Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

External Disks

Note -

The Netra software does not display the External Disks module if you do not have external disks attached to the Netra server. If you add a new external disk to an already-configured Netra server, restart the server with the "Check for new devices during restart" option so that it recognizes the new disk drive.

Use the External Disks module to create mount points for external disks or to erase any unmounted disks. You must provide the mount point for a disk drive.

The External Disk module presents a graphic overview of the external disks attached to the system. Each disk is presented as a colored icon, and the icon color represents its state. The legend correlates the icon color to states described in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 External Disk State Color Code






Disk is available for formatting and mounting. 



Disk contains the Solaris operating environment. 



Disk has been formatted. 



Disk is accessible through the file system hierarchy. 



Disk is non-Netra, but partially or totally mounted. 



Disk which all or part is in use by a metadevice. 



No disk. 

Over each disk icon is the disk name. If this name is a link, then following it will present a list of valid operations for that disk. Only unused or disks that have already been erased/mounted by the Netra system will show up as links.

Caution - Caution -

When you erase a disk, you lose all the data on it.

To Mount an External Disk

Note -

If an external disk is attached to the Netra server but is not in the expected Netra format, you will not see the mount option. Erase the disk first. The mount option will then be displayed.

  1. From the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click External Disks.

  2. Under "External Disk Administration," click disk link, then click Mount External Disk.

    The External Disk Administration page is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in Table 6-3.

    Table 6-3 External Disk Mountpoint Information



    Mount point 

    The directory on which to mount the disk. If the directory does not exist, it is created before the disk is mounted. 


    Note -

    A mounted disk cannot be erased through the External Disks Administration module.

To Unmount an External Disk
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click External Disks.

  2. Under "External Disk Administration," click disk link, then click Unmount External Disk.

    The Unmount External Disk Administration page is displayed.

  3. Click OK to confirm the operation.

To Erase an External Disk
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click External Disks.

  2. Under "External Disk Administration," click disk link, then click Erase External Disk.

    The Erase External Disk Administration page is displayed.

    Caution - Caution -

    When a disk is erased, all the data on it is lost forever.

  3. Click OK only if you want to erase the disk, otherwise click on the Home icon.