Trusted Solaris Audit Administration

To Enable Auditing

By default, auditing is enabled. If you have disabled auditing, enable it by reversing the above procedure.

  1. As role secadmin, at label admin_low, open the script /etc/init.d/audit using the Admin Editor.

  2. Remove the comments from the audit start script:

    	# Start the audit daemon	
    	if [ -f /etc/security/audit_startup ] ; then
    			echo "starting audit daemon"
    			/usr/sbin/auditd &
  3. Write and quit the file.

  4. Enable the audit daemon to exit gracefully at shutdown by removing the comments in the stop script in /etc/init.d/audit:

    	# Stop the audit daemon	
    		if [ -f /etc/security/audit_startup ] ; then
    		/usr/sbin/audit -t
  5. Write and quit the file.

  6. Open the script /etc/init.d/drvconfig using the Admin Editor.

  7. Comment out the Disable auditing lines:

    # Disable auditing
    # /usr/bin/adb -wk /dev/ksyms /dev/mem > /dev/null <<end
    # audit_active/W 0
    # end
  8. Write and quit the file.

  9. For the changes to take effect, reboot using the Shut Down menu item from the TP (Trusted Path) menu.