Trusted Solaris User's Guide

To Choose a Password from a List at the Command Line

A command line version of the password generator is provided as an alternative to the Password Generator Dialog Box. Note that this version is available to users in administrative roles only.

  1. Type passwd

    A set of five generated password choices as follows.

    Select password from list:
          rocskovi          [ rocs-kov-i ]
          phuzpeca          [ phuz-pec-a ]
          bephzoba          [ beph-zo-ba ]
          eblircit          [ e-blirc-it ]
          yeaskedo          [ yeas-ke-do ]
    Type password to confirm,
    or Return for more choices:

  2. Read the five password choices.

    1. If you want to use one of these choices, enter it and press Enter.

      This step establishes your choice.

    2. If you want to select from a different set of choices, press Enter without making an entry.

      This step causes five new selections to be displayed. If one of these selections is suitable, enter that choice and press Return; otherwise repeat this step to get five new selections.

  3. After you are prompted for the password again, re-enter your choice in the confirmation field and press Enter.

    This step confirms the spelling of your choice and gives you practice at entering it.