Trusted Solaris 8 Installation and Configuration on the Sun Enterprise 10000

About Main and Spare SSP Configurations

You can set up a dual SSP configuration that consists of a main and spare SSP. The spare SSP serves as a backup if the main SSP fails. For instructions on switching between the main and spare SSP, see the Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.3 User Guide.

If you plan to use the new features offered in SSP 3.3, it is recommended that both the main and spare be version 3.3 in order to maintain failover compatibility. If you plan to install only one SSP for verification purposes, install the main SSP but do not implement the new features introduced in SSP 3.3. This will allow the spare SSP to continue to serve as a backup to the main SSP. When you are satisfied with the base release of SSP 3.3, upgrade the spare SSP, then begin using the new SSP 3.3 features.