Trusted Solaris Administration Overview

Administering Devices With the Device Allocation Manager

The Device Allocation Manager is accessed from the Tools subpanel on the Front Panel. The Device Allocation Manager is available to users with the Allocate Device authorization for allocation and deallocation only. Normal users cannot see if a device is currently allocated to another user and cannot perform maintenance through the Device Administration button. The Device Allocation Manager is shown in the following figure.

Figure 1-7 Device Allocation Manager


Device Administration Dialog Box

You display the Device Administration dialog box by clicking the Device Administration button in the Device Allocation Manager main window.

Figure 1-8 Device Administration Dialog Box


Buttons in the dialog box do the following:

You must have the revoke or reclaim device authorization for the above actions.

Device Allocation Configuration Dialog Box

To use the Device Allocation Configuration dialog box requires the Configure Device Attributes authorization. You display the dialog box by clicking the Configuration button in the Device Allocation Maintenance dialog box.

Figure 1-9 Device Allocation Configuration Dialog Box


The Device Allocation Configuration dialog box is divided into three parts:

Device Allocation Authorizations Dialog Box

By clicking the Authorizations button in the Device Allocation Configuration dialog box, you display the Device Allocation Authorizations dialog box. It lets you specify the authorizations required for using the device.

Figure 1-10 Device Allocation Authorizations Dialog Box


Device Allocation Databases and Commands

If you do not have access to the Device Allocation Manager, you can use the commands below to administer allocatable devices. The commands are effective whenever use of the Device Allocation Manager would be effective. The commands check for authorization. The commands use the device databases device_allocate(4), device_deallocate(4), and device_maps(4). Note that the 1M commands are not intended for non-administrative users.

Device Clean Scripts

Device clean scripts are special scripts that are run when a device is first allocated. Clean scripts address two security concerns:

The name of a device clean script for a specific device is stored with that device's entry in the device_allocate(4) file. The operations of each device clean program are specific to each device. The following is a list of tasks that a device clean program performs:

Not all allocatable devices require a device clean program. Devices that do not keep states and do not use removable media do not need a device clean program.

Device clean programs for tape, floppy disk, CD-ROM, and audio devices are provided by the Trusted Solaris environment. The configurable nature of the user device allocation mechanism enables an administrator to install new devices and configure device clean programs accordingly.

For more information on device allocation, see Chapter 15, "Managing Devices," in Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures.