Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Remote Printer Administration

Remote Printer Administration provides a way of adding access to remote printers on the Netra j server. Any remote printer configured through the Netra j administration interface is added to the local printer configuration files.

Note -

For a Netra j server installed on Solaris 2.6, and configured as a NIS client, a remote NIS server may be already broadcasting remote printer access for certain printers. In this case, Netra j detects the presence of such printers, and DOES NOT allow them to be configured again through the Netra j administration interface. This would lead to potential inconsistencies in information stored in the local printer configuration file with that being broadcast by the remote print server. Even though you cannot configure such printers through the Netra j administration interface, access to print to the remote printers is still available in the normal way and to all applications. To convince yourself that these printers are available, execute the command lpstat -v on a shell command line.

To Add Access to a Remote Printer
  1. From the Main Administration Page, under "Network Service Administration," click Printer Administration.

  2. Under "Remote Printer Administration," click Add access to Remote Printer.

  3. Complete the Add Remote Printer form using the information in the following table.

    Table 6-5 Remote Printer Attributes



    Printer Name 

    Enter a printer name with up to 14 characters in the range (A-Z, a-z, 0-9,-,_). Do not start the printer name with "-" or "_". 


    The printer name must correspond to a known printer on the network, either a network printer (a printer attached directly to the network that knows its own host name and IP address), or a printer attached to another Solaris or BSD print server. 

    Print Server Name 

    The print server name must correspond to a known host on the network, and the host name must be resolvable to its IP address. To do this, add the hostname - IP address pair to the /etc/hosts file through the Local Name Services module.


    Alternatively, if the Netra j server is a NIS client in a NIS domain, confirm that the print server host name is registered with the NIS server for that domain. 


    The print server corresponds to one of three types of hosts: 

    • If the print server is a remote host with a printer attached locally to it, then the print server name is the name of the remote host.

    • If the print server is a network printer, the print server name is the same as the printer name.

    • If the print server is a network print spool server for a network printer, then the print server name entered is the name of the network print spool server.

    Description (optional) 

    Enter a description of the printer (up to 28 characters). 

  4. Click OK.

To Modify or Delete Access to a Remote Printer
  1. From the Main Administration Page, under "Network Service Administration," click Printer Administration.

  2. Under "Remote Printer Administration," choose one of the following:

    • To modify a remote printer, click Modify for the appropriate printer, and make changes in the form using Table 6-5 as a reference.

    • To delete a remote printer, click Delete for the appropriate printer, and then confirm the operation.