Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

Example of a Command-Line Equivalent for Adding Services to an OS Server

The following command is equivalent to using Host Manager to add OS services on an OS server.

% admhostmod -x mediapath=jupiter:/cdrom/cdrom0/s0 -x platform=sparc.sun4c.Solaris_2.5

In this command,

-x mediapath= jupiter:/cdrom/cdrom0/s0

Specifies that the Solaris CD image is on a mounted CD on a remote system named jupiter. Note that the remote system must be minimally set up as a managed system.

-x platform= sparc.sun4c.Solaris_2.5

Specifies the services to be installed, in this case the Solaris 2.5 services for a SPARC Solaris, Sun4c kernel architecture. 


Specifies the name of the OS server.