Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

ATM Administration

This section describes how to set up a connection to an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network.

Note -

This option is displayed on the Main Administration page only if the relevant hardware and software has been installed. (See system's hardware installation manual for instructions on adding network interface hardware. See Netra System Administration for software installation instructions.)

ATM Requirements

ATM is a connection-oriented network protocol. To use this protocol, two communicating entities must establish a connection before data transfer can begin. The Transport Control Protocol/Interface Program (TCP/IP), on the other hand, is inherently connectionless.

The SunATM(TM) 2.1 software supports two protocols that reconcile the differences between the ATM and TCP/IP paradigms:

Both these protocols enable TCP/IP to run transparently over an ATM interface by resolving an IP address to an ATM address and establishing the connection to the host to which a message is addressed.

The Netra ATM administration module supports SunATM version 2.1 software and SunATM-155 version 2.1 hardware. (The SunATM-155/Mfiber SBus Adapter 2.1 and SunATM-155/UTP5 SBus Adapter 2.1 are single-wide SBus adapters that conform to the specifications of the ATM Forum.)

Classical Internet Protocol Interface

Classical IP supports the TCP/IP and the User Datagram Protocol/Interface Program (UDP/IP) protocols in an ATM environment. An ATM address resolution protocol (ATM ARP) server replaces the traditional ARP protocol by resolving IP addresses to ATM addresses. It is accessible to all hosts on a subnet. Each host must register with the ARP server when the ATM interface is brought up.

Classical IP has the following limitations because it does not support broadcast and multicast messaging.

Each ATM port (SBus card) on the Netra server supports only one Classical IP interface.

LAN Emulation Interface

LAN Emulation, which provides mechanisms to send broadcast messages, is another way of supporting the TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocols over an ATM network. A series of LAN Emulation services (such as the LAN Emulation Configuration Server -LECS-, the LAN Emulation Server -LES-, and the Broadcast and Unknown Server -BUS-) provide address resolution information. When a LAN Emulation interface is brought up, it joins the LAN by registering with these services. The LAN Emulation protocol provides a broadcast service to the upper layer protocols. Therefore, a LAN Emulation interface is not affected by the multicast and RIP limitations of Classical IP.

Each ATM port on the Netra server currently supports only one LAN Emulation interface.

Configuring ATM Interfaces

To configure ATM interfaces on the Netra server, you must perform the following general tasks:

  1. Set the type of framing interface.

    ATM switches use either the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) or the Synchronous Optical NETwork (SONET) framing interface. (The framing interface used by the ATM switch should be in the switch product information.) Set the framing interface type using the Change Framing Interface option, as described on "Framing Interface".

  2. Set the User Network Interface (UNI) version for each ATM port.

    Each ATM port must be configured with a User Network Interface version. This version applies to all Classical IP and LAN Emulation interfaces configured on that port. Each port can be configured with a different version. Set the UNI version using the Change User Network Interface Version option, as described on "User Network Interface ".

  3. Configure a Classical IP and/or a LAN Emulation interface for each ATM port.

    Use the Configure a Classical IP Interface and Configure a LAN Emulation Interface options described on "Classical IP Interface " and "Configuring a LAN Emulation Interface ".

Framing Interface

To Set the Framing Interface
  1. On the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click ATM.

    The ATM Administration page is displayed with the current switch and port configuration information.

  2. Click Change Framing Interface.

  3. Choose the type of framing interface. See the following table.

    Choose either SONET, or SDH. The Netra default is SONET.

  4. On the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click Restart and Shutdown to restart the Netra server.

User Network Interface

To Set the User Network Interface Version
  1. On the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click ATM.

    The ATM Administration page is displayed with configuration information for each port.

  2. Click Change User Network Interface for the required ATM port.

  3. Choose the version number.

    Specify the version (either 3.0 or 3.1) of the User Network Interface (UNI) used for signaling. The default is 3.0.

  4. Restart the Netra server on the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click Restart and Shutdown.

Classical IP Interface

To Configure a Classical IP Interface
  1. On the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click ATM.

    The ATM Administration page is displayed with configuration information for each port.

  2. Click Configure a Classical IP interface for the required ATM port.

    An administration page for the chosen interface is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in the following table.

    Table 7-8 Information for ATM Classical IP Interface

    ARP Configuration 

    The server or client ARP configuration. Choose either Server, Client, or Standalone. Standalone enables a back-to-back configuration. 

    ARP Server Prefix 

    The 13-byte prefix of the ARP server switch. If the ARP server is on the same switch as the Netra server, no entry is required. If there is no entry in this field, the local switch prefix is used. 

    This field is required only when the ARP Configuration field is set to Client. 

    ARP Server Address 

    The 7-byte local portion of the ATM address of the ARP server. If no server is specified, the default local server is used. (There are also 256 addresses reserved by Sun: SUNMACSEL0-255.)  

    This field must remain blank if the ARP Configuration field is set to Standalone. 

    Remote Host Address 

    The remote host address for the machine to which the Netra server is connected. The remote host address and the host address must be on the same subnet. 

    This field is required only when the ARP Configuration field is set to Standalone. 

    Host Address 

    The host address for the network interface. This address should be unique on the system. 


    The netmask address that determines the network with which the host address is associated. 


    If no remote host configurations are defined in the ATM module, the following message may be displayed on the console when the Netra server is restarted.

    cannot find atmconfig file in /etc; exiting S60sunatm 

    This message can be ignored.

  4. On the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click Restart and Shutdown to restart the Netra server.

To Modify or Unconfigure a Classical IP Interface
  1. On the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click ATM.

    The ATM Administration page is displayed with configuration information for each port.

  2. Choose one of the following.

    • To modify a Classical IP interface, choose Modify for the required interface, and make the changes in the form using Table 7-8.

    • To unconfigure a Classical IP interface, choose Unconfigure for the interface to be removed; then confirm the operation.

  3. On the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click Restart and Shutdown to restart the Netra server.

Configuring a LAN Emulation Interface

To Configure a LAN Emulation Interface
  1. On the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click ATM.

    The ATM Administration page is displayed with configuration information for each port.

  2. Click Configure a LAN Emulation Interface.

    An administration page for the chosen interface is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in the following table.

    Table 7-9 Information for ATM LAN Emulation Interface

    LAN Name 

    The name of an emulation LAN to join. 

    Host Address 

    The host address for the network interface. This address should be unique on the system. 


    The netmask address that determines the network with which the host address is associated. 


  4. On the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click Restart and Shutdown to restart the Netra server.

To Modify or Unconfigure a LAN Emulation Interface
  1. On the Main Administration page, under "Network Connection Administration," click ATM.

    The ATM Administration page, with configuration information for each port, is displayed.

  2. Choose one of the following.

    • To modify a LAN emulation interface, choose Modify for the required interface, and make the changes in the form using Table 7-9.

    • To unconfigure a LAN emulation interface, choose Unconfigure for the interface to be removed; then confirm the operation.

  3. On the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click Restart and Shutdown to restart the Netra server.