Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

To Reference a Properties File in the DHCP Vendor Options

Use the -i flag described in Table 9-6 in a dhcptab macro (see Chapter 8, Booting the JavaStation Using Solaris). The relevant line of the macro should have the following syntax:


The text file should contain property settings using the flags described in Table 9-6 and can also include arguments. Each property setting and argument is typed on a separate line, with the separator hyphens on their own line, as follows:


The following is a sample properties text file.

# Sample text file of JavaOS properties
################################################################# General setup

# Define the key that brings up the screen console (PRINTSCREEN
# is the default)

# Set up values that will be returned by SNMP in the System MIB
-djavaos.snmpSysContact=JavaOS group, js_team@ignacio

################################################################# Locale-specific settings

# Set Server for /REMOTE file system
-ajavaos.mountlist=fred:/tftpboot/lunaserver/classes[boxv  ]/REMOTE
# We're all on the US West Coast...

# Set list of countries we support, English first
# (The order doesn't matter, but the Login window shows them
# in the order in which they appear in the property list.)

# Add the European Locales

# Add the Asian Locales
################################################################# FONT-specific settings

# Set the server location for where to find fonts for the 
# /FONTS directory
-ajavaos.mountlist=fred:/tftpboot/lunaserver/fonts[boxv  ]/FONTS 
################################################################# Printing properties

# Always show these printers

# The name of the NIS map for printers (this is the default, so it's
# not really necessary)


# Set up the hardware parameters for locally connected printers

################################################################# set doc.url
# This allows us to read the HotJava Browser User's Guide from 
# a server.