Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Token Parameter

The GO-Joe applet accepts an optional token parameter in its HTML file. If the token parameter is present, the applet transmits it to the go-login program, along with the user name and password. The go-login program creates an environment variable, $GG_TOKEN, which is available for other startup scripts to process.The following three controls are supported by the token parameter.

The Solaris session startup files (OpenWindows or CDE) are initiated when the GlobalHost loadable ddx module is installed.

When starting an OpenWindows session, the token parameter is used in $OPENWINHOME/lib/gotoken-init or in $HOME/.gotoken-init. If $HOME/.gotoken-init exists, it is used before $OPENWINHOME/lib/gotoken-init. System administrators and system integrators can create system-wide token processing routines by modifying $OPENWINHOME/lib/gotoken-init, while still enabling users to override these settings in the $HOME/.gotoken-init file. In addition, if the $GG_TOKEN variable is not set, the session startup is the same as a standard OpenWindows session.

The CDE startup mechanism is somewhat different from the OpenWindows mechanism. Unlike OpenWindows, which uses a single openwin-init file, CDE stores its session initialization as a directory filled with several files. Because of this, the CDE token is used to specify a session to be started. Sessions are stored in /usr/dt/config/dtgotokens, in subdirectories that match the name of the startup control. When the session is started with the CDE token, the session directory is copied into the user's home directory, and CDE starts this session for the user.