Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Trusted Solaris Modifications to Custom JumpStart

In the Trusted Solaris environment, Custom JumpStart procedures are handled by administrative roles. For an explanation of Custom JumpStart, see "Preparing Custom JumpStart Installations" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide. Prepare to modify Custom JumpStart procedures with Trusted Solaris security requirements, such as device allocation and task allocation by role.

Note -

Factory-installed JumpStart may not be supported by Trusted Solaris software.

Modifications to Custom JumpStart Procedures

The following procedures are slightly different in the Trusted Solaris environment.

Note -

The Trusted Solaris environment does not support mounting remote file systems during installation.

Table 9-4 Modified Custom JumpStart Procedures Setup

Custom JumpStart Procedure 

Trusted Solaris Modification 

Create a Custom JumpStart diskette 

Users who can assume the roles admin and secadmin should be present.

Allocate diskette drive 

As admin, at label ADMIN_LOW, allocate the floppy drive. See "To Allocate a Device" if you are unsure of the steps.

Deallocate diskette drive 

As admin, at label ADMIN_LOW, deallocate the drive and remove the diskette. See "To Deallocate a Device" if you are unsure of the steps.

Format a diskette 

As admin, at label ADMIN_LOW, run the fdformat command.

Create a filesystem on a diskette 

As admin, at label ADMIN_LOW, run the newfs command.

Create a mount point on a diskette 

As admin, at label ADMIN_LOW, run the mkdir command.

Mount the directory 

As admin, at label ADMIN_LOW, run the mount command.

See Example 9-2 at the end of this table for a sample mount command.

Populate the directory 

As admin, at label ADMIN_LOW, run the cp command to copy the JumpStart sample directory to the diskette.

Create a JumpStart directory on a server 

As admin, at label ADMIN_LOW, run the mkdir command.

Share the directory 

For details of the procedure, see "How to Share a File System".

Share the file system 

For details of the procedure, see "How to Share a File System".

Enable access to JumpStart directory 

As admin, at label ADMIN_LOW, use the -c option to the add_install_client command to add JumpStart details to the local bootparams database.

Check access to JumpStart directory 

On the install server, as role admin at label ADMIN_LOW, view the bootparams database.

For details, see "To Locate a Solaris Management Console Tool".

Example 9-2 Mount a UFS Filesystem on a Diskette

To create a UFS file system on a diskette to be used for Custom JumpStart, as admin at ADMIN_LOW:

$ mkdir /ts8_jumpstart
$ mount -F ufs /dev/diskette /ts8_jumpstart

Modifications to Custom JumpStart Profiles

Use the Trusted Solaris information in the following table to modify the procedures in "Creating a Profile" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide.

Table 9-5 Modified JumpStart Profile Procedures

Solaris Procedure 

Trusted Solaris Modification 

Edit a profile file. 

As admin role at label ADMIN_LOW, use the Admin Editor action.

For how to use the Admin Editor, see "To Create or Open a File from the Trusted Editor".

The upgrade keyword is not supported in Trusted Solaris 8. 

Use the Trusted Solaris information that follows to modify the procedures in "Testing a Profile" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide and "pfinstall" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide.

In the Trusted Solaris environment, testing profiles is handled by the admin role.

How to Use pfinstall to Test a Profile
  1. On an installed and configured Trusted Solaris host, log in as a user who can assume the admin role.

  2. As admin at label ADMIN_LOW, launch a terminal and see that the pfinstall(1M) command is available in the role's profile shell.

    $ profiles -l | grep pfinstall

    Note -

    The name profile shell refers to a shell that recognizes Trusted Solaris execution profiles. It does not refer to the machine profiles being tested here.

  3. If the command is not in the profile, the secadmin role must add it to the admin role's rights, and then the admin role launches a new terminal in which to run the command.

    See "How to Modify a Role's Rights" for how to add the pfinstall command to the admin role's rights profile.

Modifications to Custom JumpStart Rules

Use the Trusted Solaris information in the following table to modify the procedures in "Creating the rules File" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide.

Table 9-6 Modified JumpStart Rule Procedures

Solaris Procedure 

Trusted Solaris Modification 

Edit a rules file 

As role admin at label ADMIN_LOW, use the Admin Editor action.

For how to use the Admin Editor, see "To Create or Open a File from the Trusted Editor".

Use a Trusted Solaris-specific value for a keyword 

For the installed option, the version keyword.

version - A version name, such as Trusted_Solaris_8, or the special word any. If any is used, any Trusted Solaris or SunOS release is matched.


For the osname option, the version keyword.

version -- A version of Trusted Solaris the Trusted Solaris environment installed on the workstation: for example, Trusted Solaris 7.

Validate a rules file 

Run the check script as role admin at label ADMIN_LOW.

Copy a rules file 

As admin at label ADMIN_LOW, copy the file.