Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

Remote Host Connections

Note -

You must assign a modem to a port before you can see the Add a remote host connection option.

To Add a Modem Remote Host Connection
  1. Choose Modem --> Add a remote host connection.

    The Add A Remote Host Connection page is displayed.

  2. Complete the form using the information in Table 4-2.

    Table 4-2 Modem Remote Host Administration



    Remote Host Address 

    The host address of the system at the other end of the PPP connection (presumably the ISP). Example: 

    Local Host Address 

    The host address of the Netra server. Example: 

    If the remote host assigns the host address dynamically, enter dynamic in this field.

    Phone Number 

    The phone number for the remote host. Example: 17005554141 

    Login String 

    The UUCP-style chat script used to log in to the remote PPP server once the modem connection is established. Example: \" in: LOGIN\r\c word: PASSWORD\r\c\"

    Timeout (minutes) 

    The time, in minutes, after which an idle connection is terminated.  

    Use Remote Host As Default Route 

    Select this option if you want the remote host address to be added to the route table as the default destination. This default route is removed when the connection is terminated. 

    Serial Port Name 

    The name of the serial port on the Netra server through which to connect to the remote host. Choices: ports with connected modems. 

    Connection Speed 

    The bits-per-second speed at which the serial port on the Netra server should communicate with the modem. (Use 38400 for maximum throughput.) Choices: 38400, 19200, and 9600  

To Modify or Delete a Remote Host Connection
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click Modem.

    The Modem Administration page is displayed.

  2. Choose one of the following:

    • To modify an existing remote host connection, click Modify, and complete the form using the information in Table 4-2 as a reference.

    • To delete a remote host connection, click Delete, then confirm the delete operation.