Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

HotJava Views Model

HotJava Views enables the zero client-administration network computer and also attempts to minimize server-side administration. Users are organized into groups in HotJava Views, and each group has its own profile, or set of properties.

Through HotJava Views Administration, you can define groups of users that share client properties, specify applications to appear in the Selector, specify any sliding panels that appear from the edges of the screen, administer other properties that affect the user's experience, and specify properties for particular network computers.

Selector refers to the vertical bar on the left side of the HotJava Views window where the applications buttons are located. It is easiest to think of Selector as being synonymous with HotJava Views itself. MailView, CalendarView and NameView are all applets that run within Selector, and their icons appear on the Selector bar.

When the JavaStation client boots, a URL is passed to Selector, which is a pointer to the initial configuration file. Once Selector locates the web server, it loads its set of properties files.