Trusted Solaris Label Administration

To Add or Rename a Classification in the Default label_encodings File

  1. In the Security Administrator role in an ADMIN_HIGH workspace, open the label_encodings file for editing.

    See "To Modify the label_encodings File", if needed.

  2. In the VERSION= section put your site's name, a title for the file, a version number and the date.

    VERSION= Sun Microsystems, Inc. Example Version - 5.8 97/05/28

    Sun uses SCCS keywords for the version number and the date. (See the sccs(1) man page, if needed, for more about SCCS.)

    VERSION= Sun Microsystems, Inc. Example Version - %I% %E%
  3. In the CLASSIFICATIONS section, supply the long name, short name, and numeric value for the new classification.

    name= NEW_CLASS; sname= N; value= 2; 
  4. Add the new classification(s) to the ACCREDITATION RANGE section.

    The following example shows the three new classifications added to the ACCREDITATION RANGE section of the demonstration file. All three (INTERNAL_USE_ONLY, NEED_TO_KNOW, and REGISTERED) are specified with all compartment combinations valid.

    classification= UNCLASSIFIED;        all compartment combinations valid;
    * i is new in this file
    classification= INTERNAL_USE_ONLY;   all compartment combinations valid;
    * n is new in this file
    classification= NEED_TO_KNOW;        all compartment combinations valid;
    classification= CONFIDENTIAL;        all compartment combinations valid except:
    c a
    c b
    classification= SECRET;               only valid compartment combinations:
    . . .
    * r is new in this file
    classification= REGISTERED;           all compartment combinations valid;
  5. Adjust the minimums specified in the ACCREDITATION RANGE section if necessary.

    minimum clearance= u; 
    minimum sensitivity label= u; 
    minimum protect as classification= u;
  6. If you are done, save and quit the file.

  7. If you want to install the file, use the Check Encodings action and answer yes when asked if you want to install the new version of the file.