Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

Boot Problems

Table D-1 describes tips related to the JavaOS and Table D-2 describes boot problems and their solutions.

Table D-1 Tips



Disabling the "flash-prom" update prompt. 

Change the javaos.alwaysUpdate property. The default value is null.

  • If not set, the default behavior occurs: if the DHCP-supplied checksum is present and is not zero and does not match the checksum stored in flash, then an Update Flash dialog is displayed.

  • If set to true, then if the above conditions hold, no dialog is displayed and flash is updated.

  • If set to any value other than true, then regardless of checksum presence/value, flash is not updated.

Note, that if the DHCP checksum is not present or is zero, the flash is not updated.  

See Chapter 9, Setting JavaOS Properties , for additional information.

Table D-2 Boot Problemsand Suggested Actions



After typing boot net/javaos on a SPARCstation, the following message is displayed:

Timeout waiting for ARP/RARP packet

The rarpd daemon on the server is not responding. On the server, type ps -cfe | grep rarpd to verify the daemon is running.


Verify that there is an entry in the /etc/ethers and /etc/hosts files on the server for the client.

Also make sure that the /etc/nsswitch.conf file on the server looks at the local copy of the /etc/ethers and

/etc/hosts files before looking at the NIS copies.

After booting JavaOS over the net, messages indicate that the booter is unable to mount the root file system. 


Make sure the /etc/bootparams file has the correct information for the JavaOS client root file system. It should be the directory that contains the JavaOS binary on the server.

The contents should look something like:  

cuesta root=capo:/tftpboot/cuesta

where cuesta is the name of the JavaOS client and capo is the name of the server. The /tftpboot/cuesta directory contains the JavaOS binary.

Type ps -cfe | grep bootparamd to verify the bootparamd daemon is running. If it is not, type: /usr/sbin/rpc.bootparamd.

Verify the client's root directory is exported over NFS by typing share. The directory containing the client's JavaOS binary (for example, /tftpboot/cuesta) should be in the output. If it is not, you need to update /etc/dfs/dfstab and then type shareall.

After booting JavaOS, the screen goes blank and nothing happens. 

There are a number of reasons this could happen. The most likely reasons include incompatible network and graphics adapters.  

After booting JavaOS, the screen shows twinkling stars or a watch but no login window. 


This is due to a misconfigured or missing DHCP server. Click on the print screen key to display the JavaOS console to view network activity. 

JavaOS will not boot. 

Use snoop(1M) to view network activity. For more information regarding snoop, type man snoop on any Solaris machine.

In addition, you can click on the print screen key to display the JavaOS console to view network activity. 

The following message is displayed: 

date bootserver in.dhcpd[pid]: (Error 0) No more IP address for subnet network

No action is required. This is an informational message from /usr/lib/inet/in.dhcpd

that is displayed in the console window of the boot server when the JavaStation is powered on or rebooted.