Trusted Solaris Audit Administration

To Distribute Audit Configuration Files to a Network of Workstations

  1. During installation, as root, at label admin_low, create a directory on the first installed workstation to hold copies of the audit configuration files customized for your site.

    The directory would include your customized versions of audit_control, audit_user, audit_startup, and audit_warn. If you have modified event-to-class mappings, it would include audit_event and audit_class. It would not include audit_data.

    For example, on grebe, the first workstation in a network:

    # mkdir /export/home/tmp
  2. Copy the modified files from the /etc/security directory to the /export/home/tmp directory.

    # cp /etc/security/audit_control /export/home/tmp/audit_control
    # cp /etc/security/audit_user /export/home/tmp/audit_user
    # cp /etc/security/audit_startup /export/home/tmp/audit_startup
    # cp /etc/security/audit_event /export/home/tmp/audit_event
  3. Allocate the tape or diskette device.

    Follow the procedure in "To Allocate and Deallocate Devices".

  4. Run the tar(1) command to copy the contents of the /export/home/tmp directory to tape or to diskette.

    1. To copy to tape

      # cd /export/home/tmp
      # tar cv audit_control audit_user audit_startup audit_event
    2. To copy to diskette

      # cd /export/home/tmp
      # tar cvf /dev/diskette \
      audit_control audit_user audit_startup audit_event
  5. Deallocate the tape or diskette device and follow the instructions.

    Follow the procedure in "To Deallocate a Device".

  6. As root, at label admin_low, as each new workstation is configured, copy the files from the tape or diskette to the correct directory on the new workstation.

    1. Prepare the directory for the new files.

      # cd /etc/security
      # mv audit_control audit_control.orig
      # mv audit_startup audit_startup.orig
      # mv audit_warn audit_user.orig
      # mv audit_event audit_event.orig
    2. Allocate the appropriate device at the label admin_low.

      Follow the procedure in "To Allocate and Deallocate Devices".

      1. To copy from tape

        # tar xv audit_control audit_user audit_startup audit_event
      2. To copy from diskette

        # tar xvf /dev/diskette \
        audit_control audit_user audit_startup audit_event
    3. Deallocate the device.

      Follow the procedure in "To Deallocate a Device".

  7. As role secadmin, at label admin_low, modify the audit_control file on each new workstation with that workstation's remote and local audit file systems.