Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Network Computer Application Management

This section describes how to add custom applications for the NC clients and how to administer HotJava Views(HJV). The applets that provide remote windowing tools (Citrix, GO-Joe, and OC://WebConnect) are added to HJV's selector through HJV's administration. If you intend to use the application version of Citrix, use the Client Application Administration.

In the JavaStation Client Software Guide, there are instructions for using an application loader, and using static linking (delivering an application with the JavaOS).

Client Application Administration

The client application is the user's desktop environment on the NC. In the Netra j administration interface, the current list of client applications includes HotJava Views and HotJava Browser. You can add additional applications to the list by using the Network Computer Application Management module.

The application must be a Java application. You cannot use applets as a main application on an NC.

To add a client application, you must know the main class for the application, the home property file, and file that contains all the classes.

Note -

See the JavaStation Client Software Guide for instructions on creating your application archives.

To Add a Client Application
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Computer Administration," click Network Computer Application Management.

    The Network Computer Application Management page is displayed.

  2. Under "Custom Client Application Administration," click Add a custom application.

    The Add A Client Application page is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in the following table

    Table 2-12 Client Application Administration



    Application Name 

    The name of the application. This name is used in other places within the Netra administrative interface to refer to this application. 

    Main Class of the Application 

    The name of the main class where the Java application is defined. The client loads the main class to start the application. 

    Application Archive (Zip) Path 

    The archive (zip) file that contains all the classes. The client downloads the application before starting it. If you need to create a archive, see the JavaStation Client Software Guide.

    Home Property of the Application 

    The value of this field depends on the application. Applications use different property names for the path to use for their home directory. This needs careful attention. The application needs this attribute to find its configuration files. For example, HotJava Browser uses hotjava.home and Marimba Tuner uses tuner.home.

    Application Startup Options 

    The value of this field depends on the application. If the application has an option that can be provided while starting up, that option can be specified here. If the URL of the default web page is provided, HotJava Browser can come up with that URL.  

  4. Click OK.

To Modify or Delete a Client Application
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Computer Administration" click Network Computer Application Management.

    The Network Computer Application Management page is displayed.

  2. Under "Custom Client Application Administration," under "Existing Custom Applications," choose one of the following:

    • To modify a client application designation, click Modify, and make the changes in the form using Table 2-12 as a reference.

    • To delete a client application, click Delete then confirm the operation.