Trusted Solaris Audit Administration

To Set Audit Policy Temporarily

The auditconfig command enables you to change audit policy, such as whether to include acl information in the audit record. Since the policy variable is a dynamic kernel variable, the policy that you set is in effect until the workstation next boots. See the auditconfig(1M) man page for a list of policy parameters.

    To set policies in one invocation of the command, or to override all current policies, as role secadmin at label admin_low, separate the policies with commas (no spaces):

    $ auditconfig -setpolicy trail,seq
    $ auditconfig -getpolicy
    	audit policies = trail,seq
    $ auditconfig -setpolicy argv,acl
    $ auditconfig -getpolicy
    	audit policies = argv,acl

    To add policies to the current policies, as role secadmin at label admin_low, preface each added policy with a plus (+):

    $ auditconfig -setpolicy trail,seq
    $ auditconfig -getpolicy
    	  audit policies = trail,seq
    $ auditconfig -setpolicy +argv
    $ auditconfig -setpolicy +acl
    $ auditconfig -getpolicy
    	  audit policies = seq,trail,argv,acl

    To remove policies from the current policies, as role secadmin at label admin_low, preface each policy to be removed with a minus (-):

    $ auditconfig -setpolicy trail,seq
    $ auditconfig -getpolicy
    	   audit policies = trail,seq
    $ auditconfig -setpolicy -seq
    $ auditconfig -getpolicy
    	   audit policies = trail

In the examples above, the trail and seq tokens are added to debug audit trail discrepancies. To set policies permanently, enter the auditconfig command in the audit_startup(1M) script. See "To Set Audit Policy Permanently" for how to edit the script.

Caution - Caution -

To run auditing in an evaluated configuration, the cnt policy cannot be turned on; the ahlt policy (the default) cannot be turned off.