Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Advanced Configuration Options

The GO-Joe applet ships with an example startup HTML file, xsession.html. This file is used by Netra j administration and should not be modified manually. To make advanced configurations, copy the xsession.html file to another file (for example, x.html) and use it for modifications.

The sample x.html file contains an example startup session that exercises some of the available parameters for the applet, but this file must be customized before it can be used.

Table 4-2 Applet Parameters




This parameter is specified in the APPLET tag and determines the width of the GO-Joe frame in the HTML file. Its format is browser- specific, but it can generally be an absolute number of pixels (for example, "width=800") or a percentage of the browser window's width (for example, "width=100%").


This parameter is specified in the APPLET tag and determines the height of the GO-Joe frame in the HTML file. Its format is browser- specific, and it can generally be an absolute number of pixels (for example, "height=600") or a percentage of the browser window's height (for example, "height=90%").


This parameter specifies the name or IP address of the host machine that runs the X session.  


This parameter specifies the port number that is contacted by the GO-Joe applet. Usually, this is port 491; however, it can be different if the port is being used by a service other than the go-login service on the GO-Joe host server.


This parameter specifies an optional "token" value to be passed into the environment of the X session. See "Token Parameter" for information on the token parameter.

The following is a sample x.html file that initiates a default session. This sample does not demonstrate all of the available parameters.

<HEAD><TITLE>GO-Joe Example Session</TITLE></HEAD>
<APPLET ARCHIVE="gojoe.jar" CODE="
gojoe.class" WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="600">
	<PARAM NAME="server" VALUE="myhost">
    <PARAM NAME="port" VALUE="491">