Trusted Solaris Administration Overview
 accreditation checks ( Index Term Link )
 accreditation ranges
  label encodings file ( Index Term Link )
  network interfaces ( Index Term Link )
  in rights ( Index Term Link )
  running ( Index Term Link )
 add_allocatable command ( Index Term Link )
 Add Allocatable Device action ( Index Term Link )
 Admin Editor action ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_HIGH label ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_LOW label ( Index Term Link )
 administrative actions
  accessing ( Index Term Link )
  Add Allocatable Device ( Index Term Link )
  Admin Editor ( Index Term Link )
  Audit Classes ( Index Term Link )
  Audit Control ( Index Term Link )
  Audit Events ( Index Term Link )
  Audit Startup ( Index Term Link )
  Check Encodings ( Index Term Link )
  Check TN Files ( Index Term Link )
  Check TN NIS+ Tables ( Index Term Link )
  Configure Selection Confirmation ( Index Term Link )
  Create NIS+ Client ( Index Term Link )
  Create NIS+ Server ( Index Term Link )
  Create NIS Client ( Index Term Link )
  Create NIS Server ( Index Term Link )
  Edit Encodings ( Index Term Link )
  Name Service Switch ( Index Term Link )
  Set Mail Options ( Index Term Link )
  Set Mount Attributes ( Index Term Link )
  Set Mount Points ( Index Term Link )
  Set TSol Gateways ( Index Term Link )
  Share Filesystems ( Index Term Link )
 administrative labels ( Index Term Link )
 administrative roles ( Index Term Link )
 adminvi(1M) command, default editor for administrative actions ( Index Term Link )
 adornfc command ( Index Term Link )
 adornment ( Index Term Link )
 adornments ( Index Term Link )
 Application Manager, accessing applications ( Index Term Link )
  accessing ( Index Term Link )
  administering ( Index Term Link )
  trusted ( Index Term Link )
 assigning privileges ( Index Term Link )
 audit_class file ( Index Term Link )
  action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 audit classes ( Index Term Link )
 Audit Classes action ( Index Term Link )
 audit command ( Index Term Link )
 Audit Control action ( Index Term Link )
 audit_control file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 audit_event file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Audit Events action ( Index Term Link )
 Audit Startup action ( Index Term Link )
 audit_startup command, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 audit_startup script ( Index Term Link )
 audit_user file ( Index Term Link )
 audit_warn script ( Index Term Link )
 auditconfig command ( Index Term Link )
  configuration files ( Index Term Link )
  planning ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  process privileges ( Index Term Link )
  system privileges ( Index Term Link )
 auditreduce command ( Index Term Link )
 auditstat command ( Index Term Link )
  categories ( Index Term Link )
  Change File Owner ( Index Term Link )
  granted ( Index Term Link )
  in rights ( Index Term Link )
  in software administration ( Index Term Link )
  list ( Index Term Link )
 booting the computer ( Index Term Link )
 broadcast messages ( Index Term Link )
 Check Encodings action ( Index Term Link )
 Check TN Files action ( Index Term Link )
 Check TN NIS+ Tables action ( Index Term Link )
 chk_encodings command, action for invoking ( Index Term Link )
 CIPSO host type ( Index Term Link )
 classification label component ( Index Term Link )
  label overview ( Index Term Link )
  network interfaces ( Index Term Link )
  remote host templates ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 closed networks ( Index Term Link )
 colormaps ( Index Term Link )
  add_allocatable ( Index Term Link )
  adornfc ( Index Term Link )
  allocate ( Index Term Link )
  arp ( Index Term Link )
  deallocate ( Index Term Link )
  dminfo ( Index Term Link )
  getfattrflag ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  getfpriv ( Index Term Link )
  getfsattr ( Index Term Link )
  getfsattr_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  getlabel ( Index Term Link )
  getmldadorn ( Index Term Link )
  getsldname ( Index Term Link )
  ifconfig ( Index Term Link )
  in rights ( Index Term Link )
  ipcs ( Index Term Link )
  list_devices ( Index Term Link )
  mkdir ( Index Term Link )
  mldpwd ( Index Term Link )
  mldrealpath ( Index Term Link )
  mount ( Index Term Link )
  ndd ( Index Term Link )
  netstat ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  newsecfs ( Index Term Link )
  nfsd ( Index Term Link )
  nfsstat ( Index Term Link )
  pattr ( Index Term Link )
  pclear ( Index Term Link )
  plabel ( Index Term Link )
  ppriv ( Index Term Link )
  pprivtest ( Index Term Link )
  rdate ( Index Term Link )
  rmdir ( Index Term Link )
  route ( Index Term Link )
  setfattrflag ( Index Term Link )
  setfpriv ( Index Term Link )
  setfsattr ( Index Term Link )
  setlabel ( Index Term Link )
  share ( Index Term Link )
  share_nfs ( Index Term Link )
  snoop ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  spray ( Index Term Link )
  testfpriv ( Index Term Link )
  tnchkdb ( Index Term Link )
  tnctl ( Index Term Link )
  tnd ( Index Term Link )
  tninfo ( Index Term Link )
  tokmapctl ( Index Term Link )
  tokmapd ( Index Term Link )
  trusted applications ( Index Term Link )
  unshare ( Index Term Link )
 compartment label component ( Index Term Link )
 component definitions, label encodings file ( Index Term Link )
 configuration management ( Index Term Link )
 Configure Selection Confirmation action ( Index Term Link )
 console redirection ( Index Term Link )
 covert channel delays ( Index Term Link )
 Create NIS+ Client action ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Create NIS+ Server action ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 customizations, label encodings file ( Index Term Link )
 DAC ( Index Term Link )
  tnidb ( Index Term Link )
  tnrhdb ( Index Term Link )
 defaultrouter file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
  privileges ( Index Term Link )
  rights ( Index Term Link )
 device_allocate file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 Device Allocation Manager ( Index Term Link )
 device_maps file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
  allocation ( Index Term Link )
  clean scripts ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  configuration files ( Index Term Link )
  label ranges ( Index Term Link )
  protecting ( Index Term Link )
 dfstab file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 DGA (direct graphics access), window privileges ( Index Term Link )
 dominance of labels ( Index Term Link )
 dtpad(1) command, using in administrative actions ( Index Term Link )
 Edit Encodings action ( Index Term Link )
 emetrics ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/defaultrouter file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/mail/ file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/motd file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 File Manager, accessing applications ( Index Term Link )
 file systems
  administering attributes ( Index Term Link )
  mounting ( Index Term Link )
  privileges ( Index Term Link )
 font paths ( Index Term Link )
 Front Panel, accessing applications ( Index Term Link )
 gateway host ( Index Term Link )
 getfattrflag command ( Index Term Link )
 getmldadorn command ( Index Term Link )
 getsldname command ( Index Term Link )
  in rights ( Index Term Link )
  network interfaces ( Index Term Link )
 host types
  in Trusted Solaris ( Index Term Link )
  networking ( Index Term Link )
 inter-window movement ( Index Term Link )
 IP addresses, tnrhdb database ( Index Term Link )
 IP labels, remote host templates ( Index Term Link )
 IPC ( Index Term Link )
 label_encodings file, action for editing and checking ( Index Term Link )
 label encodings file, contents ( Index Term Link )
 label ranges
  assigning to devices ( Index Term Link )
  in rights ( Index Term Link )
  classification component ( Index Term Link )
  compartment component ( Index Term Link )
  dominance ( Index Term Link )
  network interfaces ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  privileges for overriding ( Index Term Link )
  relationships ( Index Term Link )
  remote host templates ( Index Term Link )
  well-formed ( Index Term Link )
 linking ( Index Term Link )
 loadable modules ( Index Term Link )
 login authorizations ( Index Term Link )
 MAC ( Index Term Link )
 maximum labels, remote host templates ( Index Term Link )
 media labeling, clean scripts ( Index Term Link )
 message queues ( Index Term Link )
  overriding restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 minimum labels, remote host templates ( Index Term Link )
 mkdir command ( Index Term Link )
 mldpwd command ( Index Term Link )
 mldrealpath command ( Index Term Link )
 motd file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
 multilevel port bindings ( Index Term Link )
 Name Service Switch action ( Index Term Link )
 network configuration databases ( Index Term Link )
 network interfaces, tnidb database ( Index Term Link )
 network packets ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
  modified Solaris commands ( Index Term Link )
  privileges ( Index Term Link )
  Trusted Solaris commands ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 niscat command, action to invoke ( Index Term Link )
 nisclient command, action for creating NIS+ client ( Index Term Link )
 nispopulate command, action for invoking ( Index Term Link )
 nisserver(1M) file, action for invoking ( Index Term Link )
 nisserver file, action for invoking ( Index Term Link )
 nsswitch.conf file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 object reuse ( Index Term Link )
 open networks ( Index Term Link )
 pattr command ( Index Term Link )
 permissions, overriding ( Index Term Link )
 plabel command ( Index Term Link )
 Populate NIS+ Tables action ( Index Term Link )
 port bindings ( Index Term Link )
 ppriv command ( Index Term Link )
 pprivtest command ( Index Term Link )
 praudit command ( Index Term Link )
 primary administrator ( Index Term Link )
 printing definitions, label encodings file ( Index Term Link )
 privilege sets ( Index Term Link )
  categories ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   process privileges ( Index Term Link )
   System V IPC privileges ( Index Term Link )
   window privileges ( Index Term Link )
  in rights ( Index Term Link )
  inheritable ( Index Term Link )
  network interfaces ( Index Term Link )
  remote host templates ( Index Term Link )
 process privileges ( Index Term Link )
 profile shell ( Index Term Link )
 profiles ( Index Term Link )
 remote hosts, tnrhdb ( Index Term Link )
 resolv.conf file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
  All ( Index Term Link )
  All Authorizations ( Index Term Link )
  Audit Control ( Index Term Link )
  Audit Review ( Index Term Link )
  Basic Actions ( Index Term Link )
  Basic Commands ( Index Term Link )
  Convenient Authorizations ( Index Term Link )
  Cron Management ( Index Term Link )
  Custom Admin Role ( Index Term Link )
  Custom Admin Secadmin Role ( Index Term Link )
  Custom Oper Role ( Index Term Link )
  Custom Root Role ( Index Term Link )
  default ( Index Term Link )
  Device Security ( Index Term Link )
  Enable Login ( Index Term Link )
  File System Management ( Index Term Link )
  File System Security ( Index Term Link )
  Mail Management ( Index Term Link )
  Maintenance and Repair ( Index Term Link )
  Media Backup ( Index Term Link )
  Media Restore ( Index Term Link )
  Network Management ( Index Term Link )
  Object Access Management ( Index Term Link )
  Object Label Management ( Index Term Link )
  Object Privilege Management ( Index Term Link )
  Outside Accred ( Index Term Link )
  Privileged Shells ( Index Term Link )
  Process Management ( Index Term Link )
  User Management ( Index Term Link )
  User Security ( Index Term Link )
 Rights Manager, assigning inheritable privileges ( Index Term Link )
 RIPSO host type ( Index Term Link )
 rm command ( Index Term Link )
 roles ( Index Term Link )
 route command
  example ( Index Term Link )
  Set Default Routes action ( Index Term Link )
 routing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
  loading data at boot time ( Index Term Link )
  tables ( Index Term Link )
  through non-Trusted Solaris clusters ( Index Term Link )
 routing commands, examples ( Index Term Link )
 SAMP (Security Attribute Modulation Protocol), Trusted Solaris data packets ( Index Term Link )
 security administrator ( Index Term Link )
 security attributes, in data packets ( Index Term Link )
 security domain ( Index Term Link )
 security policy, overriding ( Index Term Link )
 sel_config file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 semaphore sets, overriding restrictions ( Index Term Link ) file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 sendmail command ( Index Term Link )
 session range ( Index Term Link )
 Set Daily Message action ( Index Term Link )
 Set Default Routes action ( Index Term Link )
 Set DNS Server action ( Index Term Link )
 Set Mail Options action ( Index Term Link )
 Set Mount Attributes action ( Index Term Link )
 Set Mount Points action ( Index Term Link )
 Set Tsol Gateways action ( Index Term Link )
 Share Filesystems action ( Index Term Link )
 shared memory regions, overriding restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 SMC Computers and Networks Tool ( Index Term Link )
 SMC Interface Manager Tool ( Index Term Link )
 sun_tsol host type ( Index Term Link )
 system administrator ( Index Term Link )
 system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 system operator ( Index Term Link )
 system security ( Index Term Link )
 system security configuration, networks ( Index Term Link )
 System V IPC ( Index Term Link )
 /tmp directory, as an MLD ( Index Term Link )
 tnchkdb command, action for checking ( Index Term Link )
 tnidb database
  action for checking ( Index Term Link )
  default values ( Index Term Link )
 tnrhdb database
  action for checking ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  remote hosts ( Index Term Link )
 tnrhtp database
  action for checking ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 trusted applications
  CDE actions ( Index Term Link )
  commands ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  enhanced desktop tools ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris Management Console ( Index Term Link )
 trusted_edit shell script, use in administrative actions ( Index Term Link )
 trusted path attribute ( Index Term Link )
 tsix host type ( Index Term Link )
 tsolgateways file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 tunneling ( Index Term Link )
  in rights ( Index Term Link )
  network interfaces ( Index Term Link )
 unlabeled host type ( Index Term Link )
 users, session range ( Index Term Link )
 vfstab_adjunct file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 vfstab file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 View Table Attributes action ( Index Term Link )
 View Table Contents action ( Index Term Link )
 well-formed labels ( Index Term Link )
 windows, privileges ( Index Term Link )
 X server, window privileges ( Index Term Link )
 ypinit command, action for creating NIS client ( Index Term Link )