Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

Web Server Document Root Administration

The web server document root is the root directory of the web server running on your system. The documents under this root are accessible to any system connected to the web server (provided the user has permissions). If a file is not under this root directory, then it cannot be accessed through the web server. Netra j requires the document root information to set up the default application of the client.

By default, Netra j sets up HotJava Views and HotJava Browser as main application options available through the Network Computer Server Administration module. Network computers can access these applications by either mounting to the respective application directory or by specifying a URL. Through document root, Netra j creates a link to Hotjava Views or Hotjava Browser. Netra j also sets up the dhcptab entries in document root so that the file names can be used in dhcptab.

Note -

Netra j will not allow you to add a new main application or a network computer without setting up document root.

To Configure a Web Server

You will need to know the document root of the default web server. If you installed Sun WebServer during installation, you can start Sun WebServer on port 80. The default document root for SunWebServer on port 80 is /var/http/demo/public.

  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Services Administration" click Network Computer Server.

    The Network Computer Server Administration page is displayed.

  2. Under "Basic NC Server Administration," click Web Server Documentation Root Administration.

    The Web Server Document Root Administration page is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in Table 3-11.

    Table 3-11 Web Server Parameters



    Select Web Server 

    Select the default web server that will be running from the boot server at port 80.

    Full Path Name of the Document Root 

    Enter the absolute path of the document root for the default web server. For example, if Sun WebServer is running on port 80, then refer to the file /etc/http/httpd.conf and find the keyword doc-root. The default document root for Sun WebServer is /var/http/demo/public. If Netscape web server is running on port 80, then refer the file /usr/local/netscape/nse-home/https-ServerName/config/obj.conf and find the keyword document root.