Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Configure Users To Receive Mail Below Their Minimum Labels

The value upgrade means to upgrade a low-labeled message to the recipient's minimum label, and deliver it.

The value accept means to leave the message at the low label and deliver it.

The value return means to return the message to the sender (the default).

  1. Assume the Security Administrator role and go to an ADMIN_LOW workspace.

  2. Use the Set Mail Options action in the System_Admin folder in the Application Manager to open the file for editing.

  3. Search for TSOL, and change the default settings to reflect site security policy.

    # TSOL: Incoming mail below recipient's minimum label
    # Possible values are return, upgrade, or accept
    #O LabelTooLow=return
    # Special case for mail labeled admin_low
    #O LabelAdminLow=upgrade