Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Network Computer Service Diagnostics

This tool checks the health of each of the critical network services that are required to boot and run a network computer (NC). It also validates advanced DHCP service.

The network services checked are:

This tool checks that the service is running, that it is up, and that the configuration files are OK.

To Check the Status of All Network Services
  1. From the Main Administration Page, under "Network Computer Administration," click Network Computer Diagnostic Tools.

    The Network Computer Diagnostic Tools page is displayed.

  2. Click Network Computer Service Diagnostics.

    The Network Computer Services Diagnostics page is displayed.

  3. Click General network Services Status.

    The results from polling the system are displayed.

To Validate Advanced DHCP Service

The Advanced DHCP Diagnostic emulates the broadcast of a DHCP DISCOVER request from a particular NC and captures the response from every DHCP server that replies. From this list we can determine whether the local DHCP server is responding properly and if there are any other DHCP servers errantly responding to our requests.

  1. From the Main Administration Page, under "Network Computer Administration," click Network Computer Diagnostic Tools.

    The Network Computer Diagnostic Tools page is displayed.

  2. Click Network Computer Service Diagnostics.

    The Network Computer Services Diagnostic page is displayed.

  3. Click Advanced DHCP Service Validation.

    The Advanced DHCP Service Validation page is displayed.

  4. Highlight the NC you plan to validate the proper operation of the DHCP service for and click OK.

    The Responding DHCP Servers Page is displayed.This page states if the local DHCP service responded or not, and lists all the other DHCP servers responding.

  5. Click on the hostname of a responding server to view the decoded response.