using the information in Table 4-7.

Setting a Default Route Over a PPP Link

If you require a default route over a PPP link, choose one of the following options:

If both the local and the remote host addresses are dynamically assigned, you cannot use a default route over a PPP link.

Not a Router

A non-gateway system need not be a router in networks that already have dynamic routers. The Netra server will listen for dynamic routers to broadcast route information using the RIP and the ICMP router discovery protocols.

To Configure the Netra System as Not a Router

Note -

Once the Netra server is already configured as "not a router," this option is not displayed.

  1. From the Main Administration page, under " Network Connection Administration," click Routing.

    The Routing Administration page is displayed.

  2. Click Turn off routing, then confirm the operation.