Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration


This book is for knowledgeable system administrators and security administrators who are installing the Trusted SolarisTM operating environment at networked or non-networked sites. Level of trust required by site security policy and level of expertise will determine who can perform the tasks required to install Trusted Solaris software.

Implementing Site Security

Successfully installing and configuring a Trusted Solaris system consistent with site security requires understanding the security features of the Trusted Solaris operating environment and your site security policy. Before attempting to install the Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 software, read Chapter 1, Security Overview for information on how to ensure site security when installing and configuring the Trusted Solaris environment.

Using Installation Books

Installing the Trusted Solaris operating environment requires Solaris installation books as well as Trusted Solaris ones. See Chapter 2, Installation and Configuration Task Maps for information on which books cover which tasks. Because Trusted Solaris software modifies Solaris software for security, Trusted Solaris books often supplement Solaris ones. Administrators should have access to both.

For example, to install the first one or two systems, Chapter 3, Installing the Trusted Solaris Operating Environment supplements the Solaris installation guides.

If you are installing and configuring a network of hosts, you can choose from several installation methods after installing the first system. Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide, 806-0957-10, contains background information for networked installation, and describes interactive installations: network, JumpStart, and custom JumpStart. Some of the instructions are modified in the Trusted Solaris environment. See "Trusted Solaris Modifications to Network Installation" for a list of commands and procedures that the Trusted Solaris environment secures or enhances for network and JumpStart installations.

Note -

Instructions for setting up hardware and peripherals are provided in hardware guides, such as the Solaris 8 Sun Hardware Platform Guide.

How This Book is Organized

This section describes the chapters in this book.

Chapter 1, Security Overview describes the security issues when installing the Trusted Solaris operating environment on one or more systems.

Chapter 2, Installation and Configuration Task Maps contains task maps for installing and configuring non-networked and networked systems.

Chapter 3, Installing the Trusted Solaris Operating Environment provides instructions for shutting down a Trusted Solaris system and installing the Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 operating environment.

Chapter 4, Configuring a System with No Name Service provides step-by-step instructions for installing a system that will use files, not a naming service, for administration.

Chapter 5, Configuring a Name Service Master provides step-by-step instructions for installing the master server for a name service.

Chapter 6, Configuring a Name Service Client provides step-by-step instructions for installing a client for the naming services. It includes instructions for setting up a NIS slave server.

Chapter 7, Installing a Trusted Solaris System Over a Network describes the differences between Trusted Solaris network installation from Solaris network installation, including JumpStart and Custom JumpStart.

Chapter 8, Configuring a Headless Trusted Solaris System describes how to configure and administer the Trusted Solaris environment on a headless system.

Chapter 9, Common Procedures describes procedures and administration tools specific to Trusted Solaris software that are useful to know when configuring the operating environment .

Appendix A, Site Security Policy addresses site security policy and places the Trusted Solaris operating environment in the context of wider organizational and site security.

Appendix B, Checklists for a Secure Trusted Solaris Environment provides a checklist for the install team when installing and configuring the Trusted Solaris environment.

Appendix C, Example Worksheets provides sample answers to Trusted Solaris installation program questions.

Glossary defines selected terms and phrases used in this book.

Related Books from Sun Microsystems

The following books contain information useful when installing Trusted Solaris software. The Solaris 8 AnswerBook CD and the Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 AnswerBook CD are shipped with the product. Solaris 8 books are available from the Solaris 8 AnswerBook CD.

Release Notes

Trusted Solaris 8 Release Notes - Describes late-breaking news about installing and running Trusted Solaris software, including known problems.

Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) 4/01 Release Notes - Describes bugs, known problems, software being discontinued, and patches related to the Solaris release on the SPARCTM platform.

Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) 4/01 Release Notes Update - Describes bugs, known problems, software being discontinued, and patches related to the Solaris release on the Intel platform.

Hardware and Devices Guides

Solaris 8 Sun Hardware Platform Guide, 806-2221-10 - Describes hardware supported in the Solaris and Trusted Solaris environments.

Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Device Configuration Guide, 806-1053-10 - Describes Intel hardware configurations supported in the Solaris and Trusted Solaris environments.

Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) 4/01 Hardware Compatibility List, 816-1455-10 - Describes Intel hardware compatibility with the Solaris and Trusted Solaris environments.

Installation Guides

Trusted Solaris Label Administration - Describes labels and includes a copy of Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format issued by the U.S. government.

Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide, 806-0955-10 - Describes how to install the Solaris environment on a SPARC platform. See Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 Documentation Roadmap for additional AnswerBook2 server setup required for the Trusted Solaris environment.

Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide, 806-0956-10 - Describes how to install the Solaris environment on an Intel platform. See Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 Documentation Roadmap for additional AnswerBook2 server setup required for the Trusted Solaris environment.

Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide, 806-0957-10 - Describes interactive installations: network, JumpStart, and custom JumpStart. Contains background information for networked installation. Forms the basis for Trusted Solaris interactive installation--see Chapter 7, Installing a Trusted Solaris System Over a Network for Trusted Solaris modifications to the Solaris procedures.

Configuration Guides

Trusted Solaris Audit Administration - Describes how to set up and administer auditing on one or more Trusted Solaris systems.

Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures - Describes administration tasks in the Trusted Solaris environment in detail.

"Planning Your TCP/IP Network" in System Administration Guide, Volume 3, 805-7229-10 - Describes how to set up a network. Required for networked sites only.

Solaris Naming Administration Guide, 806-1391-10 - Describes how to administer naming services.

Solaris Naming Setup and Configuration Guide, 806-1386-10 - Describes how to set up and configure naming services.

Other Books

Solaris 8 4/01 What's New, 816-0014-10 - Describes new features in the Solaris environment.

System Administration Guide, Volume 1: Basic Administration, 806-7228-10 - Describes basic administrative tasks in the Solaris 8 operating environment, such as creating and mounting file systems.

System Administration Guide, Volume 2: Advanced Administration, 805-7229-10 - Describes more advanced administrative tasks in the Solaris 8 operating environment, such as print management.

Books from Elsewhere

Your site security policy document - Describes the security policy and security procedures at your site.

Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide - Describes the Common Desktop Environment.

The administrator guide for your currently installed operating system - Describes how to back up system files.

Automating Solaris® Installations: A Custom JumpStartTM Guide by Paul Anthony Kasper and Alan L. McClellan, published by Prentice Hall (SunSoft Press), 1995. - Describes how to set up "hands-off" network installations. ISBN .0-13-312505-X

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What Typographic Conventions Mean

The following table describes the typographic changes used in this book.

Table P-1 Typographic Conventions

Typeface or Symbol 




 The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output

Edit your .login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.

machine_name% you have mail.


 What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer outputmachine_name% su Password:


 Command-line placeholder: replace with a real name or value

To delete a file, type rm filename.


Book titles, new words, or terms, or words to be emphasized. 

Read Chapter 6 in User's Guide.

These are called class options.

You must be root to do this.

Shell Prompts in Command Examples

The following table shows the default system prompts for administrative roles.

Table P-2 Shell Prompts



 administrative role prompt$
 root role prompt#