Trusted Solaris Label Administration

Specifying the Protect As Classification

The protect as classification is printed:

In the following figure, the protect as classification NEED_TO_KNOW is printed at the top of the banner page.

The protect as statement reads:

This output must be protected as:
followed by the protect as classification along with compartments from the label:

followed by:

unless manually reviewed and downgraded

Figure 3-4 Protect As Statement


Example 3-1 shows the minimum protect as classification defined in the ACCREDITATION RANGE section of the label_encodings.simple file.

Example 3-1 Minimum protect as classification from a label_encodings File

minimum protect as classification= NEED_TO_KNOW;

In most cases the Security Administrator role specifies the minimum protect as classification equal to the site's lowest defined classification. Specify a minimum protect as classification higher than the lowest classification only if you need to protect all printer output at the specified minimum classification or above (whether or not the label has a lower classification).


Figure 3-5 shows an example in which the label on the user's print tool is INTERNAL_USE_ONLY, and the minimum protect as classification is NEED_TO_KNOW. The NEED_TO_KNOW classification is printed in this case because the minimum protect as classification dominates the classification.

Figure 3-5 How the Classification Printed on Banner and Trailer Pages is Derived


For another example, a site with INTERNAL_USE_ONLY as the minimum protect as classification has the three classifications with the values shown in the first two columns of the following table. The third column shows the protect as classification printed on the banner/trailer pages for the print job when the classification on the left is in the job's label.

Table 3-1 Example: Minimum Protect As Classification`s Effects on the Protect As Classification



Protect As Classification Printed on Banner/Trailer Pages for Print Job 







As shown in the table above, any print job whose label includes either the PUBLIC or the INTERNAL_USE_ONLY classification would have INTERNAL_USE_ONLY printed in the Protect as statement and at the top and bottom of banner/trailer pages, and any print jobs whose label includes the NEED_TO_KNOW classification would have NEED_TO_KNOW printed in the same locations.

Decision to Make Before Starting

    Based on your site's security policy, decide whether to set a minimum protect as classification higher than the classification with the lowest value.

Compartments from the print job's label are printed in the protect as field along with the print job's protect as classification. In the following example, the compartment HR from the label is printed as an access-related word along with the protect as classification because all compartments are treated as access-related.