Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

Installing a Printer

When you use Printer Manager to install a printer on a system, you define the characteristics of the printer and identify the users who are permitted to access it. The system on which you install the printer becomes the print server.

Installing a printer means something different depending on whether you use a name service.

If You ... 

Then Printer Manager ... 

Use a name service 

Adds the printer in the NIS or NIS+ master file, and the printer is available to all SunSoft print clients

Don't use a name service 

Adds the printer in the print server's configuration files only, and print clients do not know about the printer 

How to Install a Printer

  1. Connect the printer to a system and turn on the power to the printer.

    Consult the printer vendor's installation documentation for information about the hardware switches and cabling requirements.

  2. Start Printer Manager.

    When you log in:

    • If your name service is NIS or NIS+, you can log in on any system on the network because you'll be able to specify the system on which you are installing the printer.

    • If you are not using a name service, you can log in on any system on the network and change the host name in the Load window to the name of the system to which you attached the printer.

      For detailed information about starting Printer Manager, see the procedure on "How to Start Printer Manager".

  3. Select Install Printer from the Edit menu.

    The Install Printer window is displayed.

  4. Fill in the window.

    If you need information to complete a field, click on the Help button to see field definitions for this window.

  5. Click on OK.

    If you are using NIS or NIS+, the printer is entered in the name service master file and all SunSoft print clients have access to it. The printer is also entered in the print server's /etc/printers.conf file and /etc/lp directory.

    If you are not using a name service, the printer is entered in the print server's /etc/printers.conf file and /etc/lp directory.


Verify that the printer has been installed by checking for the new printer entry in the Printer Manager main window.

Example of a Completed Install Printer Window

This example shows the Install Printer window when Printer Manager was loaded without a name service. If you use a name service, you can specify any system on the network as the print server in this window.

If you are not using a name service, the Print Server field displays the host name you specified in the Load window, and you cannot change the name of the print server in this window.
