Trusted Solaris Label Administration

To Specify Default and Inverse Words

  1. In the Security Administrator role in an ADMIN_HIGH shell, open the file for editing.

    See "To Modify the label_encodings File" if needed.

  2. Specify initial compartments and/or initial markings in the CLASSIFICATIONS section when defining the classification.

    name= PUBLIC;  sname= P;  value= 1;
    name= SUN FEDERAL;  sname= SUNFED;  value= 2; initial compartments= 4-5 ;
  3. Specify a default word by assigning an initial compartment or initial marking bit to the word.

    name= DIVISION ONLY;  sname= DO;  minclass=  IUO; compartments= 4-5; 
    name= SMCC AMERICA;  sname= SMCCA; minclass= IUO; compartments= 4;  
    name= SMCC WORLD;  sname= SMCCW; minclass= IUO; compartments= 5;  
  4. Specify an inverse word by assigning an initial compartment preceded by a tilde (~) to the word.

    name= DIVISION ONLY;  sname= DO;  minclass=  IUO; compartments= 4-5; 
    name= SMCC AMERICA;  sname= SMCCA; minclass= IUO; compartments= ~4;  
    name= SMCC WORLD;  sname= SMCCW; minclass= IUO; compartments= ~5;