Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

Network Computer Administration

You can add, modify or delete network computers from a specific boot server. You should complete server administration prior to completing client administration. This module enables you to specify the information listed in Table 3-13.

Table 3-13 Local Parameters Administration



Host Name 

The name of a computer within the local domain. It is a text string of up to 24 characters composed of letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9) and hyphens (-). The last character may not be a hyphen. The first character must be alphabetic. 

Host Address 

An assigned number that uniquely identifies each computer connected to a TCP/IP network. The address consists of two parts: a network number and a host number. The network number identifies the network to which the computer is connected and the host number identifies the computer on that network. The host address is composed of four integers separated by periods. The first integer must be in the range 0-223, the second and third integers in the range 0-255 and the fourth integer in the range 1-254 (for example, 

Ethernet Address 

This address is a number that uniquely identifies each computer. It is built into the hardware of each computer and is displayed at boot time. The Ethernet address is composed of six hexadecimal numbers separated by colons; each number is in the range 0 - ff. Upper- or lower- case letters can be used to specify non-decimal digits.  

Host Address Assigned by 

The value of this field defines whether the IP address lease is turned on. If the host address is managed by the administrator, then the lease is turned off and the IP address is assigned to this network permanently and the value of next field lease_time is ignored. If the host address is managed by a server, then the IP address will be leased for the time is specified in the lease_time field.

Enter Lease Time 

All network computers have a temporary lease. The lease time is the duration (in days) of the IP address lease to the network computer client. A value of -1 specifies an infinate lease. By default, this field is set to 3 days. After this period of time has expired with no DHCP server sending a DHCPACK packet, JavaOS shuts down the networking port.  

Select NC Locale 

The language the user will be using with this network computer. For Asian languages, the input method should also be selected. 

Default Application 

The application that will be run on this computer. Views specifies HotJava Views, and browser specifies HotJava Browser. You can add other applications as options to the Default Application list by using the Client Application Administration menu.

Select Keyboard 

Select the keyboard for use with this network computer. Currently, only PS2 keyboards are supported  

Dead Keys Support 

This property controls the behavior of the accent keys ' " ~ and ^ for ISO Latin locales. If this property is enabled, then these keys are dead keys. When a dead key is pressed, no value is generated until the NEXT key is pressed. In order to get a single quote character, this key must be pressed twice consecutively. If this property is disabled, then these keys will generate their expected value.  

Vendor Specific Options 

The DHCP specification allows for hardware and software vendors to create their own DHCP options. These options are delivered through the use of the Client Class Identifier option and the Vendor Options option. This field enables you to specify the vendor specific options.  

Be careful when you use this feature. The Netra j administration interface software does not validate the value you enter in this field. If you do not want the login prompt for an application to be run on the network computer, enter -djavaos.login=false.

See Chapter 9, Setting JavaOS Properties for additional information.

To Add a Network Computer
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Services Administration" click Network Computer Server.

    The Network Computer Server Administration page is displayed.

  2. Under "Network Computers Administration, " click Network Computer Administration.

    The Network Computer Administration page is displayed.

  3. Under "New Network Computers," click Add a network computer.

    The Add a Network Computer Administration page is displayed.

  4. Complete the form using the information in Table 3-13.

To Modify or Delete a Network Computer
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Services Administration" click Network Computer Server.

    The Network Computer Server Administration page is displayed.

  2. Under "Network Computers Administration, " click Network Computer Administration.

    The Network Computer Administration page is displayed.

  3. Choose one of the following:

    • To modify a network computer, click Modify, and make the changes in the form using Table 3-13 as a reference.

    • To delete a network computer, click Delete then confirm the operation.