Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide


Each property setting must use one of the flags in Table 9-6. There is no space between each flag and its value. Note that certain flags are used only for JavaOS properties, while others are used only forsystem properties.

Table 9-6 Property Flags






The property name and value are stored in the JavaOS properties object. The names of properties set with this option always begin with javaos. Example: -djavaos.kbd=UKPS2



The system property and value are stored in the global system properties object. Example: -Duser.timezone=PST.



The JavaOS property is set to the given value if it has never been set before. If the property already has a value, then its current value is appended with a semicolon and the value.  

Example: -ajavaos.printservice.lpd.printer\ =printer2

This example sets the property javaos.printservice.lpd.printer to printer2 if the property has no current value. If the property already has a value (say, printer1), the new value is appended (printer1;printer2).

This flag is useful if you are building the value of a property from multiple places using the -i option below. Note that this property can itself be a semicolon-separated list of values; the entire list is added or appended as described above.



This works just like the -a option, except that it sets system properties.



Used to undefine a JavaOS property. 



Used to undefine a system property. 



The HTTP URL is expanded and the file referenced by the URL is itself evaluated as if it were a JavaOS command line. Properties are stored one per line in this file. One file can use -i to include another file. There is currently no check on infinite recursion.

Properties will be interpreted as the JavaOS command line, which is a formatted text string of any length that is interpreted when JavaOS boots. The command line can include:

The syntax of the command line is as follows:

prop_setting1 prop_setting2... prop_settingn -- arg1 arg2... argn

where prop_setting is a JavaOS property setting and arg is an argument. Property settings and arguments are separated by two contiguous hyphens.