Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Boot over the Network or with Custom Files

Prerequisite: The network and/or custom files are correctly set up. See the Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide, 806-0957-10, which describes network installations. The same procedures apply to Trusted Solaris network installations, with the Trusted Solaris security protections described in Chapter 9, Installing Trusted Solaris Over a Network.

  1. Boot using the appropriate boot command on the system being installed.

    Example 4-2 SPARC: Boot command for a

    boot net

    Example 4-3 SPARC: Boot command for a custom JumpStart installation

    boot net - install

    A space is required between the minus sign and install.

  2. Answer any prompts that appear.

    If you have correctly set up a network installation, you will be prompted for information after system identification is completed.

    If you have correctly set up a custom JumpStart installation, you are not prompted for information. If you are using a name service, you must set up the clients after JumpStart has completed.