Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Chapter 2 Installation Task Maps

This chapter outlines the tasks for installing and configuring the Trusted Solaris operating environment, and where the procedures are documented.

Where Do I Go?

The following task maps direct you to the book, or the book and chapter of the task you want to do. Note that some tasks require that you use a Solaris book for the main steps of the task, and a Trusted Solaris book for security modifications. Modifications include assuming a role, operating at a label, and using a trusted program.

Table 2-1 Task Map: To Prepare for Installation

If you want to ... 

Then, go to ... 

Use data from Trusted Solaris 2.5, Trusted Solaris 2.5.1 or Trusted Solaris 7 tsoluser, tsolprof, tnidb, tnrhtp, or tnrhdb databases in Trusted Solaris 8. 

"How to Save and Restore Trusted Solaris Databases".

Back up a Trusted Solaris host. 

Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

Back up a Solaris host. 

System Administration Guide, Volume I

Find out what hardware is supported in this release. 

Solaris 8 Sun Hardware Platform Guide

Shut down a Trusted Solaris host. 

"Shut Down a Trusted Solaris system".

Shut down and reboot a Solaris host. 

Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide or

Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide

Table 2-2 Task Map: To Choose an Installation Method

If you want to ...  

Then read .... 

Find out what installation methods are available. 

Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

Note that the Solaris Web Start method is not supported. 

See an example of a jumpstart install. 

Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

Table 2-3 Task Map: To Use an Installation Method

If you want to ...  

Then follow the instructions in .... 

Install from a CD-ROM. 

Chapter 4, Installing a Workstation and for greater detail --

Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide

or Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide

Install over the network. 

Chapter 9, Installing Trusted Solaris Over a Network, for differences from Solaris procedures, and

for Solaris procedures, read -- Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

Table 2-4 Task Map: To Configure Your Machine after Installation

If you want to ...  

Then follow the instructions in .... 

Set up a host with no name service 

Chapter 5, Configuring a Workstation with No Name Service

Set up a Trusted Solaris NIS+ network. 

Chapter 6, Configuring the NIS+ Domain

Set up a Trusted Solaris NIS name service. 

Chapter 7, Configuring a NIS Network

Set up NIS or NIS+ clients. 

Chapter 8, Configuring a NIS or NIS+ Client

Install Trusted Solaris over the network. 

Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide, with Trusted Solaris modifications from Chapter 9, Installing Trusted Solaris Over a Network.

See a checklist of all tasks to be completed. 

Appendix B, Checklists for Configuring and Installing Trusted Solaris

Complete other tasks. 

Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures