C H A P T E R  5

Simple Network Management Protocol

This chapter describes the Netra CT server Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) support, and provides a useful example. This chapter contains the following sections:

SNMP Overview

The most widespread legacy architecture for network and device management is SNMP, for which the Java DMK provides a complete toolkit. This gives you the advantages of developing both Java Dynamic Management agents and managers that are interoperable with existing management systems.

SNMP network protocol enables devices to be managed remotely by a Network Management Station (NMS). To be managed, a device must have an SNMP agent associated with it. The agent receives requests for data representing the state of the device and provides an appropriate response. The agent can also control the state of the device. Additionally, the agent can generate SNMP traps, which are unsolicited messages sent to selected NMSs to signal significant events relating to the device.

The Sun Netra SNMP Management Agent is an intelligent SNMP v2 agent for continuously monitoring key hardware variables. You can generate and collect value-add reports collected by remote monitoring. Using Sun Netra SNMP Management Agent's generic management interface and comprehensive event mechanisms, you can dynamically build configuration and health status data, thus reducing development costs.

Management Information Base

To manage and monitor devices, the characteristics of the devices must be represented using a format known to both the agent and the NMS. These characteristics can represent physical properties such as fan speeds, or services such as routing tables. The data structure defining these characteristics is known as a Management Information Base (MIB). This data model is typically organized into tables, but can also include simple values. An example of the former is routing tables, and an example of the latter is a timestamp indicating the time at which the agent was started.

A MIB is a text file, written in abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) notation, which describes the variables containing the information that SNMP can access. The variables described in a MIB, which are also called MIB objects, are the items that can be monitored using SNMP. There is one MIB object for each element being monitored. All MIBs are, in fact, part of one large hierarchical structure, with leaf nodes containing unique identifiers, data types, and access rights for each variable and the paths providing classifications. A standard path structure includes branches for private subtrees.

For reference, the structure of the MIBs for SNMPv2 is defined by its Structure of Management Information (SMI) defined in the RFC2578 document. This SMI defines the syntax and basic data types available to MIBs. The Textual Conventions (type definitions) defined in the RFC2579 document define additional data types and enumerations.

Before an NMS can manage a device through its agent, the MIB corresponding to the data presented by the agent must be loaded into the NMS. The mechanism for doing this varies depending on the implementation of the network management software. This gives the NMS the information required to address and correctly interpret the data model presented by the agent. Note that MIBs can reference definitions in other MIBs, so to use a given MIB, it might be necessary to load others.

Object Identifiers

The MIB defines a virtual datastore accessible by way of the SNMP software, the content being provided either by corresponding data maintained by the agent, or by the agent obtaining the required data on demand from the managed device. For writes of data by the NMS to this virtual data, the agent typically performs some action affecting the state either of itself or the managed device.

To address the content of this virtual datastore, the MIB is defined in terms of object identifiers (OIDs) which uniquely identify each data entry. An OID consists of an hierarchically arranged sequence of integers providing a unique name space. Each assigned integer has a associated text name. For example, the OID corresponds to the OID iso.org.dod.internet and corresponds to the OID iso.org.dod.internet.private. The numeric form is used within SNMP protocol transactions, whereas the text form is used in user interfaces to aid readability. Objects represented by such OIDs are commonly referred to by the last component of their name as a shorthand form. To avoid confusion arising from this convention, it is normal to apply a MIB-specific prefix, such as netract, to all object names defined therein.

All addressable objects defined in the MIB have associated maximum access rights (for instance, read-only or read-write), which determine what operations the NMS permits the operator to attempt. The agent can limit access rights as required; that is, it is able to refuse writes to objects that are considered read-write. This refusal can be done on the grounds of applicability of the operation to the object being addressed, or on the basis of security restrictions that can limit certain operations to restricted sets of NMS. The mechanism used to communicate security access rights is community strings. These text strings, such as private and public, are passed with each SNMP data request.

Much of the data content defined by MIBs is of a tabular form, organized as entries consisting of a sequence of objects (each with their own OIDs). For example, a table of fan characteristics could consist of a number of rows, one per fan, with each row containing columns corresponding to the current speed, the expected speed, and the minimum acceptable speed. The addressing of the rows within the table can be a simple single dimensional index (a row number within the table, for example, 6), or a more complex, multidimensional, instance specifier such as an IP address and port number (for example,, 1234). In either case, a specific data item within a table is addressed by specifying the OID giving its prefix (for example, myFanTable.myFanEntry.myCurrentFanSpeed) with a suffix instance specifier (for example, from the previous example) to give myFanTable.myFanEntry.myCurrentFanSpeed.

Each table definition within the MIB has an INDEX clause that defines which instance specifiers to use to select a given entry. The SMI defining the MIB syntax provides an important capability whereby tables can be extended to add additional entries, effectively adding extra columns to the table. This is achieved by defining a table with an INDEX clause that is a duplicate of that of the table being extended.

Netra CT System SNMP Representation

The Netra CT software uses these SNMP MIBs to present the network information model:


The ENTITY-MIB is defined by the IETF standard RFC2037. The ENTITY-MIB provides a mechanism for presenting hierarchies of physical entities using SNMP tables.

The Netra CT information model uses the ENTITY-MIB to provide:

This information is presented using SNMP tables:

This table contains one row per hardware resource. These rows are called entries, and a particular row is referred to as an instance. Each entry contains the physical class (entPhysicalClass) and common characteristics of the hardware resource. Each entry has a unique index (entPhysicalIndex) and contains a reference (entPhysicalContainedIn) that points to the row of the hardware resource which acts as the container for this resource.

FIGURE 5-1 and TABLE 5-1 show how an example hierarchy of hardware resources are presented using the ENTITY-MIB.

FIGURE 5-1 Hardware Resource Hierarchy

Diagram showing hardware resource as seen when employing ENTITY-MIB hierarchy[ D ]

TABLE 5-1 Physical Entity Table




. . .




. . .




. . .




. . .




. . .




. . .


power supply


. . .




. . .




. . .




. . .




. . .

The Netra CT Management Agent uses values for entPhysicalIndex and ifIndex that might not be contiguous, but are within the range of permitted values.


The IF-MIB is defined by the IETF standard RFC 2863. The IF-MIB provides information about the network interfaces of the server. The information is presented using the ifTable. The ifTable contains a row for each network interface. The ifTable includes columns which describe the interface (ifDescr), indicate the type of interface (ifType), and the indicate the status of the interface (ifOperStatus).


The Host-Resources-MIB is defined in RFC 2790.

Host Resources Running Software Table

The Host Resources Running Software Table (hrSWRunTable) contains information about the software that is running on the network element (for example, NFS, TFTP, and CGTP). When an application or daemon under the monitor is running, the MOH Software Module adds an entry into the hrSWRunTable and will send to the client the netraCtRunningSwCreated trap. When an application or a daemon stops running, the MOH Software Module sends the netraCtRunningSwChanged trap with hrSWRunStatus is invalid. The MOH Software Module only deletes the entry from the hrSWRunTable and sends the netraCtRunningSwDeleted trap when the service is uninstalled from the system.

Host Resources Installed Software Table

The Host Resources Installed Software Table (hrSWInstalledTable) contains information about the software installed on the network element (for example, installation packages related to NFS, CGTP, and so on). netraCtInstalledSwCreated, netraCtInstalledSwDeleted and netraCtInstalledSwChanged are traps sent to the client corresponding to the software package installed event, software package uninstalled event, and different version of the existing software package installed event.


This section describes the SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB, which is the SNMP version of the Netra CT network element view.

A brief description of each of the groups that comprise the MIB module is provided in the following subsections:

For more information, refer to the MIB file that is available as part of the software package at the default location:


Netra CT Network Element High-Level Objects

The SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB module representation of high-level objects in the Netra CT network element (NE) is composed of the elements in TABLE 5-2:

TABLE 5-2 SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB Netra CT NE High-Level Objects




The vendor of the Netra CT network element.


The version of the Netra CT network element.

Start Time

The time at which the agent was last started; in other words, the time at which sysUpTime was zero (0).

Alarm Severity Index

An index into the alarm severity profile table, specifying the severity assignments for Netra CT alarms reported for the Netra CT network element. The default value for this object is zero (0).

Suppress Zero Stats

When the value of this object is true, no entry will be created in any of the historical statistics tables for intervals in which all counts are zero. The default value for this object is true (1).

Physical Path Termination Point Table

The Netra CT Physical Path Termination Point Table extends the entPhysicalTable. Each entry of this table represents a Physical Path Termination Point within the Netra CT NE. The SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB module representation of a physical path termination point is composed of the elements shown in TABLE 5-3:

TABLE 5-3 SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB Physical Path Termination Point Table



Physical Path Termination Point Hardware Unit Index

Specifies the index of the entry in the entPhysicalTable that represents the device (that is, a card) on which the physical path terminates.


Physical Path Termination Point Port ID

Identifies the port within the card identified by the hardware unit index on which the physical path terminates.


Physical Path Termination Point Port Label

Provides the external label string for the physical path termination point entry. If there is no label, the value is a zero-length display string.

Physical Path Termination Point Port Alarm Severity Index

Specifies the index of the entry in the communications alarm severity profile table that should be used. The default value of this object is zero (0).


Equipment Table

The Netra CT Equipment Table extends the entPhysicalTable. Each entry in this table represents a piece of equipment within the Netra CT NE that neither is nor accepts a replaceable plug-in unit. The SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB module representation of an equipment is composed of the elements shown in TABLE 5-4:




Equipment Administration Status

Used by the administrator to lock and unlock the object.

Equipment Location

The specific or general location of the component.

Equipment Operating Status

Identifies whether or not the component is capable of performing its normal functions.

Equipment Vendor

The vendor of the component.

Equipment Version

The version of the component.

Equipment User Label

A user-friendly name for the piece of equipment. The default value of this object is the null string.

Equipment Alarm Severity Index

An index into the alarm severity profile table, specifying the severity assignments for Netra CT alarms reported for this component. The default value of this object is zero (0).

Equipment Holder Table

The Netra CT Equipment Holder table extends the entPhysicalTable. Each entry in this table represents a component within the Netra CT NE that accepts a replaceable plug-in unit. The SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB module representation of an equipment holder is composed of the elements shown in TABLE 5-5:

TABLE 5-5 SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB Equipment Holder Table



Equipment Holder Type

The type of the component.


Equipment Holder Acceptable Types

The types of plug-in units that can be supported by the slot, separated by newline characters. This attribute is present only when the Equipment Holder represents a slot.

Equipment Holder Slot Status

Identifies whether or not a plug-in unit is present in the slot. This attribute is present only when the Equipment Holder represents a slot.

Equipment Holder Label

Provides the external label string for the holder entry. If there is no label, the value is a zero-length display string.

Equipment Holder Software Load

An index into the installed software table, specifying the software that is to be loaded into the plug-in unit whenever an automatic reload of software is needed. This attribute is present only when the Equipment Holder represents a slot.

Equipment Holder Plug-In Unit Acceptable

This field is true when the plug-in unit contained in the equipment holder is supported.

Equipment Holder Alarm Severity Index

An index into the alarm severity profile table, specifying the severity assignments for Netra CT alarms reported for this component.

Plug-in Unit Table

The Plug-In Unit Table extends the entPhysicalTable. Each entry of this table represents a piece of equipment within the Netra CT NE that is inserted into and removed from an Equipment Holder. The SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB module representation of a plug-in unit is composed of the elements shown in TABLE 5-6.




Plug-In Unit Administration Status

Used by the administrator to lock and unlock the object. Values are: up (1) and down (2).

Plug-In Unit Availability Status

Provides further information regarding the state of the component. Value are: available (1), inTest (2), failed (3), powerOff (4), notInstalled (5), offine (6), dependency (7), and unknown (8).

Plug-In Unit Operative Status

Identifies whether or not the component is capable of performing its normal functions. Values are: up (1), down (2), and unknown (3).

Plug-In Unit Vendor

The vendor of the component.

Plug-In Unit Version

The version of the component.

Plug-In Unit Label

Provides the external label string for the plug-in entry. If there is no label, the value is a zero-length display string.

Plug-In Unit Alarm Severity Index

An index into the alarm severity profile table, specifying the severity assignments for Netra CT alarms reported for this component. The default value of this object is zero (0).

Hardware Unit to Running Software Relationship Table

The Netra CT Hardware Unit to Running Software Relationship Table describes the software that is running on each hardware unit in the Netra CT NE. Each entry of this table identifies an entry in the entPhysicalTable and one in the hrSWInstalledTable.

The SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB hardware unit to running software relationship table is composed of the elements shown in TABLE 5-7.

TABLE 5-7 SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB Hardware Unit to Running Software Relation Table



Hardware Running Software to Hardware Index

The index, in the entPhysicalTable, of the containing hardware unit in this pair.

Hardware Running Software Index

A unique number within the context of the containing hardware unit.

Hardware Running Software to Software Index

An index into the Netra CT Hardware Unit to Running Software relationship table.

Hardware Unit to Installed Software Relationship Table

The Netra CT Hardware Unit to Install Software Relationship Table describes the software that is installed on each hardware unit in the Netra CT NE. Each entry of this table identifies an entry in the entPhysicalTable and one in the hrSWInstalledTable. The SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB hardware unit to installed software relationship table is composed of the elements shown in TABLE 5-8.

TABLE 5-8 SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB Hardware Unit to Installed Software Relationship Table



Hardware Installed Software to Hardware Index

The index, in the entPhysicalTable, of the containing physical entity in this pair.

Hardware Installed Software Index

A unique number within the context of the containing hardware unit.

Hardware Installed Software to Software Index

The index, in the hrSWInstalledTable, of the software product represented by this entry.

Hardware to Software Alarm Severity Index

An index into the alarm severity profile table, specifying the severity assignments for Netra CT alarms reported for this piece of software installed on the hardware unit. The default value of this object is zero.

Hardware Installed Software to Hardware Index

The index, in the entPhysicalTable, of the containing physical entity in this pair.

Alarm Severity Identifier Textual Convention

The SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB alarm severity identifier textual conventions consist of the elements shown in TABLE 5-9.

TABLE 5-9 SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB Alarm Severity Identifier Textual Conventions



Alarm Log Severity

The value of this object identifies the severity of an alarm in the log. Values are: cleared (-1), indeterminate (0), critical (1), major (2), minor (3), and warning (4).

Alarm Severity

The value of this object identifies the severity of an alarm that has occurred. Values are: indeterminate (0), critical (1), major (2), minor (3), and warning (4). (Note that there is no value corresponding to 'cleared'.)

Alarm Severity Profile Table

The Netra CT alarm severity profile table specifies which profiles exist. Creating or deleting an entry in this table automatically creates or deletes the corresponding entries in the netraCtAlarmSeverityTable. Each entry of this table represents a group of severities, one for each alarm type in the communications alarm group. The
SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB alarm severity profile table consists of the elements shown in TABLE 5-10.

TABLE 5-10 SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB Alarm Severity Profile Table



Alarm Severity Profile Index

A number identifying this alarm severity profile.


Alarm Severity Profile Row Status

This object is used to create a new row or to delete an existing row in the table.

Alarm Severity Table

The Netra CT alarm severity table associates profile index and trap ID pairs with severities to be used for Netra CT alarm traps that have occurred. (Note that this table does not apply to cleared alarms). An entry in this table associates an alarm severity profile index and trap ID pair with a severity. Deleting a particular profile's row in the alarm severity profile table deletes all rows in this table with the same profile index. Conceptually, rows corresponding to all possible trap IDs are created in this table when a new alarm severity profile is created, but the agent returns a default value except for those few traps for which values have been set. The alarm severity table elements are listed in TABLE 5-11.

TABLE 5-11 SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB Alarm Severity Table



Alarm Severity Trap ID

The ID of the trap type to which this entry applies.

Trap Forwarding Table

The Netra CT Trap forwarding discriminator table specifies which traps will be sent to which management system. Each entry of this table contents information about a group of traps to be sent to a particular IP address. This is used as the value of the object netraCtForwardedTrapObject when traps from all objects are to be forwarded, or when there is only one object of the type that forwards the specified trap type. The elements for this table are shown in TABLE 5-12.

TABLE 5-12 SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB Trap Forwarding Table



Trap Forwarding Index

A number identifying the Trap forwarding discriminator.


Trap Forwarding Destination

The IP address to which traps identified by this table entry should be sent.

Forwarded Trap ID

The ID of the trap type to which this entry applies. The special value {0 0} indicates that this entry applies to all traps.


Forwarded Trap Object

The object to which this entry applies. By convention, this is the name of the first object in the row in the table referenced. The special value {0 0} indicates that traps of this type from all objects of the type that can generate it. It should also be used when traps from the Netra CT NE are to be specified.

Trap Forwarding Port

The UDP port on the specified management system to which traps identified by this entry should be sent.

Lowest Forwarded Severity

The lowest severity of traps of this type from the specified object that should be sent to this address. This object has significance only if the trap type specified has a severity associated with it.

Forwarded Indeterminate

When this object has the value TRUE, traps with indeterminate severity will be forwarded to the specified event. This object has significance only if the trap type specified has a severity associated with it.

Trap Forwarding Row Status

This object is used to create a new row or to delete an existing row in the table.

MIB Notification Types

MIB notification types consist of auxiliary definitions for alarms. Except for perceived severity, the objects shown in TABLE 5-13 can be optionally appended to any alarm notification.

TABLE 5-13 MIB Notification Types



Trap Alarm Severity

The perceived severity of the alarm, as specified by the agent that generated it.

Trap Alarm Backed Up

If the value of this object is TRUE, the failed object has been backed up.

Trap Alarm Back-Up Object

Indicates the object that provided back-up services to the failed object.

Trap Alarm Specific Problem

Indicates further refinements to the problem identified by the alarm type. If more than one specific problem is described in this object, the problem descriptions are separated by newline characters.

Trap Alarm Repair Act

Indicates proposed repair actions reported by the agent for the problem identified by the alarm. If more than one action is described in this object, the problem descriptions are separated by newline characters.

SNMP Traps

The SNMP management software has the ability to send traps, or messages, to an application when one or more conditions have been met. Generally, a trap is an unsolicited network packet sent from an agent that usually reports some unexpected error condition.

TABLE 5-14 describes the SNMP traps found in the Netra CT SNMP MIB.





Indicates that a high temperature condition has occurred on the hardware unit associated with the specified index.


Indicates that the operational state of the specified hardware unit has transitioned to up.


Indicates that the operational state of the specified hardware unit has transitioned to down.


Indicates that the specified hardware unit has been installed at the specified location.


Indicates that the specified hardware unit has been removed or uninstalled from the specified location.


Indicates that the specified software package has been installed.


Indicates that the specified software package has been removed.


Indicates that the specified software has been started.


Indicates that the specified software has been stopped.


Indicates that a memory error has occurred.

TABLE 5-15 defines the standard SNMP traps found in the RFC123-MIB.

TABLE 5-15 RFC1213-MIB Traps




Signifies that the entity, acting in an agent role, is reinitializing itself and that its configuration might have been altered.


Signifies that the entity, acting in an agent role, is reinitializing itself such that its configuration is unaltered.


Signifies that the entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for one of its communication links left the down state and transitioned into some other state (but not into the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus.


Signifies that the entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for one of its communication links is about to enter the down state from some other state (but not from the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus.

Understanding the MIB Variable Descriptions

TABLE 5-16 defines the MIB elements used in MIB module descriptions in the sections of the MIB file. For detailed information about these elements, refer to the RFC2578 document, which can be downloaded from the http://www.ietf.org web site.

Note - Not every MIB element is present for every MIB module.

TABLE 5-16 MIB Variable Syntax

MIB Element


Module name

The name of the MIB module.

Module type

The type of ASN.1 macro used for the module. Macro types are the following:

  • OBJECT-TYPE - Defines the type of the managed object.
  • NOTIFICATION-TYPE - Defines the information contained within an unsolicited transmission of management information (for example, a trap or a request).


Defines the data structure of the module.


Defines whether the module can read, write, or create an instance of the object, or to include its value in a notification. Can be one of the following:

  • not-accessible - Indicates an auxiliary object (objects that are both specified in the INDEX clause of a conceptual row and also columnar objects of the same conceptual row are termed auxiliary objects).
  • accessible-for-notify - Indicates an object that is accessible only by way of a notification (for example, an SNMP trap).
  • read-only - Only able to read an instance of the object.
  • read-write - Able to read and write, but not create an instance of the object.
  • read-create - Able to read, write, and create an instance of the object provides the maximum level of access (read-create is a superset of read-write).


Indicates whether this module definition is current or historic. All of the modules in the SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB are current.


Describes the function and use of the module.


The INDEX clause defines instance identification information for the columnar objects subordinate to that object. Refer to RFC2578 for more information.


Defines the default value (DEFVAL) which might be used at the discretion of an SNMP agent when an object instance is created.

For a complete description, see the MIB module in the default location
/opt/SUNWnetract/mgmt2.0/mibs/SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB.mib, delivered as part of the Netra CT software package.

Changing Midplane FRU-ID

This section shows how to change the locationName part of FRU-ID.

The Netra CT midplane stores the locationName, which is the geographical location of the system, for example, chassis6. This value is stored in the alarm card flash and can be set by the customer. The locationName enables system monitoring applications to report specific details.

This example uses a NET-SNMP application to interact with MOH and set the midplane's location to a particular value.

1. Determine the index of the midplane object from the entPhysicalTable.

At the prompt, type the command:

snmpwalk -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB hostName \ entPhysicalDescr


-c community specifies the community string.

-m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB specifies that the Netra CT MIB should be loaded.

hostName is the development system running MOH.

This process and its results are shown in CODE EXAMPLE 5-1

CODE EXAMPLE 5-1 Index of the Midplane Object

$snmpwalk -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB hostName:9161 entPhysicalDescr
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.2 = STRING: 01ae 5405026 Midplane 0000
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.3 = STRING: scb_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.4 = STRING: fan_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.5 = STRING: fan_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.6 = STRING: ps_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.7 = STRING: crtm_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.8 = STRING: cftm_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.9 = STRING: cpci_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.10 = STRING: cpci_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.11 = STRING: cpci_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.12 = STRING: cpci_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.13 = STRING: cpci_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.14 = STRING: prtm_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.15 = STRING: pdu
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.25 = STRING: 01ae 5016118 scb 0499
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.26 = STRING: ssp_slot
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.27 = STRING: ssp
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.28 = STRING: 01ae 5404931 fan 0499
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.29 = STRING: 01ae 5404931 fan 0499
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.30 = STRING: 01ae 3001535 ps 0399
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.31 = STRING: cftm
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.32 = STRING: 0000 5016123 0101 0000
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.33 = STRING: RJ45
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.35 = STRING: RJ45
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.37 = STRING: RJ45
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.39 = STRING: RJ45
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr.41 = STRING: DB15

2. Set the midplane location to the new value of chassis6 using the following command:

$snmpset -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB hostName:9161 \netraCtEquipLocation.1 = chassis6

3. Show the current value of the midplane's location.

At the prompt, type the command:

$snmpget -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB hostName:9161 \ netraCtEquipLocation.1

The result displays the identifying string of the location of any Netra CT equipment locations, as shown in CODE EXAMPLE 5-2.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-2 Identifying the Midplane's Current Location

$snmpget -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB hostName:9161 \ netraCtEquipLocation.1 
SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB::netraCtEquipLocation.1 = STRING: chassis6

Setting High Temperature Alarms

An alarm in SNMP is defined as a trap with a severity associated with it. When a HIGH_TEMPERATURE alarm (CPU high temperature) occurs, the user's application will receive the SNMP trap netraCtHwHighTempAlarm, and netraCtIfChanged trap for the ifOperStatus of the interface corresponding to the alarm output port. The user's application also will receive alarm clear traps when the condition of alarms are cleared, and an attribute change trap of the ifOperStatus.

The Netra CT alarm card supports three output alarm interfaces. The alarm pins (alarm0, alarm1, alarm2) are statically mapped into severities of critical, major, minor respectively. When an alarm occurs, the corresponding alarm pin is driven high according to the severity of the alarm.

The following example shows how to set the high temperature alarm from the default to major.

procedure icon  To Set the High Temperature Alarm Severity to Major

1. Create an entry in the netraCtAlarmSevProfileTable.

At the prompt, type the command:

$snmpset -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB hostName\netraCtAlarmSevProfileRowStatus.1 = 4


-c community specifies the community string.

-m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB specifies that the Netra CT MIB should be loaded.

hostName is the development system running MOH.

This process and its result are shown in CODE EXAMPLE 5-3.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-3 Creating an Entry in the Profile Table

$snmpset -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB localhost:9161 \
netraCtAlarmSevProfileRowStatus.1 = 4
SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB::netraCtAlarmSevProfileRowStatus.1 = INTEGER: active(1)

Creating an entry in the netraCtAlarmSevProfileTable also creates an entry in the netraCtAlarmSevTable. The entry in the latter corresponds to the profile entry and translates the high temperature alarm entry into the row of integers shown in CODE EXAMPLE 5-4.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-4 Automatic Entry Created in Corresponding Alarm Severity Table

$snmpwalk -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB localhost:9161\
:netraCtAlarmSeverity. = INTEGER:\
End of MIB

2. Set the severity of netraCtHighTempAlarm for this profile.

At the prompt, type the command:

$ snmpset -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB localhost:9161\
netraCtAlarmSeverity. = 2

where: represents the string `netraCtHighTempAlarm'

The entry at = (in this example, 2) establishes a major alarm severity.

The result is shown in CODE EXAMPLE 5-5.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-5 Setting the Alarm Severity for the Profile Table

$ snmpset -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB localhost:9161\ 
netraCtAlarmSeverity. = 2
:netraCtAlarmSeverity. = INTEGER: 

3. Set netraCtEquipAlarmSeverityIndex of the thermistor entry to correspond with the netraCtAlarmSevProfile entry from the netraCtAlarmSevProfileTable.

At the prompt, type the command:

$ snmpset -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB localhost:9161 \
netraCtEquipAlarmSeverityIndex.2 = 1

This example uses the netraCtAlarmSevProfileTable entry from CODE EXAMPLE 5-3. The index of that entry was the integer 1 in the statement: netraCtAlarmSevProfileRowStatus.1. The result of this process is shown in CODE EXAMPLE 5-6.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-6 Setting the Index Entry Corresponding to the Thermistor

$snmpset -c public -m SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB localhost:9161 \
netraCtEquipAlarmSeverityIndex.2 = 1
SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB::netraCtEquipAlarmSeverityIndex.2 = INTEGER: 1

When the CPU temperature returns to normal, the alarms are cleared automatically. For further information, refer to SUN-SNMP-NETRA-CT-MIB.