Trusted Solaris 8 Installation and Configuration on the Sun Enterprise 10000

Creating a Domain

This section contains instructions on how to create a new domain. The entire procedure includes the following tasks:

Once a domain is created, you can install the Trusted Solaris release by performing the procedures in Installing Trusted Solaris 8 on a Domain.

You must have the system identification key and the host ID before you perform the following instructions. You can obtain the key and ID from your service provider. This key is used to generate an eeprom.image file.

To Create the eeprom.image File
  1. Log in to the SSP as user ssp.

  2. If prompted for a value for the SUNW_HOSTNAME variable, use either the platform name or the name of any existing domain.

    If not prompted for the SUNW_HOSTNAME variable, it will default to the platform name.

  3. Use the sys_id(1M) command to create the eeprom.image file.

    ssp% sys_id -h hostid -k key \
    -f $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/eeprom_save/eeprom.image.domain_name

    Where hostid is the number provided with the key in the form of 0X80A66xxx, key is the EEPROM key number, and domain_name is the hostname of the new domain.

    Note –

    All key and hostid numbers are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as they are received.

  4. Execute the following sys_id(1M) command to check the results.

    ssp% sys_id -d -f \ 

    In the following example, 49933C54C64C858CD4CF is the key and 0x80a66e05 is the hostid:

    ssp% sys_id -h 0x80a66e05 -k 49933C54C64C858CD4CF \
    -f $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/eeprom_save/eeprom.image.domain_name
    ssp% sys_id -d -f $SSPVAR/.ssp_private/eeprom_save/ \
    IDPROM in eeprom.image.domain_name
    Format = 0x01
    Machine Type = 0x80
    Ethernet Address = 0:0:be:a6:6e:5
    Manufacturing Date = Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1997
    Serial number (machine ID) = 0xa66e05
    Checksum = 0x3f

  5. Back up the SSP eeprom.image files to tape or disk where they can be accessed in case of an SSP boot-disk failure.

    You are done creating the eeprom.image file for the domain. You can now create the new domain on the SSP, as described in the following section.

To Create a New Domain on the SSP
  1. Log in to the SSP as user ssp.

  2. If prompted for a value for the SUNW_HOSTNAME variable, specify the name of the domain that you wish to create.

    If not prompted for the SUNW_HOSTNAME variable, it will default to the platform name. Use the domain_switch(1M) command to change SUNW_HOSTNAME to the name of the domain that you wish to create:

    ssp% domain_switch domain–name

    Ensure that the domain name corresponds with the hostname of the domain in which the operating system is to be installed. Domain names cannot be longer than 14 characters.

  3. Use the domain_create(1M) command to create the domain.

    ssp% domain_create -d domain_name -b board_numbers -o \
    OS_version -p platform_name

    Where domain_name is the name of the domain specified in Step 2, board_numbers is a list of the system boards, delimited by spaces, to be included in the domain, OS_version is the version of the domain's operating system (for Trusted Solaris 8, use 5.8), and platform_name is the name of the platform as defined during the SSP package configuration.

  4. Check the power to the domain.

    ssp% power

    The output of the power command depends greatly on the configuration of the server. If you are unfamiliar with the output, refer to the power(1M) man page for an explanation, or contact your service provider for an explanation of the output.

  5. If you have determined that elements of the domain are powered off, power on those elements.

    ssp% power -on

    You are done creating the domain. You can now install the Trusted Solaris 8 operating environment on the domain, as described in the following section.